Chapter 182 Demon Master
"That's right, he will be the senior brother among the second-generation disciples, and also your senior senior brother, and he will also be the uncle of other disciples!" Du Yun said.


After everyone heard it, the corners of their mouths twitched, no way, let this kind of evil be our uncle?
Although they just met Lin Xiu not long ago, everyone has already understood that this person is not easy to provoke, and everything he has done seems to be so earth-shattering and shocking. Dare to pee on the top of the sword tower, it is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Sovereign, do you really want him to be our senior brother?" Lu Ting's expression changed. Others only knew about Lin Xiu, but he knew more. When he was in Cangming City, Lin Xiu's What he did left a deep impression on Lu Ting. Lu Ting couldn't believe how shameless such a person would be. If he became his senior brother, damn it...

Can this day go on?
"Our sect has a sect, anyone who can reach the ten-story sword tower can become a holy son of our sect, and Lin Xiu is also my disciple, so he can naturally become your senior brother, and other people's senior uncles !" Only Du Yun said.

Although Du Yun is actually the same generation as the other elders, as long as he becomes the suzerain, his seniority will naturally increase, so Du Yun can be said to be the elder of the other elders. Now Lin Xiu is not only a disciple of Du Yun, but also a holy son. This identity, this status, will only be under the suzerain.

So now Lin Xiu's position as a senior uncle has been successfully settled.

Zhang Zifeng and other core disciples were dumbfounded. Originally they came to trouble Lin Xiu, but now he became his uncle in the blink of an eye. What can we do?
"Thank you suzerain, since this is the case, I can settle this account first!" Lin Xiu said with a smile, "Who bet with my uncle just now!"

"..." There was no sound around.

"The young master accepted it so quickly, he no longer calls himself the young master, but the uncle!" Only the pair said.

"The young master probably already thought it over, he didn't come to be an ordinary disciple at all!" Su Long smiled wryly.

"I think so too!" Shuang'er replied.

Yu Rou's face became even weirder, and she couldn't accept that Lin Xiu suddenly became an uncle.

Han Zheng and Li Hong's faces were even more ugly. What if this Lin Xiu gave them small shoes to wear?
Zhang Zifeng gritted his teeth with hatred. He hates Lin Xiu very much now, but there is nothing he can do now. Although strength is the most important thing in this world, the division of status and seniority is also very important. Moreover, Lin Xiu can pass Sword tower, his strength is not weak, so how can he avenge his brother?
Those disciples who originally made a bet with Lin Xiu felt a chill running down their backs.

"Lin Xiu, you are already their uncle, so you should stop arguing with them about this matter!" Du Yun persuaded.

"The suzerain is right, my status is different now, so naturally I can no longer argue with them!" Lin Xiu said.

The 78 disciples immediately breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that Lin Xiu would let them go. After all, Lin Xiu was already their uncle, so he shouldn't be entangled with them any more.

But who is Lin Xiu?He was originally a stingy person, how could he be so generous?

These disciples dare to doubt themselves. If they don't teach them a lesson now, how can they be convincing and let people know that they are a master?

"Then just kneel down and apologize, let's go to Guoben!" Lin Xiu said to the 78 disciples.

"..." Du Yun.

"..." The three elders.

"..." The disciples present.

Is this so insignificant?Don't you just want us to apologize?
After Du Yun heard this, he decided not to care about this matter anymore: "Lin Xiu, I still have something to do, your identity will be announced soon, and your rights and our sect's rules and regulations, I will order someone to teach you about these! Also, don’t make too much noise!”

"Yes, suzerain!" Lin Xiu said.

Although Lin Xiu was very upset to be Du Yun's disciple, but as long as Du Yun didn't come to trouble him, Lin Xiu didn't care too much. Master?

Now that the suzerain has already left, the faces of those who made a bet with Lin Xiu are even more ugly, the suzerain actually ran away!

Doesn't this mean that they want Lin Xiu to do whatever he wants?
Everyone looked helplessly at the back of Du Yun's leaving, wanting to cry without tears!
"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful anymore, if you are a man, go to Guoben for me, didn't you just want to bully me, uncle? Stand up for me immediately!" Lin Xiu shouted loudly, with a devilish look on his face. Smiling, "Since I am your uncle, I will give you some benefits. Whoever runs the fastest will be rewarded with a primeval stone! Only the top ten will have it!"

Whoever runs the fastest will be rewarded with primordial stones?Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they were riding a tiger and had no choice but to listen to Lin Xiu.

It's just that if you want to run wild, who can do this kind of thing?

But for the sake of Yuanshi, some people were willing to do it. The last person took off his clothes and ran wildly. The people behind knew that this matter was irreversible, so they immediately took off their clothes and followed.

If it was a man, Lin Xiu would naturally not be polite. As for the female disciples, Lin Xiu allowed them to keep two pieces of underwear. Even so, they were too ashamed.

It is estimated that after today, no one would dare to offend Lin Xiu again, this is simply a devil!

The title of Uncle Devil has also been spread.

Lin Xiu accepted it unceremoniously. As for other people's eyes, Lin Xiu didn't pay attention at all.

Lin Xiu found his place first, settled himself and the two maids, and gave Jingjing a room. The little guy hasn't woken up yet, even though it's only been a few days.

Du Yun's efficiency is not low. After Lin Xiu settled here, someone sent the scroll of the sect rules here, and another person specially explained everything about Lingyun Sect to Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu threw away the clan rules in front of that person, what clan rules?Doesn't that exist to be broken?
This person is called Huo Yuan, and he is a very talkative person, once he starts talking, he can't stop, and he seems to know that this uncle likes novelty things, and he only chooses interesting things to talk about.

"Little Master, you are really amazing. As soon as you arrived, the entire sect has already started to recite your deeds..."

"It's my notoriety!"

 First update today!Finally entered the second round of PK, thank you for your support, and ask for a reward by the way!
(End of this chapter)

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