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Chapter 265: Medical Skills Developed After Years of Hard Thinking and Meditation

Chapter 265 The medical skill that came out of ten years of hard thinking and meditation (15 more)
Small injury?

When everyone heard this, their expressions became strange. What did Lin Xiu just say?Did you say it was a minor injury?
Linger's current face, if other people saw it, they would probably be able to know that it must be hopeless, Lin Xiu is a three-star doctor, if he uses some secret method, it is still possible to heal it, but now Lin Xiu in the end What do you want to do?
"Brother Lin Xiu, is there really a way to treat my face?" Ling'er said quickly.

"Of course, don't you see who I am? This kind of minor injury is nothing at all, but when I treat you, you may feel a little pain, can you bear it?" Lin Xiu said.

"This... shouldn't be very painful, right?" Ling'er was a little worried.

"Of course not, it's just a little pain!" Lin Xiu said again.

"Okay, I can bear it!" Ling'er said.

"In this case, let's start!" Lin Xiu said, punching Ling'er in the face.

Ling'er couldn't imagine that Lin Xiu would do this, and Lin Xiu punched her in the face.

"Lin Xiu, what are you doing?" Liu Yin exclaimed, she felt that Ling'er was too pitiful, her face was already ruined, and she was going to be beaten by Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu was too much, right?Is he crazy?To treat Ling'er like this?

"Lin Xiu, is he treating that girl?" Liu Kang asked with a strange face. Liu Kang knows a lot about silver needles and golden needles for treating complicated diseases, but he has never seen Lin Xiu use fists for treatment. Pass!
"Lin Xiu and Ling'er, do they have enmity?" Du Yun asked, Shen Ling shook her head, how could she know such a thing?


Other people also felt very strange. They had never seen Lin Xiu's treatment method before, and they really didn't know what Lin Xiu was doing.

Lin Xiu didn't care about other people's thoughts, he kept punching Ling'er, hitting Ling'er's face with one punch, and the fist turned into phantoms, Ling'er's head was constantly beaten by Lin Xiu Shaking, her face seemed to contort.

But Lin Xiu didn't stop, he continued to punch.

"Lin Xiu, why don't you stop? Do you want to kill her?" Jin Yu frowned. Lin Xiu had already killed him in front of him. Although this Ling'er was just a servant, she didn't want to let her die. Lin Xiu killed again in front of him.

"Shut up, you don't understand anything, so don't bother me!" Lin Xiu took the time to answer.

Looking at Lin Xiu's appearance, it seems that he is not crazy, but the reason why he did this is really incomprehensible to everyone, but since Lin Xiu said so, they naturally did not step forward to stop him.

And Lin Xiu's fist finally stopped, his forehead and back were covered with sweat, and when the last punch went down, Ling'er passed out directly.

"Did Linger be beaten to death by Lin Xiu?"

"Too much, he actually beat Ling'er to death?"

"Is he treating a disease like this? It's clearly harming people!"


The other disciples of the Lingyun Sect started discussing, but no one believed that Lin Xiu was healing, because there had never been such a healing method.

Lin Xiu immediately hugged Ling'er, and he sent a force of energy into Ling'er's meridians, and Ling'er woke up slowly.

"Brother Lin Xiu, did Linger do something wrong? Why did you hit Linger?" Linger said sadly.

"No, I'm just helping Ling'er restore her original appearance, Ling'er, don't think too much!" Lin Xiu shook his head immediately.

"My appearance?" Ling'er touched her face, and she felt that the scars on her face had miraculously disappeared, and her face became extremely smooth, even more delicate than before.

Ling'er also noticed it, and the other people around her were also staring at her in a daze.

"I... Is there something on my face? Why are everyone looking at me?" Linger asked quickly.

What do we see?The wounds on Ling'er's face have all healed!

Not only recovered, Ling'er's original appearance should be considered a bit ugly, after all, her face is full of pockmarks, but now it's different, her face is not worse than Liu Yin's, this is an absolute beauty!
Just now, Lin Xiu was really treating Ling'er!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully performing a shocking face slap, and collected 150 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully performing a shocking face slap, and collected 140 face slap points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully performing a shocking face slap, and collected 15 face slap points!"


Lin Xiu's slap in the face this time hit the faces of most of the people present. They also said that Lin Xiu was not healing, but hurting Ling'er. Now Ling'er's face, but all the scars are gone, which is enough to prove Lin Xiu's medical skills are much better than they imagined.

"What did you just say? People who don't know what real medical skills are, dare to accuse me? Do you know that I am your uncle, how dare you disrespect me?" Lin Xiu snorted coldly road.

The surrounding disciples immediately blushed and lowered their heads. They had never seen such a method before. Lin Xiu's medical skills were so superb!
"Lin Xiu, what kind of treatment did you use just now? Why haven't we heard of it before?" Liu Kang asked hastily.

"This young master has spent ten years of hard thinking and meditation before he developed this medical technique. I call it "Give me Piao Piao Quan!" Lin Xiu said shamelessly.

Anyway, this set of boxing techniques belongs to him now, at least in this world, no one knows this technique, Lin Xiu said it was his own creation, and no one can refute him.

"Give me back Piao Piao Quan? This name is really powerful, not only the name, but also your medical skills. It can restore the original face of a disfigured person, and it looks like it can make a woman more beautiful!" Liu Kang was surprised.

"Lin Xiu, can this boxing technique of yours really make people beautiful?" Liu Ying asked hastily.

It can cure disfigurement, Liu Ying is not interested in this question, but Ling'er's original face is not as good-looking as it is now. If Lin Xiu's "return my Piao Piao fist" can really beautify, then of course Liu Ying wants it. Try it out.

"What? You want to try it too?" Lin Xiu blinked his eyes when he heard that, and smiled.

"Of course!" Liu Ying said.

"Then stick your head over here!" Lin Xiu said.

Liu Ying immediately stretched her head over, and Lin Xiu's finger flicked on her forehead.

"You don't need your face. I don't think you have a chance to become a beauty unless it's plastic surgery!" Lin Xiu laughed.

"Bastard, you're kidding me!" Liu Ying chased Lin Xiu to fight, but Lin Xiu's movement was so fast, how could she catch up?

(End of this chapter)

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