Chapter 245 Kill him!

This sword was created by Lin Xiu with his profound martial arts knowledge and skills.

Others cannot do such things as creating martial arts, but Lin Xiu is able to do it now. He can't create earth-level martial arts, but mysterious-level martial arts can be easily done.

This sword looks very simple, but if it is not taught by Lin Xiu, no one else would want to learn it.

If other martial arts are used once, they will consume a lot of energy, but this sword of Feihong is different. Lin Yue feels that after using this sword of hers, she has not been greatly affected at all. Cast it out again.

Lin Yue stabbed out with a sword again, and the long sword stabbed out again, it was still Feihong's sword!
This sword, no matter how Liu Lue dodges, it seems that he can't dodge it, so he can only take it hard!
With a crisp sound, Liu Lue's tiger's mouth was shaken open, blood flowed out immediately, and his hands were soon stained red with blood.

The destructive power of Feihong Yijian is too powerful, even Liu Lue can't resist it, but the most terrible thing is that Feihong Yijian can be used continuously.

After this sword, I only saw Lin Yue use it again. The more she uses it now, the more she feels that this move is proficient, and the destructive power is getting higher and higher.

And in this way, for Liu Lue, the threat is getting more and more serious. Don't look at Lin Yue's attack, but what is terrifying is that Lin Yue's attack, no matter how Liu Lue dodges, can't dodge it. As if he had identified him, he was able to hit him in an instant. He could only resist, but could not dodge.

"It's amazing, this girl has learned this sword, and I'm afraid she can fight against it even if she faces the fifth level of the Martial Spirit Realm!" Huo Yuan sighed, this is not because Huo Yuan is flattering Lin Xiu, but because of this continuous appearance. This move, but it can pose a serious threat to warriors below the Martial Spirit Realm, which is beyond what other people can imagine.

At least, it is absolutely impossible for Liu Lue in front of him to be very strong. Facing Lin Yue's attack, he has no power to fight back.

"How can it be so powerful? Didn't she only learn one trick?"

"One move can make his combat power so much stronger, how is it possible?"

"This is too awesome, who the hell is he?"


Seeing this scene, other people around felt incredible. After all, Lin Xiu taught Lin Yue in less than a minute, and no one would believe that Lin Yue learned this trick and was able to defeat Liu Lue. !

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat!" Liu Lue shouted hastily.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face in public, collecting 12 face-slapping points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face in public, collecting 14 face-slapping points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face in public, collecting 11 face-slapping points!"


This time, the face slaps did not collect many points, although there were nearly 200 people present, but less than 1000 faces were slapped, and only more than [-] face slap points were obtained, and these people were all in the Martial Spirit Realm or not even in the Martial Spirit Realm For a martial artist, the points obtained for face punching are too few!

"What? Why did Big Brother Liu Lue admit defeat?"

"I only saw that woman only using this trick. Why did Brother Liu Lue lose?"

"Impossible, I don't believe this will be true!"

When the members of the Liu family here saw this scene, their eyes were filled with shock.

"It's okay, brother Liu Lue lost, we will avenge him!" said a member of the Liu family.

"Yes, other people's strength is not as good as ours, so we can deal with them!" Another member of the Liu family also said.

"I lost, but only one person from your Lin family can come down!" Liu Lue said coldly.

"You lost, do you think it's as simple as losing?" Lin Xiu smiled, his smile became cold and evil.

"What else do you want to do? I've already surrendered!" Liu Lue hurriedly said upon hearing this.

"Lin Yue, kill him!" Lin Xiu ignored Liu Lue and said.

"What? Cousin, this..." Lin Yue's expression changed when she heard this. She had never done murder before.

"Well...according to the rules, as long as the battle is over, you can't kill people. If it's during the contest, killing people is allowed!" The referee hesitated, and then said.

"The battle is over? Isn't the battle over now? Since he hasn't come down, it's not over!" Lin Xiu gave the disciple a vicious look. This disciple was just an ordinary inner disciple. Of course he had heard of this With the prestige of the demon master, how dare he refute Lin Xiu?
"Yes, yes...he hasn't come down yet, so it's not over!" the disciple said hastily.

"Since it's not over, you can continue, Lin Yue, let's do it!" Lin Xiu continued.

Many people were frightened by this scene. You know, this referee is a disciple of Lingyun Sect, but after Lin Xiu's words, he couldn't change his attitude immediately. They couldn't believe it was true.

What is the identity of this young man?
Why is it that his words can make Ling Yunzong's disciples fear him so much!

Of course, for Liu Lue, this is a very scary thing now.

What Liu Lue was facing was someone who might kill him!

"You dare to kill members of our Liu family? Do you know that our uncle Liu Song is the elder here!"

"Who the hell are you? You dare to do such a thing, don't you worry that our Liu family will attack you?"

"Boy, if you don't hold back, quickly let Brother Liu Lue come down!"

"..." The members of the Liu family are still provoking Lin Xiu desperately.

It's just that Lin Xiu stared at them, none of these people dared to speak.

Lin Xiu's glaring at who is pregnant is still very strong, at least none of these people dare to disrespect Lin Xiu.

"Cousin, do you really want to kill him?" Lin Yue was still hesitating at this moment, "If we kill him, the Liu family will take revenge on us!"

"It doesn't matter, people from the Liu family dare to retaliate, I will let none of them get out of Lingyun Sect today!" Lin Xiu showed a ferocious smile on his face.

Seeing Lin Xiu's smile, the faces of the other Lingyunzong disciples changed. Lin Xiu's smile is a very terrifying existence in Lingyunzong. I heard that many people will be unlucky when they see this smile. Now this Liu Home, it is estimated to be unlucky.

"Lin Yue, you have to know that you are from the Lin family and you live in the Lin family. If you want to inherit the Lin family in the future, you must have your own means. Have you ever thought about the children of the Lin family who have been bullied? You still know you Is it your identity? Blood debt, blood payment!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

eye for eye!Lin Yue's eyes became firm. She knew that this was the fate of a warrior. How could she become a warrior without seeing blood?
 I didn't expect PK to be able to pass the level, and today I can't justify not adding an update. There is a fourth update today, which will be around nine o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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