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Chapter 238 It's not your fault!

Chapter 238 It's not your fault!

For Liu Yin, she doesn't care who is the best medical person here, she only hopes that her sister can recover, and that is enough.

So as long as there is a glimmer of hope, the current Liu Yin will do it immediately.

"Senior Sister Liuyin has come out, what is she going to do?"

"Senior Sister Liu Yin, how is Junior Sister Liu Ying?"

"Senior Sister Liuyin, has Master Tao Hua really diagnosed the wrong disease?"


Everyone gathered around and said to Liu Yin.

Liuyin stretched out her jade hand, and said to the people in front of her: "Brothers and sisters, please let me go, I'm going to find Uncle Lin Xiu, maybe only Uncle Lin can save Xiaoying!"

"Uncle Lin Xiu? Uncle Lin Xiu can cure a disease that even Master Tao Hua can't cure well?"

"No way, Uncle Lin Xiu is still a brilliant doctor?"

"Impossible, how old is Uncle Lin Xiu?"


Liu Yin didn't have time to pay attention to these people. She had already walked out of the door, and the other disciples followed immediately. When everyone walked out of the door, they saw a figure with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky at 45 degrees, and the cloak fluttering behind him.

There are two eye-catching big characters "Justice" on the cloak, and his eyes are deep, looking into the distance, as if lamenting life, he sighed a long time at this time.

"Hey!" Who is this if it's not Lin Xiu?
It's time to show off your awesome skills again!Lin Xiu thought so in his heart, Nima, let this young master wait here for almost half an hour, his legs are going numb!
After Lin Xiu got this task, he stood outside, waiting for Liu Yin and others to come out to find him, because he possessed the eyes of heaven, and he could tell at a glance that Liu Ying was not suffering from this kind of cold-brain syndrome. Otherwise, what is he still pretending to be here.

However, Lin Xiu's appearance as an unrivaled expert is really too pretentious, there is a strong aura of pretentiousness rushing towards his face, everyone just looked at Lin Xiu's back, and they already felt that this person is just pretending!
But what can I do?People are awesome!Even if they are pretending, they can only bear it.

Liu Yin didn't care about this, she immediately stepped forward and said, "Uncle Lin Xiu, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm pretending here...I'm waiting for you here, I knew you would come!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Surprised expression appeared on Liu Yin's face, Lin Xiu actually knew she was coming early in the morning?How did he know?Could it be that he has long been sure that Liu Ying's illness is not a cold brain syndrome, so he came to seek his help?Then Lin Xiu has been waiting for her here, what a nice person he is?
"Uncle Lin Xiu, have you seen what's wrong with Xiao Ying?"

"Yeah!" Lin Xiu replied softly.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, are you sure you can cure Xiaoying's illness?"


"I beg Master to help!" After hearing these two affirmative answers, Liu Yin said immediately.

Lin Xiu put his hands behind his back, but he didn't turn his head, which was obviously unwilling.

After everyone saw it, they actually understood a little bit. After all, Lin Xiu was kicked out just now. If anyone was treated like this, he would probably feel uncomfortable, and Lin Xiu was still kicked out by Liu Yin and Tao Hua in front of so many people. Yes, naturally more.

Tao Hua, a two-star doctor, has been able to gain the respect of the suzerain. If Lin Xiu can treat Liu Ying well, his medical skills will not be worse than Tao Hua, at least he is also a two-star doctor. More importantly, he is still so young. !

Young people have arrogance, that's natural, I don't need to come back just because you call me back!

So Lin Xiu was unmoved, and some people can still understand.

Seeing this, Liu Yin had no choice but to kneel down, kowtowed to Lin Xiu and said, "Uncle Lin Xiu, please do it!"

"It's not your fault!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was startled again. Didn't the meaning of Lin Xiu's words mean that he wanted Tao Hua to come out and beg him?
It's not your fault, it's Taohua. Lin Xiu has already spoken so clearly, how could Liu Yin not understand?It's just that it is obviously impossible to make a two-star doctor bow his head!

No matter what, Liu Yin has to give it a try!
Everyone looked at Lin Xiu's aloof back, and they sighed a little, Lin Xiu is probably the only one who dares to treat Tao Hua like this!

"Master Tao Hua, can you go out and invite Uncle Lin Xiu in?" Liu Yin asked.

"What did you say?" Tao Hua's face changed drastically when he heard that, Liu Yin actually wanted her to invite Lin Xiu in?Isn't that to make him bow his head to Lin Xiu?

"Uncle Lin Xiu said that Master Tao Hua needs you to go out to meet him before he is willing to come in!" Liu Yin said a little embarrassed, she did not dare to pass Lin Xiu's words directly to Tao Hua.

Both Yu Rou and Luo Fu could hear that Liu Yin meant that Tao Hua should ask Lin Xiu!
This is too much, how could Master Tao Hua do such a thing?

"I'll go out and talk to him!" Tao Hua walked out immediately.

As soon as Tao Hua walked out the door, the eyes of the other disciples around him were focused on Tao Hua. Tao Hua ignored these disciples, and his eyes fell on the lonely figure outside the house.

Master Tao Hua actually passed by, he wouldn't really want to apologize to Lin Xiu, would he?If this is the case, there is also a good show here!
Many disciples looked at the two nervously, wondering if there would be any sparks between the two.

And Tao Hua came over, and just about to speak, Lin Xiu turned his head, with a faint smile on his face, Lin Xiu walked towards Tao Hua, before Tao Hua could speak, he had already passed Tao Hua, and walked towards the house go.

ignore!This is Chi Guoguo's disregard!
This is even more uncomfortable than scolding Tao Hua, how could Tao Hua endure such a thing?
"Stop, Lin Xiu! What do you mean?" Tao Hua said coldly.

"Nothing interesting!" Lin Xiu stopped, but didn't look back, and said, "I'm just going to treat Nephew Liu Ying!"

"Do you think you can cure Miss Liu Ying?" Tao Hua said.

"Of course!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What if you can't do it?" Tao Hua said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiu turned his head and looked at Tao Hua.

"Miss Liu Ying's illness, even I can't cure it, you are so young, you can also treat her well? I absolutely don't believe it, if you can do it, I will kneel down and call you teacher!" Tao Hua said coldly road.

"Wow!" The people present immediately exclaimed after hearing it, what is Tao Hua talking about?If Lin Xiu can do it, call him teacher?Doesn't that mean that if Lin Xiu can cure Liu Ying, he will learn from Lin Xiu?

"Then what if I lose?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Then you will abolish your cultivation and slap yourself ten times across the face!" Tao Hua said.

Abolish self-cultivation?Cultivation is the life of a warrior. If you abolish your cultivation, isn't that self-defeating?

"Old boy, don't go too far. Can you afford to play such a big game?" Lin Xiu said.

(End of this chapter)

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