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Chapter 1494 Dispatching troops!

Chapter 1494 Dispatching troops!

"But this skinny camel is still bigger than a horse after all! Besides, this dark demon is far beyond what a camel can match!"

"If the dark demons fight back recklessly, I don't think you, Jade Emperor, want to see the consequences of this life being ruined!" Immortal Baichen said to Jade Emperor with a slight frown.

Now his thinking has also changed from a thunderous blow to the dark demons at the beginning, and gradually being persuaded by Lin Xiu to become a boiled frog in warm water!
"This won't work either! That won't work either! Then what do you think I should do now?!" The Jade Emperor also became a little impatient because he knew that Lin Xiu and Baichen Xianren had already made up their minds. After he figured out the countermeasures, he was too lazy to think about it.
"It's actually very simple, we just need to nibble away at the dark demons step by step! Let's boil the frog in warm water, and when the frog reacts, half of his body should be cooked!" Baichen Fairy laughed. Flicking his fly whisk, he said to the Jade Emperor.

The anxious emotion on Jade Emperor's face disappeared instantly after reacting!

"You two have been able to figure out each other's thoughts after meeting for the first time. If this is the case, then you two should chat for a while, and I'll go back to Tiangong to make arrangements!" Jade Emperor smiled at Bai Chen talked to Lin Xiu, and after he finished speaking, his body slowly floated up.

A colorful cloud appeared on the empty ground under his feet, and then he stepped on the colorful cloud and quickly flew into the distance.
"Since the Jade Emperor said so, let's have a chat, little friend Lin Xiu!" Seeing that the Jade Emperor had moved away, Bai Chen put his gaze on Lin Xiu and said to Lin Xiu.

"That's great!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he waved his sleeves towards the ground, and two fairy chairs appeared out of nowhere on the ground.

Although Lin Xiu and Baichenxian met for the first time, they had endless topics to talk about like two old friends who had reunited after a long absence.

Sometimes, there is not much connection between a true confidant and age, and knowledge. Drinking with a confidant is less than a thousand cups, and talking is not speculative!A person with the same knowledge and age as you appears in front of you, but his concept is completely different from yours. You can be friends at best, but you will never be confidantes.
"You can also eat the fairy world experience pill! I can protect you!" After chatting for a day and a night, the Baichen fairy saw that behind Lin Xiu, there was still no change in Shuang'er and the three-legged Jinwu, and kept talking to Lin Xiu. It was the same situation as before.So Immortal Baichen said to Lin Xiu.

Firstly, this way can save Lin Xiu from having to work so hard to protect Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow, and secondly, it can save time for Lin Xiu and the others, so that they can use the medicine of the Immortal World Experience Pill faster and better. Efficiency to the limit.

Seeing Immortal Baichen say this, Lin Xiu was not pretentious. He bowed to Immortal Baichen and walked towards his room.

A few seconds later, Lin Xiu's room also emitted a golden light, but the golden light in Lin Xiu's room was obviously more dazzling than that of Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow, and it didn't take a while.The golden light emitted by Lin Xiu illuminated the entire heaven!
Above the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor is discussing some important matters with a group of Heavenly Soldiers in the Golden Luan Hall!

"I believe that the Qing family hates the Dark Demon Clan very much!" The Jade Emperor sat on the dragon chair and said to the immortals below, but at this time, all the warriors under the Jade Emperor were warriors, and there were no civil servants!
"I beg for your order." Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, was holding his pagoda and was about to speak, but the Jade Emperor waved his hand at him to indicate that he hadn't finished speaking.
"I have discussed with Immortal Baichen and others before, and now I have a strategy in mind!" Jade Emperor said to Li Jing and others.

"Please make it clear, Your Majesty!" Li Jing and others stood below and said to the Jade Emperor.

At this time, Li Jing was the most embarrassing in the whole hall, he could only stand awkwardly and salute the Jade Emperor like the immortals in front of him and behind him.

"I'm here to tell you now, because Lin Xiushuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow went deep into the Dark Demon Clan and dealt heavy damage to the Dark Demon Clan, so the strength of the Dark Demon Clan is far inferior to before! "

"I beg for your order," Li Jing said to the Jade Emperor again.

"Tota Heavenly King, I know you want to fight, but can you listen to what I have to say first! You go back first!" Sure enough, Li Jing's words could only be half spoken.
"Yes!" Li Jing held the pagoda with one hand, bowed to the Jade Emperor with the other hand, and then quickly returned to the immortals' house.

"But even so, the strength of the Dark Demon Clan should not be underestimated!" Jade Emperor looked at Li Jing and continued.

"So I decided to erode the power of the Dark Demon Race bit by bit. By the time they find out, it will be too late!"

"Li Jing!"

"Here!" Hearing that the Jade Emperor finally called his name, Li Jing came out from among the immortals and shouted loudly.

"I will now appoint you as the commander-in-chief to suppress the dark demons' lair this time! Do you have any objections!" Jade Emperor said to Li Jing. In fact, at the beginning, the Jade Emperor did not want Li Jing to be the commander-in-chief Yes, but with Li Jing doing this, he was too embarrassed to keep Li Jing from stepping down, so he could only hand over the position of commander-in-chief to Li Jing!
"I take orders!" Li Jing put the pagoda in his hand on the ground, then knelt down and shouted at the Jade Emperor.

"En! This order can command hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals! Take it!" The Jade Emperor glanced at Li Jing, and then took out a dragon seal from behind him and said to Li Jing.

"Thank you Emperor Yu for granting the seal, I will definitely fulfill your entrustment!" Li Jing walked up to the Jade Emperor, and then dragged the dragon seal up with both hands, which was more grand than the pagoda entrusted to him
"If you need any of the immortals present, you can dispatch them at any time!" The Jade Emperor was afraid that Li Jing would mess around, so he mentioned another point to Li Jing!
"Okay, all the immortals go back! Li Tianwang, you stay here, I still have something to explain to you!" In the end, the Jade Emperor was afraid that Li Jing would not understand what he meant, so he kept him for a while!
Time passed extremely quickly in the peaceful years. After half a month, both Shuang'er and Tripod Golden Crow had absorbed the effects of the Immortal World Experience Pill in their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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