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Chapter 242 Is it that simple?

Chapter 242 Is it that simple?
"What should I do?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, the elder who will be assessed this time is called Liu Song. Under Elder Liu Song, ten core disciples manage each assessment..." Huo Yuan explained.

"Stop, just get to the point!" Lin Xiu waved his hands.

Lin Xiu doesn't want to hear these principles, he just needs to know how to do it!

Huo Yuan was a little helpless, he said: "Uncle Lin Xiu, there is a core disciple over there, he is called Ma Zhou, you just need to tell him how to do it, the first level, generally no one cares about it!"

Lin Xiu took a look and saw a wretched young man over there, about 20 years old, with a full chin and a beard on both cheeks, and a pair of very small eyes, and these eyes would scan the sensitive parts of the surrounding female disciples from time to time. Go, Lin Xiu saw it, and knew that this would be an excellent... dog leg!

"Okay, it's just him!" Lin Xiu said to the people around him, "I'll go alone, don't let anyone follow me!"

"Uncle Lin Xiu, his reputation..." Huo Yuan wanted to continue, but Lin Xiu waved his hand.

"I know, this is definitely not a good person!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he passed.

"How does Uncle Lin Xiu know that he is not a good person?" Huo Yuan asked doubtfully.

Shuang'er looked at it, curled her lips and said, "Probably because the smells are similar!"

"Ma Zhou? He seems to be the disciple who often goes down the find girls!" Lu Sha said with a strange expression.

"Yes, that's him!" Huo Yuan replied.

"Will he listen to the young master?" Lu Sha asked again.

"I don't know either!" Huo Yuan shook his head and said.

"Ah, the young master came back after saying a word to him!" Shuang'er couldn't believe it when she saw it.

"Master, he promised you?" Lu Sha asked.

"Yes, I asked him to let some members of our Lin family pass, and he agreed!" Lin Xiu replied.

"How could he agree so easily?" Huo Yuan said in shock.

"I said my name is Lin Xiu, and I will give him [-] gold coins, whether he is willing or not, he agrees!" Lin Xiu said.

It's that simple?No, this is not easy anymore, who has Lin Xiu's status and such financial resources?Moreover, it doesn't need to be difficult at all to let the people of the Lin family pass. Who would doubt this kind of thing as long as Ma Zhou makes a move?
Lin Yue, Lin Yan, and three other people also came here, and they were surprised to see other people here.

"How come there are so many people?" Lin Yi asked in surprise.

"I heard that there are tens of thousands of people in Lingyunzong's assessment every year, and a small number of people here are from the Martial Spirit Realm. I'm afraid we won't be able to meet my cousin this time!" Lin Yue said a little Reluctantly said.

"No, we will definitely meet the young master!" Lin Yan said immediately.

"Look, those members of the Liu family have also arrived!" Lin Xu said.

On the other side, there were indeed more than a dozen members of the Liu family. The leader was Liu Lue, who was also of the highest level. He also saw the people on this side, and said, "How dare you come here? Really! Have courage!"

"What else do you want to do? This is Lingyunzong's territory, if you do something here, Lingyunzong won't just sit idly by!" Lin Yue stared.

"Little beauty, when you are angry, you are quite spicy and strong enough. I like it. If you are willing to stay with me for a night, I will give you a chance to enter the next round. Otherwise, I am afraid you will not even pass the first round of assessment." !" Liu Lue looked at Lin Yue's figure with a wretched smile on his face.

"We will definitely be able to pass! If you dare to trick our young lady again, when our young master arrives, we will definitely not let you go!" Lin Yan said.

"Your young master? Who is your young master? Has he arrived?" Liu Lue looked at the five people, but he didn't find anyone who looked like a young master.

"Our young master is already a disciple of Lingyun Sect!" Lin Yi said.

"Oh? What's your young master's name? We can send someone to treat him well!" Liu Lue sneered.

As soon as this sentence came out, the faces of the five members of the Lin family changed. What if the members of the Liu family find someone to deal with Lin Xiu?For their young master, I'm afraid it may not be an easy task, although the young master has some cards, even the dragon clan can kill.

But Master Lin Xiu himself said that this kind of method is not his real strength, and it needs to consume a certain price to be able to use it. Lin Xiu's real realm is only the fifth level of the Martial Spirit Realm!

Even with the young master's talent and strength, there are still many existences in Ling Yunzong that he can't provoke!
Thinking of this, the five of them inevitably hesitated.

"What? Don't dare to say? I'm not afraid to tell you that we can all pass this time, because our uncle is named Liu Song. Uncle Liu Song is Master Kong Zhifeng's younger brother. As long as you dare to say your young master's name, I think, He will be able to go back to your Liu family right away, of course, after being abolished!" Liu Lue showed a sneer on his face.

"You!" Lin Yan gritted his teeth, and was about to make a move, but was stopped by Lin Xu.

"Lin Yan, if you are angry, you will be fooled by him. Let's not argue with him. We will definitely be able to join the Lingyun Sect!" Lin Xu said hastily.

"Okay, Liu Lue, we are going to participate in the first assessment, they will definitely not pass!" A member of the Liu family said.

"That's right, little beauty, I hope to see you next time!" Liu Lue said while looking at Lin Yue's figure with greedy eyes.

"I don't want to see you again!" Lin Yue said.

The first round of assessment required the use of soul-testing stones. It was not surprising that Lin Yue could pass, but what surprised Lin Yan and the others was that they all passed.

In the first round, 100% of the people were directly eliminated. After all, although there are quite a few people with martial souls, there are less than [-] people with martial souls above the second level!

However, there are still some people who have a third-level martial spirit or above, and these people can even pass the assessment directly, without the need for the second or third round of assessment.

After Liu Lue and others entered the second round, they found that five people from the Lin family were still here. Liu Lue felt incredible.

"Liu Lue, don't worry about them, they won't be able to pass the third round!" Another member of the Liu family said.

"Liu Ning, I always feel a little strange. If they pass the second round, I think I need to find my uncle!" Liu Lue said.

"Don't worry, how can people from a small place like them have such a strong talent?" Liu Ning said.

"I think so too. By the way, check out the Lin family disciples who joined the Lingyun Sect this year. I want to see who the young master they are talking about is who!" Liu Lue said coldly.

 I would recommend a friend's book, "Prime Ancient Wars of Heaven" by Where is Xiaoqianqian.


(End of this chapter)

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