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Chapter 243 Who dares to hurt me?

Chapter 243 Who dares to hurt me?

Ma Zhou received a request from a young man named Liu Jiang, who sent ten gold tickets of one thousand, asking him to get rid of all the people headed by Lin Yue.

This request made Ma Zhou stunned for a moment. After Ma Zhou received it, he said: "I see, go back and tell your master, leave this matter to me, but can you tell me who sent you here?" ?”

"We are led by Brother Liu Lue this time, and our uncle is also in Lingyun Sect, and he is also an elder!" Liu Jiang whispered quickly.

"An elder with the surname Liu?"

"It's the elder of this assessment, his name is..."

"I understand, it turned out to be like this, I understand what to do!"

Ma Zhou sent him away with a smile. After Liu Jiang left, Ma Zhou investigated the background of the Liu family and the previous affairs in Lingyun Town. He immediately went to see Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu was still in the assessment venue. He didn't go to see the Lin family because he believed that Ma Zhou could handle such trivial matters.

But Ma Zhou came again, which surprised him.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, can you take a step to speak?" Ma Zhou sneaked over and asked.

Lin Xiu nodded, and the two immediately walked aside.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, I don't know what relationship those members of the Lin family have with you?" Ma Zhou asked.

"They are my people!" Lin Xiu said directly.

"If I tell uncle that someone wants to deal with your clan, uncle, I don't know how much I can get..." Ma Zhou said again.

"There are one hundred thousand gold tickets here!" Lin Xiu said proudly, "Tell me, who is it?"

"Cangxing City, the Liu family!" Ma Zhou said.

"The Liu family?" Lin Xiu frowned.

"There are two more pieces of news that I found out on purpose. Uncle Lin Xiu, I will honor you!" Ma Zhou told Liu Song's identity and what the Liu family did in Lingyun Town. .

After Lin Xiu heard about it, he generously gave Ma Zhou a hundred thousand gold tickets, and he said lightly: "Let them continue to the next round of assessment!"

"Uncle, do we need to get rid of them?" Ma Zhou asked again.

"No need, I will deal with these people myself!" Lin Xiu sneered, who dare to hurt me?
How can I prove that I am Ling Yunzong's uncle without letting you bleed?

Ma Zhou was a little surprised that Lin Xiu wanted to come in person, so those members of the Liu family...

Ma Zhou left. The second round of assessment was to assess talent, but no one knew whether the exercises assigned would be difficult or easy. It all depended on the luck of the disciples. Of course, there were some.

For example, in the hands of Lin Yue and others now, there are five sets of the most basic boxing techniques, fingering techniques, and leg techniques. As long as they are not too stupid, they can easily learn them. It's almost like a martial skill that was displayed casually.

As a result, when Liu Lue and the others passed the second round of assessment, they found that the five members of the Lin family had appeared again. They felt incredible.

"Liu Ning, haven't you already said that this matter will be handled well?" Liu Lue asked suspiciously.

"I have already asked Liu Jiang to meet that lord, how could this happen?" Liu Ning also looked confused.

"Forget it, I'm afraid I'll have to find my uncle for this matter, but it's also good, in this case, we can also solve them with our own hands. If we can get that little beauty..." Liu Lue's eyes revealed Show greedy color.

"Liu Lue, you've committed your old problem again!" Liu Ning said helplessly.

"Look, my little beauty is here!" Liu Lue said, walking towards Lin Yue.

"You all passed?" Lin Yue was surprised when she heard what other people said.

"Could it be that the young master is helping us?" Lin Yan asked excitedly.

"Does he really have such great influence?" Lin Yue was a little skeptical.

"Of course he doesn't have such a big influence!" Liu Lue's voice came, "I have already found out that the disciples who entered the Lingyun Sect surnamed Lin this year, none of them can become inner disciples, even if your young master is really Disciples of the Lingyun Sect are nothing more than disciples of the outer sect, it is only luck that you can get here!"

"It's you again?" Seeing Liu Lue, Lin Yue felt particularly disgusted, especially the way he looked at her, as if she had no clothes on.

"Little beauty, can you agree to what I just said? After all, it is absolutely impossible for you to win in the future. If you are willing to accompany me, I can help you enter Lingyunzong!" Liu Lue said again.

"Get lost, I'm not interested in talking to you!" Lin Yue said angrily.

"Okay, I want to see how you will pass this round!" Liu Lue said, a little angry when he heard Lin Yue's rude words.

Seeing Liu Lue leave, Lin Yan was a little helpless: "The last round, it depends on our strength!"

"Miss Lin Yue, I suddenly remembered something. Do you still remember that we met Master Lin Xiu the day before yesterday?" Lin Yi said at this moment.

"Yeah, he separated from us later, and we haven't seen him!" Lin Yue said.

"After Master Lin Xiu left, we also heard that in the alchemy room, three disciples of the Lingyun Sect appeared, and one of them was the uncle of the other two, and that two-star alchemist would also want to Apprenticeship to this 'Uncle Master', you say... Could it be Master Lin Xiu?" Lin Yi said.

" is this possible?" Lin Yan shook his head after hearing this, "This can't possibly belong to the young master!"

"That's right, it's obviously because I'm thinking too much!" Lin Yi said in frustration.

If the disciples of the Lingyun Sect hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed that Lin Xiu could become the senior uncle of the disciples of the Lingyun Sect.

Even if Lin Yue and the others believed in Lin Xiu, they would not believe such a thing.

It is precisely because of this that they still have to rely on their own strength to enter the final assessment!

That Liu Jiang went out again, this time he was looking for Liu Song.

"Understood, I'll help him for the last time, I hope he won't do this kind of thing again!" Liu Song said immediately.

The last round of assessment is a strength confrontation. Those who have a martial spirit above level three have already been admitted in advance. Among the remaining people, there are still 90 places. Now there are exactly 180 people who have passed the second round of assessment. Fight a battle alone, and the winner will be able to enter Lingyunzong.

"Master, look, isn't that Miss Lin Yue?" Shuang'er was only heard to say.

Lin Xiu looked at the place pointed by Shuang'er, and he saw Lin Yue and five people. Lin Xiu walked towards Lin Yue and the others, but Lin Yue's opponent had already entered the martial arts arena at this time. Lin Yue's opponent , is a tall man who looks like a martial artist on the second level of the Martial Spirit Realm.

"Master Lin Xiu, that girl may not be the match of that big man." Huo Yuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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