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Chapter 304 I Remember This Enmity!

Chapter 304 I Remember This Enmity!
Lin Xiu's expression changed. No wonder Emperor Zhentian wanted Lin Xiu to run away. Although it was just a palm, it was not something Lin Xiu could resist. If this palm hit Lin Xiu's head, Lin Xiu would probably He was killed on the spot.

It was already too late for Lin Xiu to escape now, the palm came from the sky, and Lin Xiu fell down, not giving Lin Xiu the slightest chance.

"Lin Xiu! I'll block him, run away!" Du Yun's figure suddenly appeared on Lin Xiu's head, and a big tree appeared behind Du Yun. This was the first time Lin Xiu saw Du Yun's martial arts. Hun, this turned out to be a tree martial soul!

The tree stretched to the sky in an instant, blocking Lin Xiu's palm.

The huge black palm slammed on the tree, but it didn't break the tree, but cracks appeared on the trunk.

Du Yun spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Lin Xiu, run away, hurry up!" Du Yun said anxiously.

Lin Xiu looked at the sky, and after retracting that palm, he slapped it down again. It can be seen that if Lin Xiu does not die, the other party will not stop, how can he escape now?

"It's over, he has no intention of letting you go!" Emperor Zhentian Wudi's voice was also full of anxiety.

"He is only at the third level of Wu Zunjing. Am I not his opponent?" Lin Xiu said quickly.

"After Wu Zunjing, he can learn the third soul skill, and the opponent's martial soul is so special, even with only one palm, he can explode with such great strength. His martial soul should be this palm, you guys Here, no one can withstand its attack!" Zhentian Wudi said.

"Boom!" The palm hit the tree martial soul, and the tree martial soul disappeared. Du Yun blocked the palm for Lin Xiu himself, and he was directly blasted away, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"Lin away..." Du Yun's voice came, already dying.

"As long as you escape, other people will naturally not be in danger again. What are you waiting for?" Emperor Zhentian Wu asked anxiously.

Lin Xiu looked at the sky, his face changed, and under the exercise of body skills, just as Lin Xiu took a few steps, the huge palm of the sky slammed down again.

"Lin Xiu, you are the hope of our Lingyun Sect. From now on, Lingyun Sect will be handed over to you!" Only Hua Lao and Jin Yu jumped up at the same time, and they simultaneously raised their palms and blasted them into the air.

"Don't—" Lin Xiu yelled loudly at a glance, the two of them were blown away at the same time, and blood spurted out wildly.

Lin Xiu's eyes were red right now. Du Yun and the two hermit elders were killed to protect him. In their eyes, Lin Xiu was the last hope of their Lingyun Sect.

In order to protect Lin Xiu, they did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves.

The other disciples of the Lingyun Sect felt nervous. Lin Xiu protected the Lingyun Sect, and the current suzerain and the two elders died for Lin Xiu. But even so, it is unknown whether Lin Xiu can survive.

When Lin Xiu turned his left hand, a blue flame appeared, and when he turned his right hand, a white flame appeared. As soon as the two kinds of flames appeared, they merged together in the middle of Lin Xiu's palm.

A third flame appeared in the middle, the Beast Spirit Fire!
The monstrous airflow rushed to the surroundings, and the surrounding temperature suddenly soared in an instant, and the huge palms from the sky blasted down again, but at this time, the flames in Lin Xiu's palms had not yet fused together.

Faster, faster!Lin Xiu screamed wildly in his heart, this Buddha Fury Lotus, but his last hole card, just needs time.

"Zhou Yu!" Lin Xiu shouted.

"Yes, my lord!" Zhou Yu jumped into the sky, pushing out a flame with both hands at the same time, but under this giant hand, it had no effect at all. Zhou Yu was smashed into pieces, and the palm was about to fall on Lin Xiu. The sound of birdsong appeared, and Liu Zhuo reappeared.

Together with the giant red bird Martial Soul, they slammed their palms at the huge palm at the same time, and this palm hit Lin Xiu's side, narrowly passing by Lin Xiu.

The huge black palm retracted into the air, and this time, it hit Lin Xiu again.

"Lin Xiu! You must live!" After Liu Zhuo finished speaking, he wanted to meet the black palm again.

"Grandpa!" Sister Liuyin shouted at the same time, this is their grandpa, and now their grandpa is going to die to protect Lin Xiu.

"Old ghost Liu Zhuo, this young master doesn't need your protection, get out of the way!" Lin Xiu's voice came.

"What?" Liu Zhuo turned around.

Between Lin Xiu's hands, the fire lotus had already appeared, and at this time Lin Xiu had already thrown the fire lotus into the air.

This purple fire lotus floated towards the sky, enchanting and beautiful.

After the fire lotus floated out, everyone's eyes were also focused on this fire lotus, and the huge palm in the sky had already bombarded Lin Xiu, and the purple fire lotus had just floated onto that palm and bombarded Lin Xiu. where to fall.

This is Lin Xiu's last hole card?
No matter the members of the Iron Wolf Army, the disciples of the Lingyun Sect, or the disciples of the other three major sects, they all know that this fire lotus is Lin Xiu's last trick. I'm afraid Lin Xiu is relying on it to save his life!
It's just this trick, does it work?
The palm hit the purple fire lotus, only to see that the fire lotus had exploded in the air, and then, the monstrous fire wave burst into the air, and a loud noise appeared.

"Ah—" A voice came from nowhere, like a ghostly scream.

Everyone raised their heads, only to see that the black palm was broken from the middle, and the whole arm disappeared.

"Remember, I will remember this hatred!" Lin Xiu shouted to the sky, Lin Xiu knew that the other party would definitely hear it.

"I'll wait for you in the imperial city!" The voice came, and the owner of the voice seemed very angry.

At this moment, Lin Xiu only felt his body go limp, and Emperor Zhentian Wu's Yuanli had been withdrawn.

"Boy, you can no longer use this Yuanli. Although your body can still bear it, it is not a good thing for you!" Emperor Zhentian Wu was actually shocked at this time. Lin Xiu's move What exactly is it, how can it have such power, this explosion, but even the strong man at the third level of Wu Zunjing can't hold it.

It's just that I don't know if this move can become stronger. If it can, it has already surpassed a heavenly martial skill!

"Old ghost Liu Zhuo, quickly... go and see the suzerain and the others, and quickly bring them over!" Lin Xiu shouted.

When Liu Zhuo heard this, he hurriedly brought the bodies of the three people over. Lin Xiu saw that among the three people, only Du Yun was able to survive, and the other two had passed away.

"Du Yun's martial soul is the tree of life, so his vitality is stronger, but now..." Liu Zhuo sighed.

"I can save him!" Lin Xiu gritted his teeth and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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