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Chapter 1498 Monkey King strikes!

Chapter 1498 Monkey King strikes!
The golden cudgel that was only half a foot long in Sun Wukong's hand became several meters long in an instant.

"Let my old grandson do a big renovation for this heaven!" After finishing speaking, Sun Wukong slammed the golden cudgel in his hand on the Nantian Gate, only to hear a loud "bang" With a loud ringing sound, the Nantianmen directly fell down in front of the eyes of all the heavenly soldiers and generals.

"Sun Wukong! Do you know what you are doing? You are no longer the monkey who made trouble in the sky! You are fighting against Buddha now! How dare you mess around like this in Nantianmen!" A captain of the Heavenly Soldiers stood He came out and said to Sun Wukong with righteous words.

Listening to what the man said, Sun Wukong clutched his golden hoop, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes, but then, a black air came out from behind him, and his whole temperament changed drastically.

If he was considered a villain before, then he is a demon now!

"What kind of thing are you, you dare to order my old grandson!" Sun Wukong appeared in front of the captain of the soldier that day, and without hesitation, he directly photographed him to the next session, the Nine Worlds Height, the captain of the soldiers that day fell to the ground, probably directly bloody.
"Then what's the noise outside the Nantian Gate!?" The Jade Emperor was sitting in the Lingxiao Palace and heard the movement of the Nantian Gate, so he asked the immortals!
After hearing the Jade Emperor's words, all the immortals hurriedly took out their magical weapons and checked the situation of Nantianmen individually!
"Speak to the Jade Emperor! It's Monkey King!" a little fairy said to the Jade Emperor.

"It turned out to be that Poor Monkey! What is that Poor Monkey here for?" The Jade Emperor nodded when he thought of Monkey King, but it was just a good-hearted one, because he believed that the current Monkey King would not be able to do anything. Such an outrageous thing as before!
"Jade Emperor, something is wrong!" Taibai Jinxing also observed the situation of Nantianmen from his magic weapon, and he instantly felt that there was something wrong with Sun Wukong's current appearance!
"What's the matter?" Jade Emperor waved his hand in the direction of Taibai Jinxing, and the magic weapon in Taibai Jinxing's hand appeared directly on the table in front of Jade Emperor.

"This Poor Monkey, this Poor Monkey, is the madness attack again!" Seeing the appearance of the Nantian Gate in the Taibai Jinxing Magical Artifact at this time, the Jade Emperor was so angry that he couldn't even speak!
Now the Nantianmen is full of corpses of heavenly soldiers and generals, and the gate of Nantianmen was also smashed by Monkey King's golden cudgel at this time!
"Erlang God!" The Jade Emperor slammed Taibai Jinxing's magic weapon to the ground, and then loudly called the name of Erlang God Yang Jian.

"The minister is here!" Erlang Shen led his Xiaotian dog and stood up directly.

"Now I order you to go to Nantian Gate and bring me back that monkey!" Jade Emperor gritted his teeth and said to Erlang God.

"I lead the decree!" After hearing what the Jade Emperor said, Erlang God took his Xiaotian dog and flew out towards the Nantian Gate.

"Taibai Jinxing!" The Jade Emperor waved his magic weapon on the ground back to Taibai Jinxing's hand and said to him.

"The minister is here!" Taibai Jinxing held onto his magic weapon while answering the Jade Emperor's words.

"Hurry up and invite Jin Chanzi to me now, only Jin Chanzi can cure this monkey!" Jade Emperor said irritably, holding his head.

Taibai Jinxing bowed to the Jade Emperor when he put away his magic weapon, and then left directly to look for Jin Chanzi.

"I don't know what kind of madness this monkey is going on!" Jade Emperor closed his eyes to feel the situation of Nantian Gate, and he was a little bit overwhelmed. The matter of the Dark Demon Clan had not yet been settled, and the monkey grandson gave him such an outburst again.
At this moment in Lin Xiu's room, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda next to Lin Xiu made a strange sound, if it wasn't blocked by the walls of the room, he would fly out towards the south!

"Shuang'er, the three-legged Golden Crow!" Lin Xiu called out the names of Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow!

Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow soon came to Lin Xiu, asking what was going on with Lin Xiu!
"Did anything happen in Heaven recently?" But what happened to them was indeed Lin Xiu's rhetorical question.
"I don't know, Boss, I've been studying my Nirvana these days, and I haven't gone out yet!" The three-legged Jinwu said to Lin Xiu.

"I've been consolidating my realm these days, and taking pills to improve my realm always makes me feel a little vain!" Shuang'er's words also showed that he hadn't gone out these days!

"Since this is the case, something must have happened in the south of the Heavenly Court, otherwise my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda would not have such a strange situation. It must be the people of the Dark Demon Race! Yes, it must be them! "Lin Xiu looked at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, feeling very uneasy in his heart.

"Go, south, Nantianmen, follow me to Nantianmen!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he put away the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, got up and walked towards Nantianmen.

Shuang'er and the three-legged Golden Crow looked at each other, and then quickly followed Lin Xiu's pace.

Lin Xiu's Seven Treasures Glazed Tower has an evolutionary effect on the aura of the dark demons, so it also has a very sensitive reaction to the aura of the dark demons. This time the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda has such a violent reaction, there must be dark demons The person appeared!
"Dead monkey, what do you want to do!? How dare you start killing at Nantianmen!" Outside Nantianmen, Erlang God Yang Jian had already met Monkey King at this time.

When Erlang God just came to Nantianmen, he only saw Monkey King lying on the ground with a puddle of sticky blood on the ground, and the sound of "click, click" was making from Monkey King's mouth, and Monkey King seemed to be chewing something , After he took a closer look, he realized that Monkey King was eating the flesh and blood of those heavenly soldiers and generals!
"Havoc in the Heavenly Palace, isn't it! It's no big deal to do it again!" Seeing Erlang God coming, Monkey King threw the corpse on his hand to the ground, and then said to Erlang God.

The corpse thrown on the ground by Monkey King was already bloody and bloody, and there was no way to judge what he looked like before he was alive.

Although it is said that the heavenly soldiers and generals are all gods, they can reincarnate quickly after death, but now Monkey King not only eats their bodies alive, but also kills their souls!

Don't talk about reincarnation now, even if they want to be a lonely ghost, there is no hope!
(End of this chapter)

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