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Chapter 211 Really Exploded!

Chapter 211 Really Exploded!
Master Withered Leaf is a two-star alchemist. Even Du Yun, the suzerain of Lingyun Sect, came to look for him and wanted him to join Lingyun Sect.

Du Yun came three times, but Master Withered Leaf rejected him three times, because Master Withered Leaf did not want to join Lingyun Sect at all, but promised Du Yun that he would stay here for two or three years.

During this period of time, Lingyunzong could come here to buy elixir. Because of this, Master Withered Leaf was respected by everyone in Lingyunzong. Even Du Yun did not dare to disrespect him.

But now, the words Lin Xiu shouted made everyone look at Lin Xiu differently.

Could this be a fool?

Huo Yuan has a headache. He knows that his uncle has always been arrogant, but he didn't expect that he would dare to be so arrogant in front of Master Withered Leaf. Not only that, Lin Xiu even said that he would If you want to give advice to Master Withered Leaf, uncle, can you keep a low profile?
Lu Sha didn't speak. She always talked less, but she was also surprised by Lin Xiu's words. Even though she didn't leave her hut all year round, she still heard the name of the dead leaf master. He is a great master, even the suzerain dare not neglect him, it is too much for Lin Xiu to dare to say that now.

The girl at the front desk looked at Lin Xiu, and she wondered if this young man was stupid. Otherwise, how dare he say such a thing?

"Who are you? How dare you say such a thing?"

"This is our Withered Leaf Pill Room, can you desecrate our Withered Leaf Master?"

"You dare to insult Master Withered Leaf, if you don't apologize well, don't even want to leave here!"


Some people around immediately surrounded the three of Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu had a bit of doubt on his face, he insulted Master Withered Leaf, not insulting them, what are these people excited about here?
"Uncle Lin Xiu, these people all want to worship Master Withered Leaf as their teacher. What you say now will give them a chance to perform!" Huo Yuan said.

Opportunity to perform?Of course it is an opportunity to deal with Lin Xiu, as long as this person who dares to insult Master Withered Leaf is caught and handed over to Master Withered Leaf, in this way, Master Withered Leaf can also have a good impression of him, and maybe he can accept them as only.

"Are you trying to attack me?" Lin Xiu sneered, "Do you know who this young master is?"

"I don't care who you are? If you dare to insult Master Dead Leaf like this, we won't let you go!"

"That's right, Master Withered Leaf is a two-star alchemist. Even if Ling Yunzong's suzerain arrives, he should pay him three points of respect. What are you?"

"No matter what you say today, don't even think about leaving easily!"


These people are about to swarm up, Lu Sha and Huo Yuan are standing in front of Lin Xiu, if these people make a move, they will definitely not stand idly by.

But Lin Xiu turned his head, and said to the girl at the front desk: "Right now, only Master Withered Leaf is concocting alchemy?"

"Yes... yes!" The girl at the front desk replied quickly.

"In this case, I think we will be able to meet Master Withered Leaf soon!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Are you still talking nonsense? When Master Withered Leaf concocts alchemy, it takes at least three hours. How can it be so easy to come out?" a human said.

"Then, what if it's a fried cauldron?" Lin Xiu glanced at the man and said.

"Frying the cauldron? Hahahaha... Master Withered Leaf is a two-star alchemist, how can he fry the cauldron? You are telling a joke!"

"It's so ridiculous that someone actually suspects that Master Withered Leaf can make alchemy and fry cauldrons!"

"Ignorant child, you are qualified to be called Master Withered Leaf!"

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they accused Lin Xiu one after another.

Not only them, but even Huo Yuan and Lu Sha shook their heads secretly, such things as exploding tripods usually only happen to beginners, how could it happen to Master Withered Leaf?
"My young master, I think this is impossible. We, Master Withered Leaf, have never had such a thing explode!" the girl at the front desk said.

Lin Xiu had a smile on his face, but he didn't speak, but at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise, and the whole alchemy room was shaken.

"What happened?"

"What a big medicinal scent!"

"This... seems to be a real explosion!"


There was a commotion among the people around, their eyes fell on Lin Xiu, and their faces showed disbelief, what Lin Xiu said just now turned out to be true!

It really exploded! ! !
"Ding, congratulations to the host for a shocking face slap. The value of this face slap can get double rewards, which is 24!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for a shocking face slap. The value of this face slap can get double rewards, which is 30!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for a shocking face slap. The value of this face slap can get double rewards, which is 28!"


Shocked and slapped in the face?There is such an operation?
But this time the harvest was very rich, almost all the people present were slapped in the face by Lin Xiu, this effect is what they want!
"Are you still doubting my words? By the way, someone seemed to want to attack me just now? Stand up for me!" Lin Xiu immediately shouted.

"..." The people around were silent for a while. This time, no one dared to refute Lin Xiu's words. After all, what Lin Xiu said just now has been confirmed.

"This is my uncle Huo Yuan, and also a disciple of our suzerain. Those who dared to insult my uncle just now, you'd better apologize to our uncle, otherwise..." Huo Yuan didn't continue, but his sword It has been pulled out.

Huo Yuan's uncle, the suzerain's disciple?
How could such a person appear here?

"We..." These people were already about to apologize, after all, with Lin Xiu's status, they couldn't afford to offend him!

"It's fine to apologize! Everyone, I'm not a stingy person, so why do I need you to apologize?" Lin Xiu said with a wretched smile.

When everyone heard it, Lin Xiu had such a large number!That's great, in this case, they don't need to lose face.

But Lin Xiu continued to say: "There is no need to apologize. After all, you insulted me. What is there to apologize for? It's just that you insulted me, you insulted our Ling Yunzong. How can this matter be counted like this?" ? So, all of you, kneel down for me!"

Are we insulting you, or your sect?It sounds like a meaning!
No, this kid is obviously trying to trouble us on purpose!

Everyone reacted, but it was too late, Lin Xiu continued: "Who the hell won't kneel down for this young master, all legs will be broken!"

What a ruthless person!
 The second update!Thanks to Mo Zuihongyan for the 99 book coins, Guqing for the 100 book coins, Zeguang for the 4097 book coins, the bad boy for the 198 book coins, and Huan San for the 99 book coins!Thank you for your rewards. The normal update time is around 12:10 am, 11:30 noon and 18:10 pm. If there is a fourth update, it will be added at night!
(End of this chapter)

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