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Chapter 1495 Tranquil years!

Chapter 1495 Tranquil years!
The two of them also directly crossed domains from the early stage of the Immortal Emperor to the peak of the Immortal Emperor!
Different from when they went in, when Shuang'er and Three-legged Golden Crow came out, their bodies were full of black filth, and they were also full of unpleasant smells
It turned out that when they broke through, the Immortal World Experience Pill remodeled their bodies and veins again, excreting all the filthy substances left in their bodies.

After Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow came out of the room, they went to the Tianchi and rubbed their whole bodies three times before giving up.
When they came out, although they felt doubts about the Baichen Immortal who was protecting them outside, but feeling the clean immortal energy emanating from Baichen Immortal without a trace of mortal aura, they instantly moved their hearts. I let it go.

Another month passed, and there was still no change in Lin Xiu's room.

Immortal Baichen was not in a hurry, but Shuang'er and the three-legged Jinwu were anxious inside.

"Shangxian, how much time do you think the boss will need to break through successfully? We only took half a month!" The three-legged Golden Crow said loudly in Baichen's ear.

"Ahahaha." Immortal Baichen said with a smile while stroking the white beard that had grown a lot in more than a month, looking at the three-legged Golden Crow.

"The efficacy of this medicine varies from person to person. In the past, some people used the fairy world experience pill bestowed by the Jade Emperor, but their breakthrough time was far less than half the time of yours! And the breakthrough they obtained in the retreat is far less than yours. There are so many!" Immortal Baichen looked at Lin Xiu's room and explained to the three-legged Golden Crow.

"That means, the longer it takes to break through, the more complete the properties of the medicine will be absorbed, and the more advanced levels will be?" Shuang'er said while helping Immortal Baichen make tea.

"It can be understood in this way!" Immortal Baichen said with a smile.

In fact, when Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow completed their breakthrough, Immortal Baichen could leave, but he didn't, because he wanted to see how great Lin Xiu's potential was!
In this way, time is passing bit by bit.

King Tota Li also knew how to fight this battle after being informed in detail by the Jade Emperor. He also closely followed the principle of encroaching step by step, and gave many bases of the Dark Demon Race to him. Destroyed!
Although on the surface it is not a big deal for a few bases to be destroyed, once the number of destroyed bases reaches a terrifying number, it will deal a great blow to the Dark Demons !
"Jade Emperor! You are really good!" The Dark Demon Emperor cursed while clutching a sacrificial offering tightly.

"You guys! Go! Bring me all the spare sacrifices quickly!" The Dark Demon Emperor stretched out his hand, and a soldier of the Dark Demon Race was directly caught in his hand, and as long as he wanted, He can pinch the neck of the soldier above his hand at any time!
"Yes!" Feeling that the powerful attraction around his body had completely disappeared, the soldier of the Dark Demon Race hurriedly bowed tremblingly to the Dark Demon Emperor a few times, and then Forcibly lifted his legs that had been frightened weak just now.Go get a spare sacrifice for the Dark Demon Emperor!

"You guys forced me! You guys forced me!!!"

"When I break through, it will be your end!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie"

In this gloomy environment, there is only the creepy laughter of the Dark Demon Emperor!

It was also on this day that the golden light that had existed for a long time on the heaven finally dissipated bit by bit.

The direction of dissipation is naturally Lin Xiu's room.

On this day, outside Lin Xiu's residence was filled with a crowd of fairy families. They were obviously attracted by the powerful force in Lin Xiu's room!

You must know that the last time such a phenomenon occurred in the heavenly court was when the Jade Emperor survived his catastrophe!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and the golden light that had surrounded the heaven for nearly two months was also moving closer to Lin Xiu's room little by little.

Soon, all the golden light above the heaven disappeared, and a dazzling golden light appeared outside Lin Xiu's room, even in the daytime, which made immortals feel unusually dazzling!

A loud noise came from Lin Xiu's room. It seemed that there was a huge black hole in Lin Xiu's room, absorbing all the golden light surrounding his room!

There was another loud noise, but this loud noise did not come from Lin Xiu's room, but came from the sky higher than the nine heavens, and accompanied by this loud noise was a Huge golden lightning.

The lightning directly dispersed the room where Lin Xiu was.Some timid immortals covered their eyes and dared not look.

"Boom! Rumble!"

After the lightning, there was a huge thunder in the sky again. The thunder was so deafening that all the immortals present covered their ears with their hands desperately.

Some of the low-level people even had blood flowing out of their ears.

The thunder, lightning, and golden light all dissipated quickly. At this moment, a huge energy appeared in Lin Xiu's room.

Except for the Baichen fairy, there is no great power at the level of the Daluo Jinxian here, so they can only feel the power of that energy.

But Immortal Baichen could feel the meaning behind that energy!
Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow were also attracted by the sudden vision in Lin Xiu's room at this time. Compared with their breakthrough, Lin Xiu's breakthrough was even more spectacular!So they didn't notice at all that Baichen Immortal beside them had stood up and walked slowly outside Lin Xiu's room!
"This kid! What are you doing? Why did you suddenly draw out such a powerful force?!" Although Baichen Immortal could feel Lin Xiu in the room, he still didn't understand the meaning of Lin Xiu's actions. !


All the golden light poured into the room, and the energy in Lin Xiu's room reached its peak at this moment.

"Such a large amount of energy, can this kid's body bear it?" Baichen Immortal stood outside the house and murmured worriedly. If Lin Xiu had any accidents inside, he would be able to deal with it as soon as possible. Rescue from inside!
(End of this chapter)

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