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Chapter 305 Special Mission, Summon the Treasure Box Dragon

Chapter 305 Special Mission, Summon the Treasure Box Dragon (6 more)
The other disciples of Lingyun Sect had also come over. They took a look at Du Yun now. Du Yun was obviously out of breath. Even if Lin Xiu was a three-star doctor, it was impossible to save him.

"Senior brother Lin Xiu, don't force yourself, the suzerain is already dead!" Shen Ling sighed.

"Senior brother Lin Xiu, I know you are very sad, but people cannot be resurrected after death, so please mourn!" Kong Zhi said.

"That's right, Lin Xiu, don't force yourself anymore!" Liu Zhuo also said.

"Uncle Lin Xiu, please mourn!" Liu Yin said.

Others also persuaded.

"Lin't waste your efforts...I'm going to tell you now..." Du Yun's voice was very weak.

"Shut up, young master! Do you want the suzerain to die that much?" Lin Xiu said angrily, "If you want to survive, don't talk!"

"No... If I don't say it... there will be no chance..." Du Yun said again.

"I told you not to talk about it!" Lin Xiu said, feeding Du Yun a drop of liquid, and said.

As soon as Du Yun drank it, he immediately passed out.

"What... Lin Xiu, what are you doing?" Liu Zhuo asked quickly.

"Feed him the ecstasy liquid, otherwise he won't stop!" Lin Xiu took it for granted.

"Senior Brother Lin Xiu, are too much, he is going to die, and you still want to treat him like this?" Shen Ling was also a little angry.

"Who said he was going to die? If I don't allow him to die, he won't die!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What? Do you still have a way to save him?" Shen Ling calmed down and said after hearing this.

"You can save him? How is it possible? His heart was also broken!" Liu Zhuo was shocked when he heard it.

Lin Xiu ignored Liu Zhuo and Shen Ling. He had already taken out the life-saving golden needle. Unfortunately, the life-saving golden needle can only be used once, and only now can Lin Xiu have a chance. If Du Yun is allowed to continue talking, the last If the vitality is also spit out, then he will really die. At that time, no one will know whether the life-saving golden needle will be useful or not.

The life-saving golden needle was applied to Du Yun by Lin Xiu. In just a moment, everyone felt that Du Yun's breathing became calmer, and not only that, the sunken position of Du Yun's chest was also recovering. On the surface of his body, there seemed to be an elemental force swimming automatically.

" amazing!" Liu Zhuo's expression changed drastically.

"Help the suzerain to rest first, he probably won't wake up until ten hours later!" Lin Xiu said.

"Why?" Shen Ling asked.

"Because he drank my ecstasy liquid just now!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Lin Xiu, can you save these two elders again?" Liu Zhuo said again, it would be great if Lin Xiu could save them too.

Lin Xiu rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think I'm a ten-star doctor? Even a ten-star doctor can't save the dead!"

"Other senior brothers and sisters also died 125 people, including the two hermit elders, a total of 127 people!" Liu Ying sighed.

At this moment, he suddenly received a system prompt.

"Ding, trigger a special task, collect seven treasure boxes, summon the treasure box dragon, fulfill your wish, and save the 127 people who died this time!"

"Wh... what?" Lin Xiu was stunned when he heard this task, Nima, is this true or false?Isn't this the plot of summoning Dragon Ball and summoning Shenlong?
"The host heard it right, because the hope of many Ling Yunzong disciples here is so, so the system specially announced this special task, but the treasure box dragon can only resurrect people who have corpses, so the host please keep these corpses well!" The system replied .

Now that the system has said this, how could Lin Xiu not agree, he immediately said: "Although I am not a ten-star doctor, after thinking about it, I still have a way to revive them!"

"What?" As soon as Lin Xiu said this, everyone present was shocked. What did Lin Xiu say?Can he save other people?These disciples and elders are all dead, how could they survive?
"That's right, but I need to collect some materials, and it may take a while! During this time, I need everyone to do one thing!" Lin Xiu said.

"What's the matter?" Liu Zhuo hurriedly said, "As long as we can revive them, we are willing to do anything!"

"Elder Liu Zhuo, you must keep their corpses intact. You must not let these corpses rot or bury them, otherwise, they will have no chance of surviving!" Lin Xiu said.

"This... is this true? Lin Xiu, don't be joking, you have to make this matter clear!" Liu Zhuo said seriously.

"Of course I mean it, how could I use this as a joke?" Lin Xiu said.

"Okay, I'll give orders right away!" Liu Zhuo said.

"I need to see the corpses of other intruders except those who took care of and transported these disciples!" Lin Xiu said with a gloomy expression at this time, "Masters and nephews, uncles, I will take you to kill people!"

"Yes!" Many disciples of Lingyun Sect burst out with strong killing intent at this moment.

"Ding, collect [-] worship point!"


A series of prompts appear.

As soon as Lin Xiu waved his hand, the Soaring Snake flew over immediately. Lin Xiu's body had returned to its original shape. He had jumped onto the Soaring Snake's head and rushed out.

At this time, the Iron Wolf King had already been taken away. The people here thought that Lin Xiu would be killed, and Ling Yunzong would be finished by then, so they stayed. They would never have thought that Lin Xiu would be killed. To be able to survive, not only to survive, but also to be able to move freely.

"Run away!" The faces of these Iron Wolf Army and the three major sects were a little ugly at this time, and they turned around and fled away.

"Bastard, come and fight me for another [-] rounds!" Lu Bu's voice sounded again. When he was knocked out just now, he flew down the mountain. If not for his strong body, he would have died by now.

At this time, Lu Bu reappeared, appearing directly among those women in the Nishang Pavilion, Fang Tian's painted halberd turned into a big killer, he didn't pay attention to the identities of these women at all, wherever Fang Tian's painted halberd went, all the women here were beheaded Flying heads or being cut in half, the scene is very bloody.

With Lu Bu coming up to outflank, and Lin Xiu and others coming, the intruders here have no power to fight back at all.

"We are willing to surrender, please let us go!" The iron wolf army shouted loudly.

"Our Heavenly Sword Sect is also willing to surrender!" The disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect also knelt down.

"We from Shen Longdian also..." Before Shen Longdian's disciple finished speaking, his head flew out.

Lin Xiu said murderously: "Our Lingyun Sect does not accept surrender!"

 I really don't know if I can write the seventh update. If there is no update before eleven o'clock, you don't have to wait. There must be no update. Generally, the update will be completed at eleven o'clock that day!It's really not easy to do seven changes a day, everyone's subscription is Pikachu's biggest support!

(End of this chapter)

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