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Chapter 237 Turns out to be true?

Chapter 237 Turns out to be true?
"Apologize? Why should I apologize? Isn't it just a two-star doctor?" Lin Xiu said after hearing this.

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, their faces changed. Lin Xiu is so arrogant that he doesn't even pay attention to a two-star doctor?
"Who is this? Why are you so arrogant? How dare you talk to Master Tao Hua like this!"

"Isn't he that Lin Xiu? I've heard it before, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant that even a two-star doctor would be ignored!"

"Even the suzerain should respect Master Tao Hua, he is just the suzerain's disciple, what right does he have to be arrogant?"

Several disciples hurriedly said that these people are very concerned about Sister Liuyin. Of course, it's hard to say if they have ulterior motives.

Now that the news about Liu Ying has spread, these people naturally came to visit.

"You..." Tao Hua took a deep breath and said, "Miss Liuyin, if you don't invite this rude person out, then I won't treat Miss Liuying's cold brain anymore!"

"Master Tao Hua, please don't do this, Xiaoying's illness still needs your treatment, I will ask him to leave immediately!" Liuyin said hastily.

Yu Rou was also a little anxious at this time: "Lin Xiu, just don't say a word, don't you think it's too much?"

"Lin Xiu, it's too much for you to say that, this is my master!" Luo Fu said unhappy.

"Since you don't want me to stay, then the young master is not interested in staying!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, "But I still have something to say!"

"What else do you want to say?" Tao Hua asked immediately.

"Cutting the wrong disease can kill people!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he turned and left.

Just when Lin Xiu finished speaking, Lin Xiu suddenly received a system prompt.

"Trigger the treasure chest task and cure Liu Ying's disease!"

Determining the wrong disease, but it will kill people?Who is he talking about?Could it be Tao Hua?
"Hahaha... This Lin Xiu, I thought there was something special about him, but it turns out that's all there is to it. He dared to say that Master Tao Hua would cure the wrong disease. It's a joke!"

"He's not a doctor, yet he dares to say that Master Tao Hua is wrong, and he is the one who is really wrong!"

"Don't worry about him, he must be just sensationalizing!"


Everyone obviously didn't believe Lin Xiu's words, they said.

However, what Lin Xiu said made Liu Yin feel a little doubtful. Could it be true?
No, this is Master Tao Hua, how could he cure the wrong disease?

Tao Hua was also quite confident. He said, "Miss Liuyin, you don't have to worry. I have already tested Miss Liuying's meridians. Her meridians are messy, and there is a faint coldness leaking out around her body. There is also a cold air and...these are enough to prove that the disease she got is cold brain syndrome!"

"I believe Master Tao Hua!" Liu Yin nodded.

"Hot...I'm hot..." A voice appeared, everyone was stunned, and at the same time looked at the place where the voice came from, it turned out to be the voice from Liu Ying.

"How could it be? This... Didn't Master Tao Hua say that Junior Sister Liu Ying would feel the cold?"

"Yes, but Junior Sister Liu Ying said she was hot just now!"

"Is there something wrong with this?"

Surprised expressions appeared on everyone's faces, and they said in succession.

Tao Hua was the most surprised, his face has changed drastically now, this is impossible, if it is just a cold brain, this situation will not happen!
"Master Tao Hua, Xiaoying seems to be a little abnormal!" Liu Yin dared not speak directly, she said.

"Let me see again!" Tao Hua felt Liu Ying's pulse again, and his face suddenly turned pale, "Impossible!"

"Master Tao Hua, what happened?" Liu Yin asked.

"Her illness doesn't seem to be as simple as cold brain syndrome, she can't take this medicine now!" Tao Hua said hastily.

"What? She really doesn't have a cold-brain syndrome?" Liu Yin was shocked when she heard this.

"Yes, I'm sorry Miss Liuyin, I was indeed too careless this time!" Tao Hua felt a little embarrassed, he said guiltily.

"No way? It's true? Master Tao Hua diagnosed the wrong disease?"

"That doesn't mean that Uncle Lin Xiu is really right?"

"How did he do it? Just by looking at it, he was able to see Junior Sister Liu Ying's illness?"


The people around exploded at once.

At this time, Lin Xiu also received a reminder.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face invisible, causing a critical hit, and collecting 16 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face invisible, causing a critical hit, and collecting 200 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face invisible, causing a critical hit, and collecting 18 face slap points!"


There are quite a few of these disciples, some are at the Martial Spirit Realm, some are at the Martial Void Realm, anyway, almost all of them were slapped in the face together.

After all, these people originally thought that Lin Xiu was wrong and Tao Hua was not wrong, but now, even Tao Hua admitted that he was indeed wrong in his judgment.

Lin Xiu smiled. He didn't leave, but stood outside Liu Yin's residence. He knew that they would definitely come out!
"What are you arguing about here? Everyone get out!" Liu Yin was a little restless at this moment, she shouted loudly.

Liu Yin is usually very gentle, but now in this situation, she is very decisive. These people here will only affect Tao Hua and Liu Yin, so she must drive these people out.

The only people left here are Liu Yin, Yu Rou, Luo Fu and the doctor Tao Hua.

"Master Tao Hua, can you tell what's wrong with Xiaoying?" Liuyin asked nervously.

Tao Hua shook his head in shame, and said, "I have never seen this kind of disease before, and I have never seen it in any classics. Miss Liu Ying's disease, I can't cure it!"

"It can't be cured?" Liu Yin's face changed slightly.

"Liu Yin, just now Lin Xiu saw that Liu Ying was not suffering from a cold-brain syndrome. Do you think he really knows how to do medicine?" Yu Rou said suddenly.

"In this way, when Lin Xiu came here, he did say one thing..." Luo Fu said.

"What did he say?" Liu Yin asked.

"He said he's still a doctor!" Luo Fu shook his head and said, "But that's impossible, no matter how talented you are, you need to memorize a lot of medical classics to become a doctor, and it's not a short time to become your own knowledge. He is too young to be able to do it!"

"Whether what he said is true or not, this time, we have to invite him back, Master Tao Hua, what do you think?" Liu Yin said.

"If his medical skills are better than mine, so what if I learn from him?" Tao Hua said immediately, obviously, he didn't believe that Lin Xiu's medical skills could be better than his. This was the confidence of an old doctor.

"I'm going out now to invite him back!" Liu Yin said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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