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Chapter 395 This is the token of love you gave me!

Chapter 395 This is the token of love you gave me! (5 more)
"By the way, why haven't you seen someone from Lingyun Sect?" someone suddenly asked.

"People from Lingyun Sect? They were five years ago, but they couldn't even make it to the top 16. Do they still have face?" Only one person was seen with his hands crossed on his chest, with a look of disdain.

"What? Ling Yunzong is already so weak? Brother, how do you know?" one of them said.

"My elder brother Dong Guang has already participated in the last Imperial City Grand Competition, but my elder brother has already left the Great Qin Kingdom and joined the Qiuyuan Sect. Of course, you probably don't know this sect anymore, but I, Dong Shi, will become the No.1 in this year's Imperial City Competition!" I heard the man say arrogantly.

"Dong Guang? Could it be the hidden genius Dong Guang who won No.2 in the Imperial City Grand Competition five years ago?" Someone recognized it.

"No wonder, if he is Dong Guang's younger brother, he must be very talented!" Another person said.

"This is really interesting. I heard that the city lord of Xue'e City also sent his son Xuewu over. He is a powerful city lord who is within the Great Qin Kingdom and can be independent from the Great Qin Kingdom!" You said humanely.

The imperial city this time is really full of turmoil. The number of outstanding talents who appear here is several times that of the previous imperial city competitions. Even if it is a disciple of the four major sects, if they want to get the top three this time, I am afraid It is also extremely difficult.

"Look, aren't those disciples of Lingyun Sect?" Everyone's eyes fell on that not far away, where a group of people were approaching, and the leader was a sixteen or seven-year-old boy. Besides, there are other disciples of Lingyun Sect.

"Who is that person? Why have I never seen it?"

"I heard that the first genius of Lingyunzong was a woman, Fei'er. Why is he the leader now?"

"It's just a kid, what right does he have to appear here?"

The people present dismissed Lin Xiu. After all, although Ye Liangchen's name was famous, not many people had actually met him.

Among the people here, there are not many who can know Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu is too young, who came here to participate in the Imperial City Competition, who is younger than 20 years old? How high can a 16-year-old boy reach?

Such a person to participate in the Imperial City Competition?What a joke!
But some people are very afraid of Lin Xiu, such as the people on the side of Nishang Pavilion, Yao Lei does not dare to provoke Lin Xiu at all.

For Lin Xiu, there was no such thing, and he went to the disciples of the Nishang Pavilion.

Nishang Pavilion naturally still had fresh memories of this devil-like man.

"Fairies of the Nishang Pavilion, we meet again!" Lin Xiu walked towards them, still with a wicked smile on his face.

But in the eyes of these people, this smile looked so terrifying, especially Yue Yanran, who was about to cry from fright: "You... what are you doing here?"

"Miss Yue, of course I came to see you, don't you remember? This is a token of love you gave me!" Lin Xiu shook the jade pendant and said.

"What? He said Yue Yanran liked him? And gave him a gift?"

"How could it be? How could Yue Yanran like this kind of brat?"

"What is he capable of? Why does Miss Yue have a soft spot for him?"


When the people around heard it, they felt wronged for Yue Yanran, why, what's so great about this Lin Xiu?Isn't he just a kid?

"You...I didn't give it to you, you snatched it yourself, and you still haven't returned it to me!" Yue Yanran said with a blushing face.

"How could it be a robbery? Everyone can see that you gave it to me. Don't worry, I will take good care of your treasure!" Lin Xiu laughed.

"You!" Yue Yanran stomped her feet anxiously. Although she wanted to make a move, even Yao Lei was not Lin Xiu's opponent. If she made a move, she probably had to lose.

But Yue Yanran changed her appearance in the eyes of others.

Could it be that Yue Yanran had some reason to fall into Lin Xiu's hands, that's why she didn't dare to make a move?By the way, it must be like this, otherwise, Yue Yanran would have already taken back her treasure, right?
With Yue Yanran's strength, it is impossible to lose to a 16-year-old brat!

But some people think more, if they can help Yue Yanran, maybe they can get a chance to kiss Fangze, I have to say, among these people, there are really some courageous and perverted People, they rushed out immediately, shouting: "Stop!"

There were thirteen people, they surrounded Lin Xiu and said, "How dare you bully Miss Yue, it's too much!"

"Who are you?" Lin Xiu asked with a strange expression when he saw these people.

"We are Miss Yue's friends, so we came here to seek justice for Miss Yue. If you are sensible, return the jade pendant to Miss Yue immediately. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!" the leader said. .

"You're welcome?" Lin Xiu glanced at the people in front of him, with a look of disdain on the corner of his mouth, "Just relying on you trash?"

"What did you say?" The man was furious when he heard that.

The people around looked like they were watching the excitement, and some people didn't like Lin Xiu, so it happened to let them see Lin Xiu's strength.

"I'll give you three breaths, immediately kneel down and kowtow to me to apologize, otherwise..." Lin Xiu's eyes became cold, and his eyes revealed his arrogance.

Among the 13 people, some people really couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to compromise with Lin Xiu.

But there are other people here, and they can't hold back. After all, there are 13 of them. No matter how powerful Lin Xiu is, he won't be so arrogant and kill 13 people here at the same time, right?

"Kneel down and kowtow to apologize? Who do you think you are?" the man said disdainfully.

"Okay, now that's the case, I'll start counting, three! No one apologized to me, so don't blame me!" Lin Xiu said.

"..." Everyone didn't hear one and two at all, Lin Xiu counted directly to three, this person is too much, obviously he didn't think about giving them a way out!
"You..." The man didn't finish his sentence. He only saw a fist suddenly enlarged in front of him. He didn't even react, and his whole head was directly blown to pieces.

As if the watermelon had been smashed, all the blood and brains from that head splashed onto the ground.

But Lin Xiu still had a wicked smile on his face, and his body swayed, no one could see how fast he was, just because Lin Xiu had - the supernatural acrobatics!
A cyan flame appeared in Lin Xiu's palm, wherever it went, the bodies of the remaining twelve warriors burned automatically.

(End of this chapter)

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