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Chapter 230 Killing is the right that this young master gave you

Chapter 230 Killing is the right that this young master gave you

"Since I promised you, I will naturally do this for you. Today, the young master will give you a chance to have a fair duel with this seventh-ranked genius of Lingyunzong!" Lin Xiu said loudly.

Huo Yuan stared straight at his eyes, he couldn't believe that Lin Xiu could say such shameless words.

Lu Sha's mouth also twitched violently. This proposal really scared her a little.

Tong Zheng was startled and angry at this moment, he already regretted that he shouldn't have come here.

Now that Tong Zheng's cultivation is gone, and Lu Sha has no obvious injuries, is this still a fair duel?Fair your sister!There was a foul word in Tong Zheng's heart and he almost cursed out, but now, he just wanted to escape.

"Lin Xiu, you can't do this, if you do, my uncle will definitely not let you go!" Tong Zheng shouted loudly.

"You won't let me go? This young master, this time, is clearing up the scum for our Lingyun sect. Even if the suzerain comes today, he can't stop me!" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of murderous intent. He has many shortcomings, but There is one biggest shortcoming, and that is to protect his weaknesses. This Tong Zheng dared to attack him when he was not around. Even if he chased him to the imperial capital, Lin Xiu would not let him go.

"You! We fought with you, let's go together!" Tong Zheng shouted loudly, but he ran away as soon as he finished shouting.

"Little Charmander, kill them!" Lin Xiu said in a cold voice.

killed?Huo Yuan's face changed slightly. Among these ten people, three were members of the Tong family, and the others were disciples of the sect. Lin Xiu actually wanted to kill them in a fit of anger?
"No, you can't do that, we are from the sect!" said one of the disciples of Lingyun Sect.

"Article 130 of the patriarchal regulations, those who do not respect the teacher or harm the relatives of the teacher, at the least, will have their cultivation base abolished, be expelled from the sect, or at worst be killed on the spot!"

"Zongrui No. 30 seven, within the sect, you must not take the initiative to hurt other sect disciples or sect elders, otherwise..."



Lin Xiu uttered five clan rules in a row, and the faces of these people changed drastically. They didn't remember these clan rules, but Lin Xiu remembered them all!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face for the second time, causing a critical hit, and collecting slap points, 492!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face for the second time, causing a critical hit, and collecting slap points, 480!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face for the second time, causing a critical hit, and collecting slap points, 476!"


"Little Charmander, spray flames!" Lin Xiu ignored the thoughts of these sect disciples, all he had to do was kill people!

The strength of Charmander itself is not weak, but it is a Pokémon after all, and it can only exert [-]% of its strength if there is a trainer by its side. Now Lin Xiu's control, although it is only a Pokémon With a simple order, the little Charmander opened its mouth, and the two warriors were burned to death with a single mouthful of flames.

Huo Yuan also made a move at this time. Of the ten people here, one was seriously injured by Lin Xiu, one was seriously injured by Su Long, two were killed, and the remaining six people could not stop Little Charmander and Huo Yuan at all.

At this time, Lu Sha saw the strength of the little fire dragon. She was startled, and a voice sounded beside her: "What are you still doing? Why don't you make a move?"

"What?" Lu Sha looked at Lin Xiu.

"If you don't make a move, he will run away. Don't you want revenge?" Lin Xiu said again.

When Lu Sha heard this, she looked at Tong Zheng who was running away. Tong Zheng had already run far away, and if she didn't chase Tong Zheng, she would really run away.

Lu Sha glanced at Lin Xiu gratefully, she jumped up, and her speed was faster than before.

Tong Zheng has no cultivation base now, so how could he escape from Lu Sha's grasp?His face changed drastically, and Tong Zheng also knew that it was impossible for him to escape from Lu Sha's grasp, but he was still unwilling to give up.

"Tong Zheng, give back my sister's life!" The knife in Lu Sha's hand chopped off Tong Zheng's head.

"Stop!" A voice rolled over, trying to shake Lu Sha back, how could Lu Sha's murderous intentions be stopped just like this?
Lu Sha only felt a tightness in her chest, but there was a coldness in her eyes.

"If you dare to kill him, I want you and Lin Xiu to pay for it together!" the voice roared again.

Lu Sha's knife appeared an inch above Tong Zheng's head, and almost fell on Tong Zheng's head.

When Lu Sha saw it, it turned out that a middle-aged man appeared. Lu Sha recognized who he was, because he was Tong Zheng's uncle, Tong Li.

"Uncle, save me!" Seeing Tong Li appearing, Tong Zheng was overjoyed, thinking that his life had been saved.

If it's just her own life, Lu Sha doesn't have to, but Tong uses Lin Xiu's life to threaten her. Lin Xiu has been kind to her, how can she let Tong Li threaten Lin Xiu?
A streak of blood came out from the corner of Lu Sha's mouth. Tong Li's voice just now made her blood boil.

Beside Tong Li, there were also those members of the law enforcement team. These people followed Tong Li. Seeing this scene, they were also secretly shocked. There was a killing here, and it was not a small killing.

"Let him go, today I can spare Lin Xiu!" Tong Li's voice came.

Lu Sha gritted her teeth tightly, her hand holding the knife was already trembling a little, in the end, she still couldn't muster up the courage to kill Tong Zheng.

But at this time, a voice sounded behind her: "Killing is the right given to you by this young master. You don't need to be afraid of anyone! If you want to kill, you can kill!"

Lu Sha was shocked when she heard it, and the murderous intent in her eyes became intense again.

"Tong Zheng, go to hell!" Lu Sha shouted again.

"Stay..." Tong Li looked at it and wanted to shock Lu Sha again.

"Roar——" a dragon roar appeared, and Tong Li's voice was completely covered. The appearance of the frost dragon behind Lin Xiu made Tong Li's roar completely useless.

Tong Zheng's head was cut off and he rolled to the ground, his eyes were full of despair and disbelief.

Tong Zheng is really dead!

He died here, in front of Tong Li!
As one of the most powerful peak masters of Lingyun Sect, Tong Li is very powerful, but now here, he can't even save his nephew!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face in public, collecting 120 face-slapping points!"

Gang Tongli wanted to save Tongzheng, but this Tongzheng died here, what if it wasn't a slap in the face?
"You are all going to die!" Tong Li was extremely angry at this time, his eyes were blood red, Tong Li had no children in his life, he regarded Tong Zheng as his son, and Tong Zheng was abolished, which already made him very heartbroken , but now, Tong Zheng died in front of him, how could he bear it?
Lu Sha killed Tong Zheng. When she heard Tong Li's words, she immediately stood in front of Lin Xiu: "I killed the man. If there is anything wrong, come to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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