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Chapter 1493 Analyzing Forms!

Chapter 1493 Analyzing Forms!

The Jade Emperor wasn't impatient either, he was also attracted by the golden beauty in the distance, now he didn't need the old fairy's explanation, the Jade Emperor also knew what the old fairy said about "miracle".

Before this, although the Jade Emperor had given the Immortal Realm Experience Pill to other people in the Immortal Realm, although the Immortal Realm Experience Pill was a very high-level pill, Xiang Shuang'er and the Three-legged Golden Crow had never appeared in the previous immortal family. This kind of scene that can dye one side of the sky golden yellow has never appeared before.

"It's just why there are only two paths in that golden light?" Jade Emperor looked at the sky and murmured to himself.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" The Jade Emperor also guessed what the old fairy was thinking at this time, and he said to the old fairy with a smile on his face.

So the two of them flew towards the place where Lin Xiu and the others lived in the colorful clouds.

After a while, they arrived at the place where Lin Xiu was.

Sensing the changes in the surrounding breath, Lin Xiu immediately walked out of the state of cultivation, he stood up quickly, and his body reacted quickly, and he was in an attacking state!
"Jade Emperor?" But when he saw that the person who appeared in front of him was the Jade Emperor and an old fairy he didn't know, he relaxed his hand.

"Why did you come here suddenly?" Lin Xiu asked the Jade Emperor in some puzzlement.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that when Immortal Baichen and I were discussing about the Dark Demon Race, he suddenly noticed something strange on your side, so we came over to see what's going on!" The Jade Emperor looked at Lin Xiu. What important situation, so he waved his hands and said to Lin Xiu.

"By the way, didn't I give you three fairy world experience pills, why don't you take them yourself?" The Jade Emperor thought about seeing Lin Xiu sitting cross-legged on the ground like an arhat at first, so he asked with some doubts.

"Oh, this, I want to help them protect the law first. I think this fairy world experience pill contains very powerful power. It will take a lot of time to completely absorb the power inside!"

"If the three of us break through at the same time, if any special circumstances happen during this period, it will be very troublesome!" Lin Xiu told the Jade Emperor all his thoughts.

The Jade Emperor looked at Lin Xiu, and he admired Lin Xiu even more in his heart.He and Immortal Baichen exchanged glances, and then nodded slightly at Lin Xiu.

"Now that you're here, Lin Xiu, I have something to ask you." The Jade Emperor slowly landed from the sky to the ground as high as Lin Xiu, and asked like a man seeking virtue. Lin Xiu.

"It's okay to just say it!" Lin Xiu said, spreading his hands to the Jade Emperor.

"Baichen Immortal and I also talked about the form of the Dark Demon Clan just now, and you should be the one who knows the form of the Dark Demon Clan best now. Tell me, how should we deal with him now? Watching the Dark Demon Emperor cultivate is not a good thing!"

After finishing speaking, the Jade Emperor also sighed heavily, and it could be seen that he was also very troubled by his old enemy, the Dark Demon Emperor.

"Although the Dark Demon Clan has only one Dark Demon Emperor and two Dark Demon Kings left at the top, none of us know how many pawns he still hides in the dark."

"Although we have some advantages now, we must not be too impulsive, because impulsiveness is the devil, it will not only make the advantages we have now disappear, but it may even make us change from active to passive! "

Lin Xiu helped Jade Emperor to analyze methodically. Listening to his analysis, Jade Emperor and Baichen Immortal both nodded in approval.

"Then what should we do now? Could it be that we just sit and wait for death without doing anything?" Immortal Baichen asked Lin Xiu his question, and the Jade Emperor looked at Lin Xiu. Obviously, the problem that Immortal Baichen said was exactly his. want to ask.

"It's definitely not enough to just sit and wait. We can now eat up the power of the Dark Demon Race on the bright side bit by bit, so that their power cannot be expanded, and then slowly eliminate the evil forces that the Dark Demon Emperor wants to cultivate. He was investigated and found out, making it impossible for him to make a final breakthrough."

"Of course, these things are difficult to accomplish in a short period of time, but according to my battle with the Dark Demons, it is absolutely impossible for the Dark Demon Emperor to complete his final breakthrough in such a short period of time, so our time Definitely enough!"

Before Lin Xiu entered the state of cultivation, he also thoroughly analyzed the current form, but now, he just told the Jade Emperor and Baichen Fairy what he had analyzed before.

"Good idea, now I will send out the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to defeat the lairs of the Dark Demon Race one by one!" After listening to Lin Xiu's analysis, the Jade Emperor suddenly smiled.He just wants to put Lin Xiu's idea into practice now.

"Please wait a moment! Jade Emperor!" Looking at the impatient Jade Emperor, Lin Xiu stopped him helplessly.

"Now we can't send out all the heavenly soldiers and generals wantonly. If this is the case, the Dark Demon Emperor will ignore the breakthrough and fight us to the death in advance. I think this will definitely not be the result you want to see. Go!" Lin Xiu said to the Jade Emperor.

"Then what should we do!" The Jade Emperor was about to be confused by Lin Xiu at this time. Why did he say at the beginning that he wanted to wipe out all the forces of the Dark Demon Race? It's not a paradox that you'll be dispatched
"Jade Emperor, please be calm!" Immortal Baichen looked at Lin Xiu appreciatively, and then shifted his gaze to the direction of Jade Emperor. Although he had heard of the name Lin Xiu before, but today It was the first time the two of them met.

Famous is worse than meeting. This sentence is really true. From the mouths of other people, I understand that a person has never experienced the truth himself.

"I think this little friend Lin Xiu is right!" Immortal Baichen helped Lin Xiu explain to the Jade Emperor.

"If we send out the heavenly soldiers and generals in a big way now, the dark demons will probably also send out their demon soldiers and generals!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Although after these few blows, the power of the Dark Demon Clan is far from what it was before!" Immortal Baichen said lightly while stroking his whisk.

(End of this chapter)

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