Chapter 248 Too cheap

Looking at Lin Xiu's appearance, there is already a sentence that can explain everything, invincible is the real loneliness!

Of course, not many people would believe Lin Xiu's deception. For example, Liu Song would not believe it. Lin Xiu's age has been exposed, and he is obviously bragging.

But even so, Lin Xiu's sword just now was very terrifying. His martial skill just now was an earth-level low-grade martial skill, but this sword was easily defeated in front of Lin Xiu like a yellow-level martial skill.

What surprised Liu Song the most was that Lin Xiu was able to defeat him with one move!

No wonder Lin Xiu was able to easily pass the sword tower, no wonder Lin Xiu was accepted as a disciple by the suzerain, no wonder Lin Xiu was so arrogant!
To be able to defeat him with a single sword, this is no longer the strength that a martial artist at the level of the Martial Spirit Realm can possess!
"How did Uncle Liu Song lose?"

"Sword God, Dugu Qiubai, this name is too domineering!"

"No wonder he dares to be so crazy, so he is so powerful, and he is also Liu Song's senior brother!"

"Now, the Liu family is going to be over!"


The people of the Liu family are feeling cold now, Lin Xiu's strength and identity are terrifying, even Liu Song can't keep them!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face six times, collecting 72 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face six times, collecting 84 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face six times, collecting 66 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping Liu Song in the face, the statistics are six times the original, and you get 780 points!"


Lin Xiu already knew just now that the continuous face-slapping effect will not only count the members of the Lin family, but no matter who the face is hit by Lin Xiu, it will be calculated based on the maximum number of face-slaps.

Now that Lin Xiu has slapped the members of the Liu family six times, as long as he slaps other people in the face, it will be counted as six times. For example, the current Liu Song should get 130 face-slap points, but now the result is 6 times , because this is also the sixth time Lin Xiu slapped the Liu family in the face!
And Lin Xiu was slapping the face for the seventh time, Lin Xiu said lightly: "Lin Yan, what are you waiting for? Let's do it!"

Everyone's eyes froze, even if Liu Song stopped him now, Lin Xiu still wanted to kill Liu Jiang!

"No, Uncle Liu Song, please save me!" Liu Jiang begged.

"No one can save you, if you want to blame, blame you for offending someone who shouldn't be offended!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Yes, Master Lin Xiu!" Lin Yan said immediately, and when he exerted force on his hand, there was a crisp fracture sound in Liu Jiang's neck, and he died on the spot.


Undoubtedly, this was also a slap in the face, and everyone in the Liu family turned pale.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping face seven times, collecting 84 face slap points!"


The statistics are still going on, and Lin Xiu never thought of letting the Liu family go like this. Lin Xiu's eyes fell on Liu Song in front of him.

At this moment, Liu Song's face was very ugly, but Lin Xiu killed his clansman in front of him, and there was nothing he could do.

"Elder Liu Song, do you know that your people seemed to attack our Lin family before!" Lin Xiu said with a sneer.

"What?" Liu Song looked at his own people.

"Uncle Liu Song, we didn't think about it either. We were looking for a place to camp, and we happened to see their people, so..." The Liu family replied quickly.

Liu Song didn't expect that all of this was caused by his own nephews!
It's just that he wants to watch his nephews die, how could he do it?
"Brother Lin Xiu, do you really want to kill them all?" Liu Song was only heard to say.

"What? You still want to resist?" Lin Xiu sneered.

"You..." Liu Song gritted his teeth and said.

"If you beg me, maybe I will let them go! Otherwise, they will all die!" Naturally, Lin Xiu would not let go of this opportunity to slap him in the face, he continued.

When the members of the Liu family heard this, they hurriedly said.

"Uncle Liu Song, save us!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Please don't kill us!"


Seeing this, Liu Song gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I beg you!"

As Liu Song said, his body relaxed, and he knelt on the ground in front of Lin Xiu.

Liu Song actually knelt down to Lin Xiu!

At this time, Liu Song almost burst out this sentence through his teeth: "I beg you, Senior Brother Lin Xiu, please let my clansman go!"

"Are you begging me now?" Lin Xiu asked with a wicked smile on his face.

"Yes!" Liu Song said.

The members of the Liu family breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they were saved now, but at this moment, Lin Xiu suddenly said: "I'm really sorry, my young master refused!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face eight times, collecting 96 face slap points!"


This person is too cheap!

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, they thought in their hearts that it was Lin Xiu who said that Liu Song begged him, and he would let the people of the Liu family go, but now he refused, never seen such a cheap person!

The faces of Huo Yuan, Lu Sha and Shuang'er became weird, but they were also very familiar with Lin Xiu's character. Lin Xiu was obviously a stingy person, how could he let off people who offended him so easily?

Even if he offends his clansman, he won't let it go so easily!
"You, you are too much!" Liu Song said angrily.

"What? You can't do it if you want to? I just said that if you beg me, maybe I will let them go, but I didn't say that I will definitely let them go!" Lin Xiu raised his head and sneered.

In any case, it is impossible for Lin Xiu to change Liu Song's shameless image in his heart. Of course, this has no effect on Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu doesn't even look at Liu Song. His eyes fall on those members of the Liu family. body.

"Who the hell has attacked my people before, stand up for me, I believe you will be honest, otherwise, I will have to get rid of you all!" The smile on the corner of Lin Xiu's mouth became even more evil.

As soon as this sentence came out, some members of the Liu family breathed a sigh of relief, while others turned even paler. There were not many people who did it, but not too few. After all, those members of the Lin family had resisted before. It is not surprising that people will take action.

"Lin Xiu, do you dare to do this? They are all disciples of our Lingyun Sect. If you do this, I will definitely tell the Sect Master!" Liu Song still wanted to struggle.

"Don't worry, I can tell you that they have been eliminated!" Lin Xiu had decided the fate of these Liu family members in one sentence, and he said lightly, "If you don't stand up, all of you will die!"

Eight people from the Liu family stood up, Lin Xiu didn't mean to be polite, he immediately asked Lin Yan and five people to kill these people.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping the face nine times, collecting 108 face slap points!"


 After waking up, there are more hosts, thank you book friend 1252489904 for the reward, this is the first host of Pikachu, the fourth update today, it must be for you!Of course, I am also very grateful to other rewards and votes for recommendation. This book is wonderful because of you!
(End of this chapter)

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