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Chapter 266 Triggering the Special Character Mission, Huang Zhong's Appetite!

Chapter 266 Triggering the Special Character Mission, Huang Zhong's Appetite! (16 more)
"Okay, Xiaoying, don't make trouble anymore!" Liu Kang said hastily.

As for Lin Xiu's claim that he had researched the medical skills he created for ten years, the knowledgeable people present would not believe it. How old is Lin Xiu, and he still studied for ten years?However, they have never seen Lin Xiu's medical skills. Could it be that he created it himself?

Ling'er has also found the mirror. Seeing her own face, she has become so beautiful, even more beautiful than before it was disfigured, which makes Ling'er feel a little unbelievable.

Jin Yu also has a new understanding of Lin Xiu's medical skills. This young man's medical skills are really worthy of the title of three-star doctor!
Today's incident was indeed a bit beyond everyone's expectations. Lin Xiu directly killed Zhang Zifeng, and not only that, according to Lin Xiu, all other people who disfigured Ling'er had to die. In this matter, Du Yun kept one eye open and closed the other, and didn't want to worry about it.

This incident ended with ten lives being killed. Lin Xiu took Huang Zhong back to Siguo Peak directly. After all, Huang Zhong will disappear soon, no matter where he appears!
Just when Lin Xiu and Ling'er went back to Siguo Peak, they heard a crisp bird song. When many members of the Lingyun Sect looked up, they saw a giant bird appearing in the sky. On the ground, there are several figures.

"Han Hua, is this the Lingyun Sect? It looks like that's all there is to it!" A young man with an extraordinary appearance said disdainfully.

Han Hua is indeed the elder of Tianjianmen. Not long ago, he and Fang Rou went to divorce Lin Xiu. His status is actually not high in Tianjianmen, at least in front of the core disciples, no matter whether it is strength or status, He is not as good.

And at this time, in front of him is the number one genius of Tianjianmen, Yue Xiong!
As the number one genius of Tianjianmen, Yue Xiong is still the most outstanding genius in the history of Tianjianmen. His martial spirit is actually at the seventh level, and he has already obtained two soul skills. More importantly, his realm He is already at the eighth level of the Wuxu Realm, and even though he is 25 years old, his strength is only below that of the suzerain and the hermit elders.

Such a genius, no matter in terms of status or strength, is far superior to other elders, even Liu Zhong, the inner sect elder who came together, can only flatter Yue Xiong in front of him, and dare not flatter him at all.

"Of course, for a strong man like Senior Brother Yue Xiong, maybe even Sect Master Lingyun is no match for Senior Brother!"

"That's right, we are here this time to see what the genius of the Lingyun Sect is capable of!"

"I seem to have seen how they were beaten to pieces by Senior Brother Yue Xiong!"

On this giant bird, apart from the two elders, there were also several disciples of Tianjianmen, they kept flattering Yue Xiong.

This time, the people of Tianjianmen were led by Liu Zhong, the elder of the inner sect, plus five core disciples, including Yue Xiong, the number one genius of Tianjianmen. We are a guest.

Lin Xiu raised his head at this time and was surprised to see this giant bird. Another giant bird appeared here, which seemed to be bigger and more powerful than that Lu Ting's bird!

"If such a big bird can be eaten, it must taste good!" Huang Zhong said suddenly.

"Eat it? Will this..." Lin Xiugang was about to answer, when he suddenly received a task announced by the system.

"Ding, trigger a special character mission, Huang Zhong's appetite!"

"What... what?" Lin Xiu received this task, and the corner of his mouth twitched. This system is messing up again!
"Huang Zhong's appetite, to satisfy Huang Zhong's appetite, depends on the level of the host's completion, you can get the level of the treasure chest, because of the mission, Huang Zhong can stay in this world for an extra hour! In addition, the host please wait within half an hour If a treasure chest is found, the system will define this treasure chest as a chef treasure chest, allowing the host to become a deputy chef!"

This task can actually affect other aspects, but in this way, Lin Xiu can become a chef, although it doesn't seem to have much effect!

Lin Xiu watched the giant bird fly by, and found that there was a treasure chest in the lower abdomen of the giant bird. Haha, God helped me, this treasure chest, I really want to come here!

As for who this giant bird belongs to, does it have anything to do with Lin Xiu?The current Lin Xiu is the overlord of the Lingyun Sect, whoever offends him will be courting death himself!
After Zhang Zifeng died at the hands of Lin Xiu, the entire Lingyun Sect has recognized this fact. Lin Xiu is really a demon!

"Brother Lin Xiu, what do you think that bird is doing?" Ling'er asked.

"Ling'er, do you want to try roasted chicken wings?" Lin Xiu asked without answering.

"Roasted chicken wings? What is that?" Ling'er asked with a puzzled expression.

"You will know soon!" Lin Xiu said.

With the arrival of Tianjianmen, even Du Yun did not dare to underestimate him. Du Yun sent Lu Ting to meet the people from Tianjianmen.

But as soon as Yue Xiong saw that the level of the people coming was lower than his, he said coldly: "Is there no one in your Lingyun sect?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Lu Ting was furious. The other party was just a disciple of Tianjianmen, and he was so arrogant. He said: "You Tianjianmen, don't you know how to teach disciples?"

"The strength is so low, but you still dare to be arrogant in front of me? If it weren't for the face of your Sect Master Lingyun, I would have already taken action to teach you a lesson!" Yue Xiong said even more arrogantly.

"Hmph, I'm just a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect. If I say such a thing, I won't be afraid to flash my tongue!" Lu Ting said angrily.

"It seems that I won't let you see my strength, and you don't know how big the gap between our Heavenly Sword Sect and your Lingyun Sect is!" Yue Xiong said with a sneer at this time.

"For the sake of our Lingyunzong's reputation, I will let you see our Lingyunzong's ability, so that you can discipline you for your elders!" Seeing that Liu Zhong was silent, Lu Ting had no choice but to say.

When Liu Zhong and the others came this time, they said on the surface that they were going to visit Ling Yunzong, but in fact, they came to show off their strength!

The strength of Tianjianmen is indeed stronger than Lingyunzong, especially the current Yue Xiong, who is a powerful disciple of Tianjianmen, and his realm is even stronger than some elders of the inner sect. When people come here, how can it be so simple to visit!
This Yue Xiong is young and energetic, he is coming at this time, what he wants is Lingyun sect lord Du Yun to welcome him, not just a random elder from the inner sect to welcome him!
With Yue Xiong's strength and talent, although this request is not too much, Ling Yunzong will not do this!

(End of this chapter)

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