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Chapter 231 Why do I need to explain to you what I have done all my life!

Chapter 231 This young master has acted all his life, so why do I need to explain it to you!

"Do you think that you alone can bear this responsibility? Lin Xiu, this is your maid, and you killed other disciples of the sect. According to the clan rules, even if you are the disciple of our suzerain, You must take responsibility!" Tong Li said.

"This matter has nothing to do with our young master, you can't take action against my young master!" Lu Sha said immediately.

"You bastard, what are you worthy of talking to me?" Tong Li said coldly.

Lin Xiu held Lu Sha's hand, turned around and went to his residence.

"Lin Xiu, don't you explain it to yourself?" Tong Li said coldly.

"My young master has acted all his life, why do I need to explain to you!" Lin Xiu flicked his sleeves and said, "You are not worthy to talk to me, and you are not qualified to convict me. If you want to convict me, call the suzerain here! "

"..." Everyone in the law enforcement team was startled. Is this Lin Xiu crazy?

They have never seen a man as pretentious as Lin Xiu. This is Tong Li, the peak master of Lingyan Peak. Qualified to condemn him?
"Lin Xiu, you are going too far. Do you know who is the person in front of you now? He is Tong Li, the master of Lingyan Peak. How dare you talk to him like this?" Zhang Zifeng said loudly.

"What are you? I just want to ask you, do you know who this young master is?" Lin Xiu looked at Zhang Zifeng with disdain on his face, "Dare to be rude to your uncle, according to the clan rules, you should You can slap your mouth a hundred times!"

" have violated our patriarchal rules now, and you are no longer qualified to be our uncle!" Zhang Zifeng said immediately.

"Whether you are qualified or not, is it up to you?" Lin Xiu looked at Zhang Zifeng arrogantly and said.

"Today, I will arrest you and hand it over to the suzerain!" Tong Li smiled coldly, jumped up in Lin Xiu's direction, and slapped Lin Xiu down with his palm.

"Let's go!" Lin Xiu pushed Lu Sha directly, and with a sway of his body, he used Lingyunzong's Lingyan step, and his movement was so fast that he dodged Tong Li's palm all of a sudden.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise on the ground, and a palm print with a width of one foot appeared on the ground. If this palm hit Lin Xiu's body, Lin Xiu might be smashed to pieces.

"Uncle Tong Li wants to make a move. Even if Lin Xiu doesn't die this time, he will lose a layer of skin!"

"Who told him to be so stupid that he dared to kill Senior Brother Tong Zheng in front of Senior Senior Tong Li!"

"Lin Xiu must be defeated. There is no need to doubt it anymore. Even Huo Yuan will probably be punished!"

Seeing this scene, the member of the law enforcement team sneered.

"Lin Xiu, do you think your agility is fast enough? If you have the ability, let me dodge it again?" Tong Li slapped out and saw that Lin Xiu was able to dodge, but he didn't mind at all. I don't care, I only saw a long spear with lightning flashing behind him, a sixth-level martial spirit, a thunder gun!

The spear held by Tong Li merged with the martial spirit at this time, and the spear in Tong Li's hand stabbed at Lin Xiu, only to see a thunderbolt rushing towards Lin Xiu.

Moreover, this thunder and lightning directly covered Lin Xiu and Lin Xiu within a range of ten feet. This place is full of lightning. Can Lin Xiu resist his attack again?

All he saw was Lin Xiu's body, but it suddenly disappeared. Lin Xiu had already left the range in an instant under Ling Yanbu's attack, and the attack was all in vain.

"Impossible, how did you cultivate Lingyanbu to the point of Dzogchen?" Tong Li's face changed slightly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face for the second time. You have collected double slap points, 240!"

You said I couldn't dodge, so I'll hide for you, but this kind of slap in the face is meaningless. What Lin Xiu wants to do is to slap in the face in a row. He only saw Lin Xiu's body swaying, and he appeared in Tong Li side.

Facing an opponent like Tong Li, Lin Xiu dared to take the initiative?
Tong Li sneered, he has the Thunder Light Spear Wuhun in his hand, so how could he be afraid of getting close?
Tong Li's long spear stabbed out in an instant, which was exactly what Lin Xiu had done before.

Tong Li had already cultivated his spear intent to great success, and his attack was far from what Tong Zheng could compare to. But even so, he didn't even touch Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu's figure kept dodging Tong Li's spear, but He approached Tong Li, and his hand greeted Tong Li's head.

What exactly does Lin Xiu want to do?Is he crazy?
Can't even summon the martial soul, Lin Xiu still wants to fight this Tong Li?
"What's wrong with him, young master?" Lu Sha's face showed anxiety, "Why didn't he summon the martial spirit to fight?"

"Even if Senior Uncle Lin Xiu summons a martial spirit, he probably won't be the opponent of Senior Uncle Tong Li. After all, his realm is still too low. If it weren't for our Lingyun Sect's Lingyan Step, he would have lost by now. !" Huo Yuan shook his head.

"The young master will not lose, I believe the young master!" Shuang'er said.

won't lose?Huo Yuan sighed, the current Tong Li is not Mr. Hua, he will not give Lin Xiu water, in this situation, Lin Xiu can still win, unless there is a miracle!
At this moment, when the two suddenly separated, Lin Xiu was still not hurt at all, and he did not hurt Tong Li, but Tong Li obviously had the upper hand. If this continues, Lin Xiu may only lose. .

"I thought you had some abilities. It turns out that you are nothing more than that. How dare you call yourself a genius? Lin Xiu, you are only capable of martial arts. Your level is so low, and you still have the courage to fight me , I have to say, you are indeed extremely stupid!" Tong Li said disdainfully.

Lin Xiu had his hands behind his back at this time, he shook his head, sighed and said, "Tong Li, are you trying to force my senior brother to take action?"

"What?" Tong Li frowned and said.

"Brother, I'm not afraid to tell you. In fact, I just used 45% of my strength just now. I hope you can accept it as soon as you see it. Don't do such meaningless things again. Otherwise, as long as I use [-]% more of my strength, You can only be beaten by me!" A gust of wind pointed at Lin Xiu's cloak, and Lin Xiu held his head up, looking up at the sky at [-] degrees.

Judging from this appearance, Lin Xiu really has the feeling of an outsider. It's a pity that he is too young, otherwise, this picture does not have any sense of disobedience.

"Lin Xiu, I think your bragging ability is more powerful than your strength!" Tong Li said.

"Looking at you, are you really going to insist on fighting me?" Lin Xiu said with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Of course, don't you think that if you say this, I will be frightened by you. Do you think I'm one of those useless disciples?" Tong Li said coldly.

 This chapter was updated manually, that's right, Pikachu forgot to set a regular update!
(End of this chapter)

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