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Chapter 210 Master Ben Is To Instruct Him

Chapter 210 Master Ben Is To Instruct Him

"This is my young master!" Huo Yuan replied.

"What... what?" The black mouse was full of disbelief.

Ling Yunzong's core disciple called this young master?So who is this young man?

"Those who bully my people will die!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "Kill them all!"

"Yes!" Lu Sha replied, without any mercy, she killed all three of them.

Lu Sha has seen the darkness of this world, so she will not be kind any more. No matter what Lin Xiu wants to do, she will definitely obey Lin Xiu's words.

"Master Lin Xiu, who are they?" Lin Yi asked in confusion.

"They are members of Lingyun Sect, and you will be their junior sisters in the future. This is Huo Yuan, and this is Lu Sha!" Lin Xiu introduced.

"Senior Brother Huo Yuan, Senior Sister Lu Sha!" Lin Yue said immediately.

The two introduced themselves again. In view of Lin Xiu's face, Huo Yuan and Lu Sha naturally wanted to return the gift, but Lin Xiu didn't tell them that he had become the senior uncle of most of Ling Yunzong's disciples.

"Let's go back and meet other clansmen first, I believe they will be very happy to see you!" Lin Yue said.

"I also feel like I haven't seen them for a long time, but it's not the time to see them yet!" Lin Xiu said with a smile, "Go back and prepare. When you join the Lingyun Sect, I will reward you!"

"Join Lingyun Sect? Young master, you think highly of us. I'm afraid few of us can join Lingyun Sect!" Lin Yi said.

"I said you can do it, so you can do it!" Lin Xiu said to himself, "Because your surname is Lin!"

"We know!" Lin Yi and Lin Yue said at the same time.

Lin Xiu didn't stay any longer, he gave some of the healing elixir found from Lingyunzong to the two of them, and then left with Huo Yuan. a surprise.

Of course, these are members of the Lin family, so Lin Xiu naturally wanted to provide them with some help.

What?Cheating?how come?Only examiners do this kind of thing, right?Lin Xiu is not yet!Of course, it's hard to say whether it will be the day after tomorrow!
The three of Lin Xiu also continued to go to the alchemy room.

"Miss Lin Yue, how do you think Master Lin Xiu knew someone from Lingyun Sect? Could it be that Master Lin Xiu is already a disciple of Lingyun Sect?" Lin Yi asked.

"I think so. I guess he is not with us because he needs to go back to Lingyunzong. Let's not bother him anymore. When we join Lingyunzong, we will definitely be able to see him again!" Lin Yue thought for a while, road.

When Lin Yi and Lin Yue went back, their faces changed drastically, because they found out that the people from the Lin family who were here had been driven away, and the people here had changed to another group.

Originally, people from the Lin family had already set up tents here, but now, these people from the Lin family have disappeared, replaced by some strangers.

This place was already outside the small town, but it was still being robbed. Lin Yi asked, "Miss Lin Yue, what should we do?"

"Who are you? What did you do to our Lin family?" Lin Yue frowned.

"The Lin family? Who knows what kind of family your Lin family is? We are the Liu family in Cangxing City!" One of the men came out, and he glanced at Lin Yue and Lin Yi with a smile on his face, "However, if the two girls If you want to stay, we don't mind!"

"Hahaha..." The other members of the Liu family in Cangxing City immediately burst into laughter, and the laughter was very loud.

"Miss Lin Yue, let's leave first, we might be a bit dangerous if we stay! Now that Master Lin Xiu is not here, we can't fight them." Lin Yi quickly grabbed Lin Yue's hand and said.

"Miss Lin Yue!" Lin Xu shouted when he appeared here.

"Lin Xu, what happened here?" Lin Yue asked.

"Miss Lin Yue, let's get out of here first!" Lin Xu said quickly.

Lin Yue nodded, and quickly changed to another place, which was still some distance away from the camp of the Liu family in Cangxing City.

The Lin family here also set up other tents. When Lin Yue saw the members of the Lin family here, Lin Yue's expression changed: "What happened here?"

"Miss Lin Yue, are you back? When we came back, our clansman had already been injured by them. Five of our people were seriously injured. It is estimated that we will not be able to participate in the Lingyun Sect assessment the day after tomorrow!" Lin Yan Sighed.

"What?" Lin Yue asked in surprise.

"The members of the Liu family in Cangxing City said that our position is good, and they asked us to give up our position. We didn't want to, so they injured us. Fortunately, this is still within the Lingyun Town, otherwise, they would probably use killers! "I only heard one of the Lin family speak humanely.

"It's too much, how can they do this?" Lin Yue said angrily, "We must not let it go!"

"Miss Lin Yue, there is nothing we can do. I heard that the Liu family in Cangxing City has children in the Lingyun Sect who are Lingyun Sect disciples!" Lin Yan said helplessly.

"Our young master is also a disciple of Lingyun Sect, we are not afraid of them!" Lin Yi said immediately.

"Lin Yi, have you met the young master?" Many members of the Lin family asked immediately.

Lin Yue recounted what happened just now.

"Master Lin Xiu has become a disciple of the Lingyun Sect. That's great. However, I heard that another member of the Liu family has become an elder of the Lingyun Sect. Even if the young master is a disciple of the Lingyun Sect, I'm afraid..." Lin Yan sighed again. He took a breath.

"Miss Lin Yue, I'm afraid we can't tell the young master about this, otherwise, wouldn't this embarrass the young master?" Only Lin Xu said.

"I also feel the same way. If the young master is in the Lingyun Sect and is targeted by the elders of the Liu family because of us, then we are not the eternal sinners of the Lin family?" Lin Yi also said.

"I understand, let's hide this matter for now!" Lin Yue took a deep breath before saying.


Lin Xiu didn't know anything about the Lin family, he had already entered the alchemy room.

Huo Yuan immediately walked to the front desk and said, "We want to buy three kinds of rare materials! Also, we want to meet Master Dead Leaf!"

"I'm sorry, Master Withered Leaf is concocting alchemy right now, I'm afraid I don't have time to see you all!" The girl at the front desk replied with a smile.

As a man who cheated, would Lin Xiu be a man who obeyed the rules?

Lin Xiu patted the table at the front desk and shouted: "Ask your Master Withered Leaf to come out and meet this young master. This young master is here to give advice to him!"

"..." The girl at the front desk was stunned.

"..." Huo Yuan and Lu Sha were also stunned.

"..." The other people who were still in the alchemy room were also stunned.

Lin Xiu was probably the first person who dared to pat the front desk and speak out so arrogantly since the establishment of Dan Fang!
 First update today!
(End of this chapter)

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