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Chapter 1497 Master-Apprentice Showdown!

Chapter 1497 Master-Apprentice Showdown!

"Boss, let me tell you the truth. This time, the Immortal Realm Experience Pill I used not only allowed me to make a breakthrough in the level, but also allowed me to develop my natal weapon, Nirvana!" The three-legged Golden Crow general Nirvana Putting the disk around his neck, he explained to Lin Xiu triumphantly.

"That's right, as expected of my little brother. You should act first!" Sensing the improvement that the three-legged Golden Crow has gained in this training, Li Tiexin was genuinely happy for him.

"Boss, where's your Qinglian Sword?" Looking at Lin Xiu who didn't have any weapon in his hand, a trace of surprise gradually appeared on the face of the three-legged Golden Crow.

"I don't need it now! Wait to see if you have the strength worthy of me using the Qinglian Sword!" Lin Xiu put his hands behind his back, looking calm and breezy!

"Boss, you look down on me a bit! Although I admit that if you use all your strength, I should be unable to resist, but I'm not so strong that you don't even have to draw your sword!" Three-legged Jinwu Looking at Lin Xiu, a trace of anger finally appeared on her face. Although he admitted that Lin Xiu is indeed very powerful, she is now very confident after the breakthrough.

Seeing that Lin Xiu didn't even draw out his weapon when dealing with him, he thought that Lin Xiu really looked down on him.

While speaking, the three-legged Jinwu took Nirvana off her neck and held it in his hand.

The three-legged Jinwu raised his head and looked at Lin Xiu for a few more times. After seeing Lin Xiu's still calm expression, he finally took the lead in attacking Lin Xiu!
He stretched out his right hand and put it in front of his mouth, and then gently bit a small hole in it with his teeth, and then he dropped a drop of golden blood on her right hand onto the nirvana that hit him!The Nirvana in his hand suddenly shone brightly.


The three-legged Golden Crow fired its Nirvana toward Lin Xiu, and the Nirvana flew towards Lin Xiu like a huge arrow, and it carried a huge arrow on him. high temperature,.

If you throw this thing into the forest, it will directly cause a huge forest fire
In less than a second, the Nirvana flew in front of Lin Xiu's body. Shuang'er, who had known the power of the three-legged Golden Crow's Nirvana, wanted to rush towards Lin Xiu at this moment.

But in fact his worries are unnecessary
All I saw was that Lin Xiu's pupils suddenly dilated, and the surrounding landscape seemed to slow down in his eyes, and even the Nirvana that was running at high speed seemed to be still in his eyes!
The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth raised slightly, he slowly lifted her right hand, and then casually picked up the Nirvana that was born in him, if you observe carefully enough, you can still I saw a slight chill on Lin Xiu's right hand.

Lin Xiu blinked its eyes twice, and his pupils returned to their normal appearance, and she also returned to normal time operation just for things.

He took Nirvana in his hand and weighed it twice, then Lin Xiu threw it forward, and Nirvana was accurately wrapped around the three-legged Jinwu's neck.

The three-legged Jinwu shook her head a few times, as if he had a dream, and now he is awake.Even if Nirvana was contaminated with his own blood essence, his boss could easily hold it in his hands and play with it. The three-legged Jinwu finally gave up his determination to confront his boss.

Because it's meaningless to continue the confrontation, he and Lin Xiu are not on the same level at all.

But after this duel, she also grew up, and he also understood that he was too inflated before him. Confidence is a good thing, but sometimes being too confident and becoming conceited can become a bad thing!
"Boss, I'm sorry! At the beginning, I was a little arrogant!" Putting Nirvana away, the three-legged Jinwu lowered his head and said to Lin Xiu in regret.

Putting his hands behind his back again, Lin Xiu slowly walked up to the three-legged Golden Crow, and then patted her on the shoulder lightly.

"I am very satisfied that you can grow into this look now! But, don't swell! Swelling will make you unable to see yourself clearly, and will make you suffer a lot of damage because you underestimate your opponent." Lin Xiu Another good lesson for the three-legged Jinwu!

"Boss, I understand. I will definitely not be inflated in the future, and I will treat others with humility in the future!" The three-legged Jinwu said this to Lin Xiu, but it was also said to himself!
"Shuang'er, clean up the venue!" Lin Xiu didn't look at the three-legged Golden Crow, he came to Shuang'er and said to Shuang'er.

"Yeah!" Shuang'er nodded to Lin Xiu, and then cleaned up the deep ground caused by the three-legged Golden Crow's Nirvana!

The three-legged Golden Crow felt a lot of emotion after the duel with Lin Xiu, so he stood there for a while, then got up and went back to the room.

And because Lin Xiu just broke through successfully, the energy in his body has not been completely stabilized, so he also has to go back to the room to stabilize his current state.

In fact, the Jade Emperor has been waiting for Lin Xiu, that is, his general, to make a breakthrough. Although Li Jing led those heavenly soldiers and generals, they have already dealt with all the lairs that the dark demons put on the bright side.But if the dark demons are not completely eliminated, the Jade Emperor will not be able to completely let go of his heart!
Lin Xiu just broke through the realm, and the Jade Emperor also felt the powerful movement when he broke through the realm, so in the past few days, the Jade Emperor did not come to look for Lin Xiu!
He is waiting for Lin Xiu to take the initiative to find her, and he believes that this day will not be too far away!
Above the Heavenly Court, outside the Nantian Gate, a monkey radiating black light was playing around with a long stick in its hand!Many heavenly soldiers and generals in Nantianmen have died on its stick!

That monkey is none other than Sun Wukong!
"This sign that says 'Nantianmen' is really ugly! I'd better let my grandson do some good deeds!" Sun Wukong looked up at the plaque on "Nantianmen".

"Sun Wukong! Don't mess around! This is not a place for you to mess around!" The heavenly soldiers and generals guarding the Nantian Gate said to Monkey King.

"Hehe!" Sun Wukong smiled at the heavenly soldiers and generals. Although it was a smile, those heavenly soldiers and generals did not see a trace of kindness from Sun Wukong's face.Especially his eyes, his eyes are completely black, although he can still reflect the appearance of heavenly soldiers and generals in his eyes, but when others look at his eyes, it is like looking at a bottomless abyss!

(End of this chapter)

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