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Chapter 228 Lu Sha's Determination

Chapter 228 Lu Sha's Determination

"Could the young master be such a person?" Shuang'er looked at Su Long, who turned her head and fell into deep thought.

"I think the young master should be a good person!" Lu Sha was very grateful to Lin Xiu for helping her heal her face.

But at this time, eleven people came outside, and the leader was Tong Zheng.

"Tong Zheng, what are you doing here?" Huo Yuan had a bad premonition when he saw these people appear.

Tong Zheng!

Upon hearing this name, Lu Sha's eyes were filled with chills. When she dreamed of this name, she would grit her teeth with hatred. It was absolutely impossible for her to forget this man easily!
At this time, Tong Zheng is no longer a man of cultivation, he is now a mortal, if he is killed, he will be able to avenge his dead sister!

Lu Sha's eyes were full of murderous intent, and her hand had already grasped the big knife she had been carrying on her back.

When Tong Zheng heard Huo Yuan's words, he smiled triumphantly and said, "What am I doing here? Lin Xiu dared to destroy my cultivation base. Naturally, I want to take revenge on him. Now I will charge a little interest first. I will take his Take the woman away!"

"I heard that Lin Xiu has two very good-looking girls by his side. If they are willing to follow my young master, my young master can let them go!"

"That's right, it's the two of you, right? You still don't come to accompany my young master!"

The eyes of these ten people fell on Shuang'er and Lu Sha. After all, Su Long is still a flying ring cat and cannot be regarded as a human being at all.

"Wait, why does that woman look familiar?"

"I also think she looks like that Lu Sha!"

"Is that ugly Lu Sha?"

"No way, she is so beautiful, how can she be the same as Lu Sha?"


Everyone here seems to know this Lu Sha, and Tong Zheng also saw it, so he naturally recognized that this is the woman whose face was disfigured by himself.

At that time, Tong Zheng not only cut Lu Sha's face with a knife, but also poured some poison on her face. He thought that Lu Sha would die like this, but later found that she survived.

But later the sect's rules became stricter. Even if he had Tong Li on his head, he would not dare to kill Lu Sha, but he would never forget Lu Sha's face.

"So it was really you, Lu Sha, how did you recover your face?" Tong Zheng asked.

Lu Sha's eyes were fixed on Tong Zheng, and her hands were shaking with excitement.

"Tong Zheng, stop, you are not allowed to step in here, but this is the place of Master Lin Xiu. If you step in, aren't you afraid that Master will retaliate against you?" Huo Yuan shouted quickly.

"Lin Xiu? I'm afraid he can't protect himself now. He hurt me, but he can still get out? Do you think my uncle will let him go?" Tong Zheng said disdainfully, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, Huo Yuan Entangle, others, go and catch Lu Sha and that girl!"

"Yes, master!" There were ten people here, three of them stayed behind, two of them clung to Huo Yuan, and the other five rushed towards Lu Sha and Shuang'er.

After a night of cultivation, Shuang'er's realm has reached the ninth level of Wuyuanli realm, and she is only one step away from breaking through.

Shuang'er's talent is much better than Lin Xiu's, and her martial spirit is actually more advanced than Lin Xiu's. With the help of Lin Xiu's pills, she can basically hit the Martial Spirit Realm, but facing the warriors here , she couldn't resist it at all.

Lu Sha has the strength of the first level of Wuxu Realm, but in front of her are three beings of the same level as her, and the three of them are entangled with her. The strength is gone.

Two of the disciples had already pounced on Shuang'er, and Shuang'er was holding Su Long, she didn't know what to do, she quickly said: "No...don't come here, or my young master won't let you go!"

"Little beauty, your young master probably won't come back now, you'd better accompany our young master with peace of mind!" The two of them were already close to Shuang'er.

At this moment, only a strange creature appeared in front of Shuang'er.

"What monster is this?"

"I haven't seen it either!"

"It doesn't matter, just look at its appearance, it will definitely not be some powerful monster!"

What the two of them said made the little charmander very angry. It opened its mouth and spewed out flames. How could the two of them have imagined that this little charmander was so powerful. Once the flame spewed out, it almost burned them both. When they arrived, one of them immediately blocked his face with his arm. The whole arm was charred black, and it was estimated that the hand was useless.

Another person's skin was also burned. It can be seen that the power of the fire of this little Charmander is quite amazing.

"Ah—" The man whose arm was scorched black immediately stepped back, his face turned pale.

"What? What kind of monster is this?" Tong Zhengyi frowned and said.

"Looking at its appearance, it might be a dragon clan, but it shouldn't be possible for a dragon clan to appear here!" said a person beside him.

"Forget it, no matter what it is, catch the others first, and then deal with this monster!" Tong Zheng said immediately.

This little fire dragon spouts flames, and it is really impossible for people to get close to it, and if it wants to protect Shuang'er, it is naturally impossible to stay too far away from Shuang'er. In this way, there is one person here who can target——Lu Sha .

However, Lu Sha's movement skills are really special, at least they belong to the ground-level movement skills. When her body shakes, she suddenly appears away from several people. Three people really can't catch her .

"Junior Sister Lu Sha, run away and tell the other elders of the sect and Uncle Lin Xiu that he dare not hurt me, and he can't hurt Miss Shuang'er either!" Huo Yuan shouted loudly.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence. Huo Yuan and Tong Zheng don't have much enmity, so Tong Zheng will not attack him. Shuang'er is protected by the little fire dragon. With the strength of these people, it seems that they can't hurt Xiao Huo. The fire dragon is gone, and the only person who is in danger is Lu Sha.

Lu Sha's agility is indeed not bad, even among a few people, she can do it with ease, but it is obviously impossible to fight back. If she stays, it will not be of any use, she might as well run away.

It's just that Huo Yuan underestimated Lu Sha's determination. Lu Sha's gaze was always focused on Tong Zheng. Her determination was also very firm. She would kill this man at all costs!

Lu Sha slashed towards Tong Zheng with a knife at the same time, as if her whole body had turned into a knife. At this moment, Lu Sha had no fear at all. What she had to do was to change her life and kill Tong Zheng.

"What?" Tong Zheng was taken aback. He didn't expect that Lu Sha would rush towards him. You know, Lu Sha's doing this was undoubtedly seeking death. If she didn't succeed, she would be surrounded by other people around him.

(End of this chapter)

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