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Chapter 229 He is just an ant

Chapter 229 He is just an ant
Such a fate can be imagined, but even so, Lu Sha still does not hesitate to kill at all without the slightest hesitation!

This knife, with a sound of cracking the sky, has reached Tong Zheng in an instant, Lu Sha's eyes are full of killing intent, this knife has already come in front of Tong Zheng!
"Sister Lu Sha!" Shuang'er exclaimed.

"Junior Sister Lu Sha!" Huo Yuan also said.

The two looked at Lu Sha, but even so, they couldn't stop Lu Sha. Lu Sha no longer considered retreating, she thought, this time, no matter whether she could kill Tong Zheng or not, she couldn't survive.

"Ding!" There was a crisp sound, only to see Lu Sha's knife slashing on a sword, knocking the warrior out, but the knife was blocked.

Lu Sha's Wuhun appeared in an instant, and it turned out to be a blue sword. The Wuhun and the weapon in her hand fused together in an instant, and cut it down with one knife, and slashed down at Tong Zheng in front of her!

"Master, be careful!" The person next to Tong Zheng knocked Tong Zheng away, and blocked the knife with the spear in his hand.This knife slashed on the spear, shaking the warrior's tiger's mouth open.

After Lu Sha's two failed attacks, there is no way to have another chance. She has been surrounded by people here. Five people and two people beside Tong Zheng surrounded Lu Sha. The weakest of these people It is also the ninth floor of the Martial Spirit Realm, and the strongest is the second floor of the Wuxu Realm. With this strength, Lu Sha didn't even have a chance to escape this time.

"Sister Lu Sha!" Shuang'er shouted hastily.

"Shuang'er, don't come here!" Facing these people, Lu Sha felt a little overwhelmed, "You belong to the young master, you must not get hurt because of me, if the young master comes back, tell the young master, Lu Sha begged him to Take revenge for Lu Sha!"

"Sister Lu Sha, you'll be fine!" Shuang'er hurriedly said, only to see a white shadow flying out, it turned out to be the flying ring cat transformed by Su Long.

Feitian Huanmao is a fifth-level monster. If it can grow up, it will not be able to compare with the Wuxu Realm in front of it. Even now, it can easily defeat one or two of its opponents.

After the Flying Ring Cat flashed through the air like lightning, it hit one of the Wuxu Realm experts and sent him flying with its claws, but it immediately fell to the ground and returned to Shuang'er's side.

Su Long was very helpless, she would never have imagined that the energy in her body was so little that she could only support one paw. After this paw, she turned into an ordinary cat and returned to Shuang'er's side.

Although Feitian Huanmao defeated one opponent, it was still easy for the remaining six to deal with Lu Sha.

Lu Sha's knife was finally knocked out, and six weapons pointed at Lu Sha at the same time. As long as Lu Sha moved again, she would be stabbed into a hedgehog.

"You bitch, you actually want to kill me, okay, today I will make your life worse than death!" Tong Zheng was startled, and he said angrily.

"I won't give you a chance!" Lu Sha didn't want to be insulted. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she wanted to hit the weapon in front of her with her head.

"Lu Sha, have you forgotten what I said yesterday?" A voice came from afar, and the appearance of this voice shocked everyone present. When they turned their heads, they saw only a figure Coming this way.

This man walked slowly, but he was full of a powerful aura. On the cloak he was wearing, there were two large characters - justice.

His eyes seemed to be able to frighten all living beings, as long as he stared at him, everyone present would be scared back a step.

"It''s Lin... Lin Xiu!" Tong Zheng's voice trembled a little. For Lin Xiu, he was afraid from the bottom of his heart, so when he saw Lin Xiu appearing, he was already frightened. , and even a little weak in the legs.

"Didn't he be summoned by the suzerain? How can he come back?"

"Did Master Tong Li not keep him?"

"What should we do? Master Tong Zheng, this Lin Xiu is back!"

The people around were a little confused, and their voices were a little trembling.

Now Lin Xiuxiu is practicing staring at someone who is pregnant. I have to say that this trick is very effective, and the person in front of him is scared immediately.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face invisible, causing a critical hit, and collecting 246 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face invisible, causing a critical hit, and collecting 240 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face invisible, causing a critical hit, and collecting 238 face slap points!"


This time, I collected a lot of face-slapping points, mainly because the strength of the Wuxu Realm level here is very strong, and this invisible face-slapping will originally collect more face-slapping points than ordinary face-slapping.

"Master!" Shuang'er and Lu Sha shouted at the same time.

"Uncle, you are finally back!" Huo Yuan also said.

"Thank you for your hard work, but I didn't expect that he would be so courageous!" Lin Xiu sneered.

"You...don't come here, come here, we'll kill her!" Beside Lu Sha, a Lingyun Sect disciple said.

"Oh? Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that?" Lin Xiu's eyes widened, and his aura suddenly rose. Even Kong Zhi couldn't bear to stare at anyone, let alone this one. The disciple, the disciple took a step back in fright, and Lu Sha immediately escaped from his grasp.

That disciple still wanted to catch up, but a fist had already hit him, an earth-level low-grade martial art, Xingyuan Fist!

This punch was enough to knock back the disciple at the first level of the Martial Void Realm in front of him. This disciple was retreated by Lin Xiu's punch, and he felt a surge of energy and blood. One punch, but he already got the essence of Xingyuanquan, and if he hit him, if he wasn't a Wuxu Realm warrior, he would be a corpse now.

"Lu Sha, how could you do such a thing?" Lin Xiu frowned at Lu Sha, with a hint of blame in his eyes.

Lu Sha lowered her head, and she said guiltily: "Master, I'm sorry, I just saw Tong Zheng just now and couldn't suppress it. I've already thought about whether I can kill him or not, I will die here, and I won't get involved Master, yours!"

"Who said I blamed you for killing him?" Lin Xiu said angrily.

"Master?" Lu Sha said.

"What's the point of killing Tong Zheng? He's just an ant. Killing him is as easy as stepping on an ant. Do you think it's worth it if you trade yours for his life?" Lin Xiu said .

"..." Lu Sha was stunned.

"..." Huo Yuan was stunned.

"..." Tong Zheng was stunned, but afterwards, he felt a strong sense of humiliation, which made him very angry and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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