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Chapter 705 It Was a Fair Battle!

Chapter 705 It's really a fair fight!

Zhou Feng's face turned pale with fright at this time, he couldn't believe that he would encounter such a thing, you know, this is Qingyun Hall, he is the elder of Qingyun Hall, how could such a thing happen to him?

This is absolutely impossible!

Qingyuntang will not hand him over!

If he is handed over, he will definitely die, Lin Xiu will never let him go, absolutely not!

Zhou Feng already wanted to run away, but he found that everyone's eyes were on him, and he was never given a chance to run away.

"What do you want to do? Zheng Shi, you don't want to listen to him and hand over Zhou Feng, do you?" Ge Shu said immediately after hearing this.

"Why not?" Zheng Shi said coldly, "Master Lin Xiu is a distinguished guest of our Qingyun Hall, Zhou Feng offended Master Lin Xiu, so we must hand him over to Master Lin Xiu for disposal!"

"No, Vice Hall Master Zheng Shi, you can't do this. I'm the elder of Qingyun Hall, how could you treat me like this?" Zhou Feng was shocked when he heard it.

"Why can't I treat you like this? Zhou Feng, don't you think we don't know about your matter?" Only Zheng Shi said.

"What? What did I do?" Zhou Feng roared hoarsely, "I have done a lot of things for Qingyun Hall and made a lot of contributions, but you, Zheng Shi, are treating me like this? You are sorry for us Qingyun Are you doing this, are you not afraid of chilling the hearts of the other members of our Qingyun Hall?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the surrounding Qingyuntang disciples changed slightly. Indeed, everyone knew that Zhou Feng had done a lot for Qingyuntang. Now if Zheng Shi attacked Zhou Feng because of a single sentence, it would be too unreasonable. up.

Zheng Shi didn't open his mouth, but Zhou Feng was even more proud, he said: "Vice Hall Master Zheng Shi, I used to respect you very much and thought you were a deputy hall master with clear rewards and punishments, but now I know that you You will only bully the good and fear the evil, Lin Xiu came here and hurt our disciples of Qingyun Hall, you turned a blind eye, and you still want to attack me, a loyal elder, you, I am so disappointed!"

Zhou Feng's words made the people present couldn't help being surprised, but they didn't dare to speak.

At this time, Zheng Shi just smiled lightly, and said: "Zhou Feng, the reason why I didn't say it is because I thought you were the elder of our Qingyun Hall, and you have done a lot of things for our Qingyun Hall, so I think I want you to die a little more heroically, but since you said so, I won't hide it for you anymore!"

"What did you say?" Zhou Feng was a little puzzled when he heard it.

"Zhou Feng, in March of the second year after you joined Qingyun Hall, you tortured and killed an innocent woman. In April of the same year, a disciple accidentally spoke ill of you, and disappeared the next day. Yue, in the name of accepting disciples, you shot a female disciple, and the female disciple disappeared later, in the same year..." Zheng Shi didn't know when an extra scroll came out of his hand.

Every time Zheng Shi read a sentence, Zhou Feng's face turned pale. These things were all done by him before, but how did he find out?Obviously no one knows!

"You're talking nonsense, it's impossible for you to know, no one will know about this!" Zhou Feng immediately shouted loudly, yelling a little crazily.

"If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing, Zhou Feng, do you still want to deny it?" Zheng Shi said, and he had already shot Zhou Feng.

"I..." Zhou Feng's face was very ugly.

"Since you have already recognized it, then stay!" Zheng Shi said, only to see his figure appearing in front of Zhou Feng. It was far worse than Zheng Shi's. Within five strokes, he was hit by Zheng Shi's palm on his right shoulder, and his whole body fell to the ground.

"Master Lin Xiu, I've already taken care of this matter for you. Zhou Feng is no longer a member of Qingyun Hall. He is at your disposal!" Zheng Shi's voice came.

Zheng Shi's words made everyone around feel a little unbelievable. After all, this is Zhou Feng, who was caught by Zheng Shi and sent to Lin Xiu for disposal!

Although this Zhou Feng is indeed damned, he is Ge Shu's man!
Everyone could see that Ge Shu's face was very ugly.

"No, Vice Hall Master Ge Shu, save me, save me quickly!" Zhou Feng became even crazier when he heard that.

"If you want to blame it, blame yourself. If you didn't do this kind of thing yourself, how could you end up like this?" Ge Shu said immediately.

"Are you still in Qingyun Hall? To be frightened to such an extent by a kid, Lin Xiu, if you have the ability, you can fight me one-on-one!" Zhou Feng shouted to Lin Xiu again.

"It seems that you want to fight me one-on-one! In this case, I will satisfy your request!" After Lin Xiu heard this, he said lightly, "I can also exercise my muscles and bones!"

Lin Xiu could tell that Zhou Feng's right shoulder had been shattered, and it was impossible for him to exert his full strength, not even [-]% of his strength.

Lin Xiu guessed that the strength that Zhou Feng could display would not be higher than the second level of Martial Emperor Realm, that's why he proposed this kind of battle!

"You're courting death!" Upon hearing Lin Xiu's words, Zhou Feng's eyes were filled with excitement.

"Let's do it!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Okay!" Zhou Feng said, holding the spear in his hand, and stabbing Lin Xiu.

Now Zhou Feng no longer has a right arm, he can only carry the gun with his left arm, the power of this gun is far worse than his full power, but it is still much stronger than the ninth level of Martial Alchemy Realm, So Zhou Feng is very confident that he can win Lin Xiu!
As long as he can kill Lin Xiu, that's fine!

Others were also quite surprised when they saw this scene. Lin Xiu really wanted to fight Zhou Feng?He was at the ninth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm, even if Zhou Feng's strength declined, could Lin Xiu be his opponent?

Lin Xiu had an extra sword in his hand, a big sword that was two meters long. Lin Xiu could lift it up, but he couldn't swing it flexibly. Everyone couldn't tell what kind of sword Lin Xiu was. , but they can feel that Lin Xiu's sword is extraordinary!
Just when Zhou Feng's spear came in front of Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu had already slashed out with his sword. This slash did not have any tricks, it was just an ordinary slash, slashed in front of him.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers shattered, and the terrifying sword light slashed out in front of him. The energy of Zhou Feng's gun way law was shattered by this sword, not only Zhou Feng's gun way law, but also his long spear, and the earth were shattered. !
This large area was cut with a huge crack. This sword seemed to be able to split the sky and split the earth, and its power was extremely terrifying.

"It was a fair fight!" Lin Xiu exclaimed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be shocking, and collect 200 points of pretense!"


(End of this chapter)

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