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Chapter 394 Lin Xiu's Levelless Martial Soul

Chapter 394 Lin Xiu's Levelless Martial Soul (4 more)
But if a person's strength is dozens of times stronger than his own, then it's not on the same level at all, jealous, unconvinced?This kind of emotion has no effect, because of this, Mu Yan only admires Lin Xiu now, perhaps only such a person is worthy of Mayfair!
"Uncle Lin Xiu, how did you cultivate to this level in just ten days? And you were able to kill the Grand Commander!" Fei'er also had a strange look in her eyes.

"So that's how it is, but it's just two big commanders. If they are destroyed, they will be destroyed!" Lin Xiu understood their thoughts, and he smiled lightly.

"I didn't expect their strength to be so weak. It was just one move, and they fell down!" Lin Xiu sighed and said helplessly.

The strength of the Great Commander is weak?When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, they obviously felt that Lin Xiu was bragging.

As for the details, Lin Xiu didn't intend to talk about it, even so, these people admired Lin Xiu very much.

After Lin Xiu shook them off, he went back to his room.

Lin Xiu first opened the platinum treasure box, only to see that there was actually a martial skill in the platinum treasure box.

Heaven-level top-grade agility, amazing moves!
The gods are ever-changing, and they come from a certain plane with special body skills. They can move at extremely fast speeds, but they consume a lot of energy!
Myriad changes?Isn't that Wei Dabao's unique skill?

This is a heaven-level high-grade movement technique, which is much stronger than the movement technique Lin Xiu has seen before.

In any case, this movement method is quite useful for Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu took out the secret book again, which was given to him by Queen Lingyue herself. Lin Xiu only had a chance to read it until now. After Lin Xiu took out this book and opened it, he found out What was recorded in this ancient book turned out to be the introduction of a special kind of martial spirit.

This kind of martial soul is called the Gate of Devouring, and it can swallow the souls of any monsters, weapon spirits, and the swallowed martial souls.

Devouring the souls of other monsters, Lin Xiu can understand this point, but devouring other people's martial souls is not so easy. Other people's martial souls are generally unable to be exchanged, and they cannot be obtained. People in this world, But they don't have cheating tools like Lin Xiu. Their martial souls are innate, so they can't be changed.

But now Lin Xiu has found a way to extract the opponent's martial spirit from this classic, but it is very cruel and needs to eat the opponent's heart. Naturally, Lin Xiu is unwilling to do this kind of thing.

It's just this thing, why did Queen Lingyue give it to him?
Lin Xiu suddenly thought of one thing, the second princess seemed to have the Gate of Devouring Martial Spirit, could it be the unique Martial Spirit of the Great Qin Imperial Family?
Lin Xiu is the son of Queen Lingyue, so in that case, wouldn't he also have this Martial Soul?
Lin Xiu thought for a while, and he summoned the martial spirit that had been hidden in his body.

Sure enough, a door appeared on Lin Xiu's head, it was the Swallowing Door Martial Soul.

According to the records in this classic, this Martial Spirit has no rank, it is equivalent to a zero-rank Martial Spirit. If you want to upgrade, you must devour other Martial Spirits to be able to upgrade. Lin Xiu thought about it, Let this one door swallow up the Zhenshan Ape Martial Soul, Long Eyebrow Stick Martial Soul, Seven Star Sword Martial Soul, such low-level Martial Souls, Lin Xiu no longer needs them.

Behind Lin Xiu, the door of devouring suddenly opened, and a giant ape was directly swallowed by this door, and the door immediately grew stronger.

Swallowing Zhenshan Ape's martial soul, Lin Xiu's martial soul was promoted to the first-level martial soul realm. After swallowing these three martial souls, the Swallowing Gate martial soul was only promoted to the third-level martial soul. The corner of Lin Xiu's mouth twitched, Nima, this martial spirit is too difficult to raise!

It seems that in a short time, this Martial Soul will not come in handy.

However, Lin Xiu had a vague feeling that the martial soul in his body might not only be Shi Sanbai, the Frost Dragon and the Gate of Devouring, but Lin Xiu had never seen his father's martial soul.

Like this gate of devouring, I am afraid that it needs a special method to summon it, but even so, the three martial spirits that Lin Xiu possesses now can be regarded as shocking. Who can have it? Three Martial Souls above level nine?

This time, Lin Xiu took both Wuxu Experience Pills. Since he knew that Queen Lingyue might be in danger, how could Lin Xiu not take action?If you want to make a move, you must improve your own strength even higher. Lin Xiu's current realm is already at the fourth level of Wuxu Realm. As long as he takes these two Wuxu Realm Experience Pills, he will have a chance to raise Lin Xiu's realm to Wuxu Realm The environment is six layers.

This night, Lin Xiu continued to practice the Dragon Swallowing Art.

After one night, Lin Xiu's realm has been raised by two levels.

When Liang Hao saw it, his face was full of surprise: "Uncle Lin Xiu, why has your realm improved again? Besides, I can no longer see through your realm!"

"My current realm is only the sixth level of Wuxu Realm!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What?" When Liang Hao heard this, his eyes almost popped out. Before Lin Xiu raised his strength by one level in a day, it was already against the sky. Yesterday, Lin Xiu was only at the fourth level of the Wuxu Realm, but now he has become How is it possible that the sixth floor of the Wuxu Realm can be raised two levels in one night?

"Okay, call other people and clean up, we're going to participate in the Imperial City Competition soon!" Only Lin Xiu said.

"Yes!" Liang Hao said immediately.

Imperial City Competition, this is a grand event of the Great Qin Kingdom. On this day, even the kings of the Great Qin Kingdom will come here to watch, and even those powerful young people outside the border of the Great Qin Kingdom will also come here, Just to participate in this competition.

And I heard that every 20 years, this Imperial City Grand Competition will produce very outstanding geniuses, and those who can get the top three in the Imperial City Grand Competition, their sect and family can get great rewards, And it seems that there will be more benefits, but ordinary people will naturally not know this kind of thing.

On the edge of the Zhunyue Lake, there are a lot of people here, and there are countless strong people in the Wuxu Realm that are rarely seen in other places, and there are also some strong people who have been taught by the hidden world powerhouses at this time .

"Look, isn't that a disciple of Shen Longdian? Look at that Long Sheng, he is the first genius of Shen Longdian!"

"Who are those girls? They look really good-looking, and they all look like fairies!"

"There are also those who all carry swords, are they from the Heavenly Sword Sect?"

"and also……"

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the young strong men here. Those who can come here will have some strength, especially those young people, but they are very talented.

(End of this chapter)

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