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Chapter 249 I hope there will be no next time!

Chapter 249 I hope there will be no next time!

Lin Xiu now gets more points for face-slapping than before, which is already nine times.

Lin Xiu wondered if he should slap these members of the Liu family in the face again, but the eyes of these members of the Liu family are full of fear when they look at Lin Xiu now, and even Liu Song now looks at Lin Xiu with fear color.

How is this a slap in the face?
But for Lin Xiu, this is not a problem at all!
Lin Xiu directly grabbed one of the members of the Liu family, grabbed his collar, lifted it up, and said viciously: "What? Are you unconvinced? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Am I guilty of looking at you like this?Are you too much?
But how can the members of the Liu family dare to provoke Lin Xiu, the evil star?He quickly waved his hand and said, "No, I dare not look at you, Young Master Lin Xiu!"

Is this a slap in the face?Of course it doesn't count, Lin Xiu is very depressed, how can he trigger the effect of a series of face slaps if he can't get hit in the face like this?
If you don't trigger a series of face slaps, how can you get an extra [-] face slap points and the ten times the face slap effect?
Lin Xiu was screaming in his heart, come and resist me, but none of the members of the Liu family dared to resist, Lin Xiu was so depressed.

Are you going to let them go like this?

Lin Xiu thought for a while, and said, "Senior brother Liu Song, it's not that I'm stingy, but this time, you guys have gone too far. How about this, if you are willing to abolish your cultivation, I will let you guys go !"

Where did Liu Song think that Lin Xiu would come up with such a method, this is too much!
Even Huo Yuan felt that Lin Xiu had gone too far. If Liu Song really did this, I'm afraid Du Yun would definitely pursue it!
In fact, Lin Xiu didn't really do this. He said this just to anger Liu Song. Only in this way can he slap him in the face again.

If Liu Song knew Lin Xiu's purpose, he would be pissed off, but so what?

Lin Xiu's current goal was indeed achieved.

Liu Song was furious, wanting to abolish his cultivation, which was more uncomfortable than killing him, he said angrily: "Lin Xiu, you are going too far, I will never abolish my cultivation!"

"In this case, what do you mean, you want me to help you?" Lin Xiu said again.

Liu Song's body swayed, his body swept back, he pulled out a sword from his waist, only to see him holding the sword, Wuhun immediately appeared, and a flame appeared on the sword.

Level [-] Martial Soul, Fire Scale Sword!

Liu Song performed his most powerful move, only to see a ray of light appearing on his sword, and the sword was entwined with flames, and this flame turned into a fire dragon at once, and then Liu Song used it all up.

This move is an earth-level low-rank move, and if it is used to the extreme, it can even have the power of an earth-level middle-rank martial art, called Sky Fire Dragon Slash.

Surprise appeared on Huo Yuan's expression, it was the first time he saw Liu Song perform this trick for so long!
"It's the earth-level low-rank Zhaotian Huolong Slash, can the master of this sword continue?" Lu Sha said.

"This sword is very powerful, I'm afraid the young master will be a little difficult to deal with!" Huo Yuan said.

The members of the Liu family also hope that Liu Song can win Lin Xiu. After all, Liu Song has a very powerful sword. They just feel the power of this sword, and they already know that this sword is not weak!
However, no matter how powerful this move is, it is only a sword technique. If so, why would Lin Xiu be afraid?
I only saw Lin Xiu's sword hit the ground a little bit, and he flew out in front of him, Dugu Nine Swords, Broken Sword Style!

Dugu Nine Swords can break through all the moves in the world. Even if he enters this world, Lin Xiu can also use it to easily defeat the Heavenly Fire Dragon Slash!
Everyone only saw the sword light flickering in front of them, and then Lin Xiu saw the rain of swords all over the sky. The appearance of the sword lights kept stabbing the fire dragon. Liu Song didn't know what was going on. Seeing that the fire dragon has been shattered.

After all, it is a broken sword style. Although it is a single sword, it can be transformed into thousands of swords. This fire dragon has no way to resist Lin Xiu's sword.

Without using Martial Soul, Lin Xiu was able to defeat Liu Song with just this broken sword style. Liu Song was seriously injured this time. He was directly hit by a sword, and his whole body flew upside down. His chest felt tight , A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Lin Xiu pointed his sword at Liu Song's neck in front of him, with a faint smile on his face: "Junior Brother Liu Song, I've lost weight!"

"Elder Liu Song actually lost again!"

"It's still a sword, this move is still a sword!"

"My lord, what kind of strength is it? How can it be so powerful?"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully slapping faces ten times, collecting 120 face slapping points! At the same time triggering the ultimate face slapping effect, you will get an extra 10000 face slapping points!"


Finally triggered successfully!
Lin Xiu glanced at it, and the face-slapping points collected in his face-slapping treasure box had already reached more than 85000.

This time the harvest was very rich.

"If you want to abolish my cultivation, I will definitely report to the suzerain!" Liu Song said immediately.

"You still dare to speak hard?" Lin Xiu said, and kicked Liu Song away.

Liu Song was thrown away like garbage, and at this time, Lin Xiu said to those Liu family members: "I am in a good mood today, so I won't attack you anymore, but if you let me know, you still dare to attack our Lin family!" It's not just you, even your Liu family in Cangxing City, this young master will destroy you!"

Lin Xiu really let them go?When the members of the Liu family heard this, their faces were full of disbelief. How could Lin Xiu be so kind?Is he bewitched?

"Lin Xiu, how majestic are you?" At this moment, only a few figures came in from the assessment venue.

Lin Xiu saw that it was Kong Zhi. Besides Kong Zhi, there were suzerain Du Yun and Shen Ling. These three people had come here.

Needless to say, someone must have gone to report the news, but I didn't expect that the two peak masters and the suzerain would come together at the same time.

"Junior Brother Kong Zhi, why are you here? However, you just call me by my name, which is too disrespectful!" Lin Xiu sighed, "I hope there will be no next time!"

"..." Kong Zhi was taken aback.

"..." Shen Ling, Du Yun.

"..." Other people present.

The suzerain is probably the only person who dares to speak to Kong Zhi in such an old-fashioned tone, but even the suzerain wouldn't dare to be so rude.

Du Yun was looking at Lin Xiu with strange eyes. He had to say that Lin Xiu's courage, strength, and various abilities were all to be criticized. The only weakness was probably that this person was too arrogant and conceited. And shameless!

(End of this chapter)

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