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Chapter 209 This Is My Cousin

Chapter 209 This Is My Cousin

"Yes!" Lin Yi hurried over to find Lin Yue.

"Miss Lin Yue, I found the whereabouts of Master Lin Xiu!" Lin Yi came over and said.

"What? Is it true?" Upon hearing Lin Yi's words, Lin Yue asked anxiously.

"It's true, Miss Lin Yue, look, that person said he saw Master Lin Xiu, and Master Lin Xiu is still injured!" Lin Yi immediately pointed at the man.

Lin Yue saw that this man was thin and tall, with a big gold tooth in his mouth, a pair of inverted triangle eyes, and this face did not look like a good person. At first glance, Lin Yue Yue didn't like him.

Lin Yue and Lin Yi came over, and she said, "Have you really met Lin Xiu?"

"Girl, if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do, but if you believe me, then follow me. I'm leaving this town soon, and the young master you mentioned is also It's just a one-time relationship!" The man said immediately.

"Okay, please take us to meet Lin Xiu!" Lin Yue said immediately.

"It's okay to take you there, but you have to charge a little toll!" the man said with a chuckle.

"How much do you want?" Lin Yue asked.

"Just give me a hundred gold coins, that's all!" The man smiled even more wretchedly.

When the man said this, Lin Yue was more at ease. If she was asking for money, she would not have other thoughts about them. Lin Yue took out a generation of gold coins, handed them over and said, "Here are fifty gold coins, and the remaining fifty Mei, I will give it to you after you bring us to the location!"

"Okay, reasonable! Let's go!" the man said immediately.

Two girls followed behind the man. Although Lin Yue was already very careful, she still underestimated the sinister heart.


When Lin Xiuxiu came to Lingyun Town, Huo Yuan and even the two maids followed him, and it was inconvenient to take them with him, so Lin Xiu had to let the two of them go back for the time being.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, that Master Withered Leaf opened a elixir room here, and there are still a lot of medicinal materials for sale in it. The three medicinal materials you want are probably only available to him!" Huo Yuan pointed in a direction and said .

"Okay, let's go!" Lin Xiu followed Huo Yuan, but before taking a few steps, he saw a familiar figure from the back. Lin Xiu still recognized that her hair was cut off by himself. This is not Lin Xiu Who is Yue?

Counting the time, if this member of the Lin family rushed over, it is really possible to arrive now, but who is the other person?There is such a wretched man with such a wretched smile in this world!

"Uncle Lin Xiu, who are you looking at? The two girls over there are indeed extraordinary!" Huo Yuan saw Lin Yue and Lin Yi, and his face showed surprise.

Lu Sha looked over, but there was no fluctuation in her eyes.

Lin Xiu said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? I just look at that wretched man!"

"Uncle Lin Xiu, you mean him? He's a little bastard here, called Black Rat. His own strength isn't very strong, he's only at the first level of the Martial Spirit Realm, but he seems to have some strength in Lingyun Town." A few accomplices, do some sneaky things!" Huo Yuan said.

"I see, Huo Yuan, I think, I still have something to do first!" Lin Xiu sneered. .

"Master, do you know those two girls?" Lu Sha asked.

"One of them is my cousin, and the other is my clan!" Lin Xiu replied.

"That black mouse abducted two of your clansmen, uncle. Could it be... so courageous, uncle, I will definitely take care of this matter for you!" Huo Yuan said hastily upon hearing this.

"Let's go, I want to see what he wants to do!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "By the way, outside, you can just call me Master Lin Xiu!"

"Yes!" The two replied at the same time.


Lin Yue and Lin Yi were brought into a courtyard, and as soon as they entered, Lin Yue frowned and said, "Is Lin Xiu really here?"

"Of course your Lin Xiu is not here, but your black bear brother is here, brothers, come out, you finally met two good things, you have to have fun!" The black mouse showed a smile on his face.

A tall man and a short man came out, both of them were warriors at the second level of the Martial Spirit Realm.

"Wow, what a beautiful woman, it's been a long time since I've touched a woman, just enough to make me feel better!" The tall man said as soon as he saw the two women.

"You...Lin Yi, hurry up!" Lin Yue said hastily.

"You only want to leave now, can you still go?" Black Mouse sneered.

The three of them had already surrounded the two women. With Lin Yue and Lin Yi's strength, how could they be their opponents.

"You let us go, we can give you all the money we have on us!" Lin Yue said immediately.

"Hehe, don't tell me, I forgot, these two chicks are still two rich women, and they still have money on them. This time we are not only going to rob money, but also rob sex!" Light.

"Okay, I'll try it first!" The tall man laughed and grabbed Lin Yue.

Lin Yue's eyes were flickering with fear, is it really going to be here today...

A figure appeared like a ghost and grabbed the man's palm.

"This is my cousin, how can you blaspheme?" A voice rang out.

The three of them looked at it, and at some point, a boy was standing between them, in front of the two girls.

"Boy, who are you? How dare you meddle in your own business here?" the tall man said.

Seeing this back view, Lin Yue and Lin Yi showed joy at the same time.

"Lin Xiu (Master)!" The two said at the same time.

"You two are really stupid. If you had [-]% of my wit, you wouldn't end up like this!" Lin Xiu turned his head and said.

"It's not you, and you won't tell us when you come here!" Lin Yue complained.

With Lin Xiu around, what else do they need to worry about?They were just a few hooligans, and it was impossible for them to be Lin Xiu's opponent.

"Boy, sir, I'm asking you... ah!!!" The palm of the tall man suddenly felt pain, and a ball of white flames had already ignited in his palm.And his arms were forming ice cubes.

The bone spirit is cold and hot. Under this kind of flame, the man only feels his soul is being burned, but his body is being frozen.

"Do it, do it!" the black mouse immediately shouted.

"You are not qualified to attack the young master!" As soon as Huo Yuan and Lu Sha came out, they saw the other two black rats' companions being cut to the ground immediately. There was no suspense in this kind of battle of completely unequal strength.

"Huo...Master Huo Yuan, why are you here?" The black mouse's face changed drastically.

 This chapter was posted in advance, I am really sorry!I made a recommendation, so this update will be the fourth update!

(End of this chapter)

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