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Chapter 241 Can I help someone cheat?

Chapter 241 Can I help someone cheat?

When Lin Xiu came back, he found that Shen Ling was gone. Lin Xiu also knew that after he left, Shen Ling probably wouldn't stay. Lin Xiu would go to participate in the sect assessment tomorrow, and he would go to retreat the day after tomorrow. After repairing, it might be difficult to help Shen Ling.

Fortunately, Shen Ling did not tell what happened before, otherwise, Lin Xiu might not be able to get rid of the crime of stealing clothes.

But would Shen Ling really believe him?
Lin Xiu didn't know, he said hello to Shuang'er and Lu Sha, and then went back to the room.

Lin Xiu first glanced at the data of his face-slapping treasure box: 39053.
The previous face slap was divided into three times, the second time was double the first time, and the third time was triple the first time, so the face slap points were still quite a lot, plus the face slap points collected before , Lin Xiu has collected nearly [-] face-slapping points.

After the golden treasure box was opened, what was obtained was 108 golden needles.

The life-saving golden needle is effective for any creature below Wu Zunjing. As long as there is still a breath, it can save a life after the needle is used. After use, it will become a spiritual golden needle. !
The item that was opened from this golden treasure chest turned out to be a life-saving golden needle, but according to its description, it only had one life-saving effect, and after use, it would become a spirit golden needle, which was much better than Lin Xiu's current ordinary golden needle.

This is also a good treasure!
Just when Lin Xiu was about to take a break, someone knocked on the door. Lin Xiu opened the door and saw Lu Sha standing outside the door.

"Master Lin Xiu, can I come in?" Lu Sha blushed slightly and said.

"Come in!" Lin Xiu nodded.

After Lu Sha came in, she immediately knelt down to Lin Xiu: "Master Lin Xiu, I owe you my life and a great favor!"

"Get up quickly, what do you mean?" Lin Xiu frowned.

"Master Lin Xiu, you help me heal the wound on my face. This is the first favor. You gave me a chance to take revenge. This is the second favor. You saved my life today. This is the third favor. !" Lu Sha said to Lin Xiu.

"So you don't want to make a promise with your body?" Lin Xiu asked with a strange expression.

"If Master Lin Xiu doesn't dislike it, I... I am willing too!" Lu Sha blushed, but she raised her head stubbornly, with a firm look in her eyes.

After all, it would be impossible for Lu Sha to survive the previous environment without a strong heart and a stubborn personality. Now she has the heart to repay Lin Xiu, but she has not found a way to repay her kindness. If Lin Xiu wants to She is also willing to do this if she wants to, after all, she feels that she can no longer repay Lin Xiu's favor.

"I'm just joking, don't take it to heart, you just need to be my maid, if you want to leave anytime, you can tell me, and I will let you go!" Lin Xiu said.

When accepting Lu Sha as maidservant, Lin Xiu didn't think too much about it, he just wanted to use his reputation to protect her. Now that her revenge has been avenged, it is estimated that no one will threaten her anymore, so Lin Xiu naturally won't keep her.

"Lu Sha is willing to serve the young master for the rest of her life! If you break this oath, heaven and earth will not tolerate it!" Lu Sha raised her hand and said firmly.

" don't need to be so serious!" Lin Xiu said in a daze.

"Master, don't you look down on Lu Sha?" Lu Sha stared at Lin Xiu.

What a murderous look!Lin Xiu was taken aback, and he quickly waved his hands: "No, since this is the case, you can stay and be my maid!"

This is the first time for Lin Xiu to be forced to be his young master. However, Lu Sha is different from Su Long and Shuang'er. Shuang'er is gentle but strong, and she absolutely trusts Lin Xiu. Lu Sha is almost like a female general, not only has a murderous aura, but also her martial spirit seems to be a blue knife!

This is a very mighty female warrior!
The next day was finally the day of the sect's assessment. On this day, all those warriors who focused on the Lingyun Sect would gather at the Lingyun Sect. When they looked over, they were all heads. There are estimated to be tens of thousands of people here.

"Huo Yuan, why are there so many people here?" Lin Xiu asked.

This time, Lin Xiu came out with two maids and the little fire dragon. As for Su Long, the cat was forced to stay to see Jingjing.

Although Su Long was very dissatisfied, Lin Xiu let her stay on the grounds of letting her practice fighting with a cat body.

Su Long was very angry, why practice fighting with a cat body?I don't want to be a cat all the time, do I?
"Uncle, our Lingyun Sect is one of the four major sects after all. Every year we have tens of thousands of fighters to participate in the assessment, but we will only admit about 100 people, and most of these people can only stay outside the school. Among the sect disciples, only a small number of people are eligible to enter the inner sect disciples, and it is even more difficult to become core disciples!"

After all, Huo Yuan is well-informed and knows a lot, he replied.

"Only 1 out of 100 people can join the sect? So few!" Shuang'er said in shock.

"After all, the Zongmen accepts disciples, one depends on martial spirit, the other depends on talent, and the last is strength!" Huo Yuan explained.

"Martial spirit? Does anyone who joins our sect need a second-level martial spirit?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"Because the strength of the participants are generally warriors below the Martial Spirit Realm, the Martial Soul has not yet fully awakened, but at least it can be judged that the second-level Martial Soul can pass the first test first, but if there is no second-level Martial Soul. Among the first-level martial arts, the stronger ones will naturally pass!" Huo Yuan replied.

"Then what about people without martial soul?" Shuang'er asked.

Huo Yuan smiled wryly, but did not answer, Lu Sha said: "Without a martial spirit, of course there is no way to become a warrior. This kind of person, unless there are other ways, it is impossible to join the sect!"

"What about talent?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"For talent, you only need the opponent to be able to learn a specified martial skill in a short period of time, then you can pass. For those who can pass this level, luck is the key!" Huo Yuan said.

"You mean, as long as you choose a simple martial skill, you can pass?" Lin Xiu said.

"That's right!" Huo Yuan nodded.

The third hurdle is to speak with strength, and no one can help them!
Lin Xiu thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Can I help someone cheat?"

"..." Huo Yuan, Lu Sha, and Shuang'er were stunned at the same time. A thought appeared in their hearts at the same time. As expected of Master Lin Xiu, they dared to say it directly in person.

Huo Yuan coughed in embarrassment, and then said: "Yes!"

 Can you include this book in the book list? This is also a great encouragement for Pikachu and this book. Please, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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