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Chapter 704 Wangcai, bite him

Chapter 704 Wangcai, bite him (5 more)
Ge Shu's martial soul is also an earth-level martial soul. With his strength, he is like a monster at the seventh level of the Martial Emperor Realm, and the bigger difference is that he possesses soul skills, which is equivalent to a monster who knows martial arts. , this kind of combat power is comparable to the monsters on the eighth level of Emperor Wudi Realm.

But the biggest problem now is that what Ge Shu is facing is the real eighth-level monster of Emperor Wudi Realm!

This eighth-level monster of the Emperor Wu Realm is Wangcai, also a monster of the fire attribute, and Wangcai is a genuine eighth-level monster of the Emperor Martial Realm. One can imagine how unlucky Ge Shu will be in the future!
"Wangcai, bite him!" Lin Xiu said loudly.

Wangcai let out a bit of dissatisfaction, but immediately rushed out.

A fire lion, a fire tiger, and two monsters began to wrestle together, and other ghost soldiers had also rushed forward. Here, Qing Yuntang started a battle with Lin Xiu's ghost soldiers again.

However, even Ge Shu was at a disadvantage at this time. It was also a fire-attribute monster, so Martial Soul was naturally inferior to a real monster.

And now Ge Shu feels very uncomfortable. If he fights his body, Wangcai's realm is higher than him, and his body is also stronger. It's not worthwhile to exchange injuries for injuries. The injuries he suffered are worse than Wangcai's. Be serious.

If he fights Huo Huo, he is not as good as Wang Cai, so he must lose!

Ge Shu was quite depressed, but there was nothing he could do. The current Wangcai had no intention of letting him go. Wangcai did not hesitate to trade injuries for injuries and directly attacked him.

If there are no other changes in this battle, it is conceivable that Qingyun Hall will definitely lose. The appearance of this dark soldier has greatly disrupted the balance here.

But everyone knows that the key to all this lies with Lin Xiu, as long as Lin Xiu can be solved, then it will be fine!
So at this time, someone had already approached Lin Xiu.

The current Roaring Sky Dog also participated, and could kill a strong Emperor Wu with almost one claw. By Lin Xiu's side, only Xiao Bailong, Lin Xiu, Bai Qi, and Fan Fei had already played. For Fan Fei, only fighting can make him grow up.

Bai Qi has no energy fluctuations, so no one will think how strong he is. Now is the best chance to attack Lin Xiu!
At this moment, a long spear stabbed towards Lin Xiu's back, the speed was like a bolt of lightning, and it had already stabbed Lin Xiu's back.

But one arm stretched out and grabbed the spear, it was Bai Qi!

Lin Xiu's voice came: "Zhou Feng, I thought you were naive at first, but now it seems that you are not only naive, but also stupid!"

Zhou Feng looked at Lin Xiu in surprise, Lin Xiu had turned his head slowly, and he said, "You want to sneak attack me? You look down on people too much, you don't even know how strong the bodyguards around me are, you say you Is it too stupid, just relying on you, ten more will not hurt me half a point!"

"You are a bad person, you actually want to hurt my father!" Xiao Bailong also said angrily.

"Yes, he is a bad guy!" Lin Xiu nodded immediately.

Zhou Feng retreated immediately, but at this time Lin Xiu had no intention of letting Bai Qi chase after him, Zhou Feng was anxious and angry, looking at Lin Xiu full of shock and disbelief.

At this moment, a voice was heard: "Stop it all, what are you doing?"

"Who the hell is yelling to stop?" Lin Xiu frowned and said.

Lin Xiu saw that it was another old man, his imposing manner was no worse than that of Ge Shu, and there was another old man beside him, both of them had ugly faces.

"I'm Zheng Shi, the deputy head of Qingyun Hall, Master Lin Xiu. I wonder if the fighting here can be temporarily stopped?" The old man immediately said loudly.

"You look more polite than that old guy. If that's the case, I'll give you a face and suspend the battle first!" Lin Xiu said lightly after hearing this.

"Thank you, Master Lin Xiu!" Hearing Zheng Shi, he said immediately.

"Zheng Shi, what are you doing here?" Ge Shu said with a little coldness in his eyes after the martial soul had already dissipated from his body.

"What am I doing here? Ge Shu, if I don't come today, won't this Qingyun Hall be destroyed by you?" Zheng Shi said angrily.

"Today's incident is obviously because Lin Xiu came here to provoke our Qingyun Hall, and I was just fighting hard to meet the enemy!" Ge Shu immediately said.

"Strive to meet the enemy? Okay, then let me ask you, who is the enemy in your mouth?" Zheng Shi became even more angry, "Do you know that Lin Xiu is also the leader of Dongzhou in our Qingyun Hall, and you actually said that you want to fight against the enemy?" Struggle to meet the enemy? The enemy you mentioned is Lin Xiu? Is it someone from our Qingyun Hall?"

"Even if he is a member of Qing Yun Tang, if he dares to attack our main hall of Qing Yun Tang, it will be a death penalty!" Ge Shu said again.

"Capital crime?" After hearing this, Zheng Shi was very dissatisfied. This Ge Shu is really an idiot. Has he still not figured out the situation?
Could it be that Ge Shu still hasn't seen how terrifying Lin Xiu's power is!
Not to mention anything else, but the Ming soldiers around are enough to destroy the entire Qingyun Hall!
Moreover, the two monsters beside Lin Xiu are both powerful, so they are not so easy to deal with!

More importantly, Zheng Shi couldn't see through the strength of "Bai Qi" beside Lin Xiu!
The opponent's realm is still above him?

If this is really the case, that one person alone can destroy the entire Qing Yun Hall!

Up to now, Ge Shu has not been able to figure out the situation, he really deserves to die!

"Ge Shu, the chief hall master will come out to deal with today's matter immediately, but the chief hall master has ordered me to take full responsibility for the matter here now, do you have any objections?" It would only be a waste of time to go on with the book theory, so he said immediately.

"You... the chief hall master really said that?" Ge Shu was only heard asking.

"Yes, when I went to call the deputy hall master Zheng Shi, the chief hall master had such an order, and the chief hall master said that he will come soon!" Yu Bo said at this time.

As soon as Yu Bo's words came out, Ge Shu gave him a hard look. Yu Bo knew that he was hated by Secretary Ge, but now he couldn't care less about it.

"Okay, since that's the case, I don't care about this matter!" Ge Shu had no choice but to say.

Zheng Shi ignored Ge Shu, and said to Lin Xiu, "Master Lin Xiu, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

"How to deal with it? Before dealing with it, I need you to do a few things!" Lin Xiu said with a faint smile.

"What's the matter, please tell Master Lin Xiu!" said Zheng Shi.

"First of all, I want someone, Qingyun Hall, to hand him over personally!" Lin Xiu pointed to Zhou Feng not far away, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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