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Chapter 181 Kendo Consciousness?

Chapter 181 Kendo Consciousness? (be careful!)
These disciples immediately grabbed it, but Mayfair saw these people scrambling for the golden liquid, but she was indifferent. She always felt that the liquid was a bit strange.

"Stop it all, these kendo consciousness belongs to me!" He only heard Zhang Zifeng shouted immediately, he jumped up, and put all the golden liquid around him into a bowl, there was a lot of golden liquid But it all fell on him.

"It's too much, Senior Brother Zhang Zifeng!" someone said.

"This is Lord Sword Spirit's blessing to us! How can you enjoy it to yourself!" You said humanely.

"I'll have it all to myself, how can you get me?" Zhang Zifeng said arrogantly.

Although everyone is a sword cultivator, they are far inferior to Zhang Zifeng in terms of strength. Now there is no way to compete with Zhang Zifeng.

"No, I've never heard of such a thing!" Lu Ting wondered.

"They're just talking nonsense, but why do these liquids feel so strange, they seem to have a weird smell!" Du Yun said at this time.

"This... Sovereign Master, I also feel a little strange about what you said, and the sword consciousness, doesn't it all appear in the form of crystals? But there has never been such a liquid!" Han Zhengdao.

"Then... what are these?" Li Hong's mouth twitched, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"Look, Lin Xiu has come down!" Lu Ting said.

"What is behind him..." Han Zheng said.

"That seems to be the spirit sword in the sword tower, no way, why did this spirit sword come down with him?" Du Yun's eyes were full of shock.

Lin Xiu indeed came down from the top of the sword tower, not only that, when he was on the ninth floor, he just summoned the Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus, and the sword spirit gave up immediately. As for the eighth floor in front, Dugu Nine The sword's broken sword style can defeat the sword spirit in one style.

Knowing that the sword spirit couldn't speak, Lin Xiu didn't bother to talk nonsense. Seeing that the sword spirit was going over with a single move, the sword spirit couldn't resist it at all.

This is the case for eight consecutive floors, but only the ninth floor, because the opponent's realm has reached the fourth floor of the Wuxu Realm, and his strength is too strong. Even Lin Xiu's sword-breaking style can't break the sword of the sword spirit, so he had to use the Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus, Unexpectedly, the sword spirit immediately surrendered, and the spirit sword was still following him.

"With your sister? Get the hell out of me, my young master, I don't care for your broken sword! Still following? Believe it or not, my young master beat you?" Lin Xiu said, kicking the spirit sword away.

What kind of spirit sword is just a heaven-level weapon. Lin Xiu's Infinity Sword is much more powerful than it.

"..." Du Yun wiped his eyes.

"..." The three elders smacked their foreheads with their hands.

"..." The eyes of the others looking at Lin Xiu were full of complex expressions, envy, jealousy, resentment, and anger.

Nima, what did we see?The spirit sword came out with Lin Xiu on his own initiative, that's all, the most important thing is that Lin Xiu refused!

Is he crazy?This spirit sword took the initiative to recognize him as the master, but he was unwilling?
"Lin Xiu, this spirit sword is left by a master of swordsmanship. It has been psychic and has its own consciousness. It now recognizes you as the master. If you get it, your strength will definitely increase. Quite a few, why don't you want it?" Du Yun said.

"Why do I want such a weak weapon?" Lin Xiu said with disdain on his face, "And it's already so tattered, and I'm not a tattered weapon, so why would I want it?"

For Lin Xiu, only weapons above the heavenly level would be of interest to him.

However, Lin Xiu's words left everyone speechless again.

Damn your sister!This is a famous sword, isn't it?People are willing to take the initiative to recognize the Lord, but you still despise it!

"Ahem... Lin Xiu, this spirit sword is actually just covered in dust right now. As long as you use it, one day, it will bloom its brilliance again, and it will be able to restore its original strength by then!" Du Yun coughed lightly, and then said.

"So that's the case, well, since this is the case, I'll take it with you without any trouble!" After Lin Xiu heard this, he thought for a while before saying.

Avoid it?When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, they wanted to beat Lin Xiu up. This bastard really deserved a beating. Did he think the spirit sword was so easy to get?In the entire Great Qin Kingdom, it is estimated that there will be no more than three items, okay!
"Lin Xiu, did you really reach the top of the tower just now?" Du Yun asked again.

"That's right, although I wasted a little time, I still reached the top of the tower. This is finally your test!" Lin Xiu said.

"Of course, but I still have a question I want to ask. Do you know what the sword consciousness that fell just now is?" Du Yun asked.

"Sword awareness? What is that?" Lin Xiu asked with a blank face.

"It's the golden liquid that fell from the sky just now!" Lu Ting explained.

"Golden liquid? You mean that one. I was on the top just now and felt a little anxious, so I took a pee. I've already chosen a direction where no one is there. What's the problem?" Lin Xiu said.

"What?" When the other people around heard it, their faces changed drastically.

Especially those who have been chasing after these golden liquids, they suddenly remembered the smell of these liquids, their faces changed drastically, and some people vomited on the spot.

The one with the ugliest complexion was Zhang Zifeng. Not to mention how ugly his complexion was at this time, his entire body was drenched by the golden liquid.

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiu asked in a daze.

"They thought it was the swordsmanship consciousness left by the seniors just now, so they want to go back and digest it!" Du Yun said with a strange expression.

It turned out that the things that were sprinkled on it just now were regarded as treasures by them. Lin Xiu suddenly said: "Who of you want this kind of 'sense of swordsmanship'? I still have a lot of them here, come and come, the one with the highest price gets it!"

After everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, their eyes were about to kill people. It's not enough for this bastard to harm them once, and he wants to do it again. What kind of swordsmanship consciousness is this? It's obviously yours... Ugh! ! !

"Master, how can you do this? This is too much!" Shuang'er said.

"I can't help it. There's no toilet up there. I'm in a hurry!" Lin Xiu spread his hands.

"Okay, Lin Xiu, you have passed the test. From now on, you are my nephew, and also the uncle of other disciples or elders!" Du Yun said.

"What? Sovereign, what do you mean? Are you going to accept him as a disciple?" Lu Ting said quickly, but he couldn't accept the fact that Lin Xiu suddenly became his senior brother!

 Fourth more!

(End of this chapter)

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