Chapter 246 So What? (four more)

Feihong sword!
This sword thrust out again, for Liu Lue who was already injured, but to kill him, Liu Lue was startled and angry, Lin Xiu actually wanted to kill him!

Liu Lue swung his spear desperately, but still couldn't resist the sword in front of him.

Liu Lue's spear could no longer be held, and was directly thrown out, while Lin Yue's sword had appeared again, only to see that sword light stabbing out again, this time, Liu Lue couldn't resist it at all.

Liu Lue only felt a pain in his chest, the sword had already pierced his chest.

Blood dripped onto the ground along the sword, and Liu Lue's eyes showed regret. If he had known this, he would not have shot this Lin family member!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping face for the second time, collecting 24 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping face for the second time, collecting 28 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping face for the second time, collecting 22 face slap points!"


Shocked expressions appeared on the faces of many people at this time
"Really killed, how dare he do that?"

"He's finished. I heard that Liu Lue belongs to Elder Liu Song. Isn't he afraid of being punished by Elder Liu Song for doing this?"

"No matter how powerful he is, he is just a disciple. With the status of Elder Liu Song, he will definitely be able to deal with him!"


Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to what other people said. After all, the slap in the face still needs to continue. He just said lightly: "Go on!"

continue?Do you want to continue?

"I don't believe he can still deal with me with this move!" Another big man named Liu Xing, who was already on the stage at the first level of the Wuling Realm, said loudly.

This big man's opponent is Lin Xu. Lin Xu's realm is at the ninth level of Wuyuanli, not even at the Wuling Realm, and his Wuhun has not yet awakened. The gap in strength is too great.

"Master!" Lin Xu looked at Lin Xiu, and wanted Lin Xiu to teach him a trick, but Lin Xiu just waved his hand.

"You can't learn this trick, go up, I have a way for you to deal with him!" Lin Xiu said.

"It's the young master!" Lin Xu said hastily. Although he had doubts in his heart, as a member of the Lin family, he would still obey Lin Xiu's words.

"It's just a waste of the ninth level of Wu Yuanli, no matter how you teach him, it's useless!" The big man surnamed Liu said disdainfully.

"Let's do it!" Lin Xiu said.

Lin Xu immediately swung out the saber, and Yuan Li surged out. In an instant, the aura of the saber was majestic, and the light of the saber flashed like a phantom. It was too slow, and the big man surnamed Liu could even resist it easily.

"Hahaha, what's the point of this knife? Go back and ask your young master to see if there are any tricks that can make you stronger!" The man laughed loudly, and he slashed out with the big sword in his hand. A sword blocked Lin Xu's offensive, and with a sweep of the big sword, Lin Xu was directly shocked to retreat.

The realm gap between the two is huge. If the ninth level of Wuyuanli wants to deal with existences at the level of the Wuling Realm, unless one has a heaven-defying Wuhun like Lin Xiu, or possesses powerful martial skills, how can it be easily done?

With his own strength, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Xu to deal with this man, but now, there is another person here.

"Attack his right leg!" A sinister smile appeared on Lin Xiu's face.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was surprised, especially the members of the Liu family. They knew very well that this clansman had suffered a serious injury to his right leg, but it had been healed three years ago, and from the appearance It seemed impossible to see what was wrong.

But in fact, if this leg is attacked, he will be very painful, and he will not be able to exert [-]% of his strength, but who told Lin Xiu about this?
As soon as Lin Xu heard this, he immediately attacked the man's right leg. As for being despicable?Just kidding, this battle is a battle of life and death, who cares whether it is despicable or not!

Someone must have told Liu Song about this matter, and it was the man named Liu Jiang.

"What? You said someone dared to interfere in this sect assessment? Who is so bold?" Liu Song was furious after hearing Liu Jiang's words.

"We don't know, but that person is very young and looks like he should be a core disciple!" Liu Jiang replied.

"Core disciple? So what? How dare he do this, I will never let him go!" Liu Song said coldly.

"Uncle, it's not just that, he didn't allow Big Brother Liu Lue to go off the stage, and let Brother Liu Lue die on the stage!" Liu Jiang immediately cheered up when he heard this.

"What a kid, he dared to do such a thing. Go back and look at him first, and I'll come over right away. I'll see what qualifications he has to be so arrogant!" Liu Song said with a sneer on his face.

"Yes!" When Liu Jiang went back, he only saw that his Liu family had lost three games, three members of the Liu family fell to the ground, and the competition stage was covered with blood. The members of the family have also come on stage, and his opponent is Lin Yi, and now there are several blood holes in his body, and he can't resist a few more times.

This one member of the Liu family fell down again, and the fourth member of the Liu family died here!
"Next!" Lin Xiu said indifferently.

The next people to take the stage are Lin Yan and Liu Jiang, but Liu Jiang's strength is also at the first level of the Martial Spirit Realm, which is the same as Lin Yan's. With Lin Xiu's advice, does Liu Jiang still have a chance to win?

If Liu Jiang loses, he will die!
Lin Xiu will not let these members of the Liu family go. He has already confirmed from Lin Yue that these members of the Liu family have indeed injured his own clansmen. , for Lin Xiu, it is not an exaggeration.

Lin Xiu never thought that he would be a Holy Mother. If he did not have enough strength, it would not only be Lin Yue, but also him who would be in trouble today!

Since I have enough strength, why not be a devil?

The second reason is that every time you kill a person, you can increase the face-slapping points for slapping the face of the Liu family. Killing the fourth person has already received five face-slapping points rewards.

These are all face-slapping points, Lin Xiu won't just let them go!

" dare to kill so many of us? I have already informed Elder Liu Song, as soon as the elder arrives, you will definitely die!" Liu Jiang said with a look of fear on his face.

"Elder Liu Song is a member of the Liu family. He is just a disciple of Lingyun Sect. It is absolutely impossible to fight against Elder Liu Song!"

"Even if he has strength and talent, so what, after all, he is just a disciple of Lingyun Sect!"

"He caused too much trouble this time!"


People around whispered.

"Elder Liu Song has been notified?" After Lin Xiu heard this, the smile on his face became even more evil, "So what?"

 This chapter is late, sorry first, the reason for the late is because Pikachu locked the computer, and there was no time to update at [-]:[-], I hope you will forgive me for being two hours late, this is the fourth update!Of course there will be another update at [-]:[-]!

(End of this chapter)

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