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Chapter 709 Martial Soul Treasure Chest

Chapter 709 Martial Soul Treasure Chest (2 more)
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

Although Lin Xiu inherited the blood of this body, in fact he didn't have much affection for Lin Zhenfeng, but this identity was still there, and Lin Xiu had to inherit this identity.

Of course, it would be best to act aggressively by the way!

It is necessary to go to the Magic Mountain, and Lin Xiu also wants to see what his cheap father is like.

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Di Sheng stopped talking.

"Ding, I found a special treasure box, the Wuhun treasure box!"

Martial soul treasure chest?When Lin Xiu received this reminder, his spirits lifted. It had been a long time since he found a special treasure chest. Recently, he only cared about pretending, and now he was finally able to see this new treasure chest.

"Master Di Sheng, I have always respected Qingyun Hall, I wonder if you can take me around and let me know this Qingyun Hall!" Lin Xiu blinked his eyes and said.

When Di Sheng heard it, his expression was a little weird. Do you have respect for our Qingyun Hall?Why didn't I find out at all?

Thinking of Lin Xiu's attack on the entire Qingyun Hall here as soon as he arrived, and almost destroying the entire Qingyun Hall, how could everyone believe this incident if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes? Lin Xiu relied on these two beasts, a little girl Adding a dragon man, dare to come here to provoke?
But we can know one thing, Lin Xiu doesn't have the slightest reverence for Qingyun Hall!
"In this case, I will take a few of you around here, so that Elder Lin Xiu can get to know our Qingyun Hall!" said Di Sheng.

When Lin Xiu heard this, his eyes rolled and he was joking, if Di Sheng took him away, he might not be able to take away the treasure chest of the martial arts. Impossible!

"Master Di Sheng, you are a hall master after all, and there are probably a lot of things that need to be dealt with. Why don't you just send a disciple to guide us!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Since you have said so, Elder Lin Xiu, then I will send my disciples to lead you the way!" Di Sheng thought for a while before saying.

What Lin Xiu didn't expect was that Di Sheng's disciple turned out to be a young and beautiful woman. This woman's strength was not too weak, and she was already at the sixth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm. When she looked at Lin Xiu, there was an expression in her eyes Full of surprise and curiosity.

"Elder Lin Xiu, my name is Cen Qing, and I am the disciple of Hall Master Di Sheng. This time, let me lead you the way!" the woman said.

"Listen to you, you seem to know me!" Lin Xiu said a little surprised.

"Elder Lin Xiu's name is known to everyone in our Qingyun Hall!" The woman only heard the woman smiling at Lin Xiu.

Is there no one in Qingyun Hall who doesn't know?This sentence is not empty words. Lin Xiu caused such a big incident as soon as he came, and even after that, Lin Xiu was not injured at all, and he became the elder of Qingyun Hall. You can know that this incident is very important to others , What a shock.

Cen Qing had also heard of Lin Xiu's name, and was surprised by this young man. Of course, what surprised him the most was Lin Xiu's age.

This man is only seventeen or eight years old!
Such a person is not to mention becoming an elder of Qingyun Hall, even becoming a disciple here is a bit small, but Lin Xiu's realm is higher than her, and he is still an elder of Qingyun Hall!
One can imagine how terrifying it will be if Lin Xiu grows up in the future!
Master Di Sheng was interested in Lin Xiu's potential, so he did not hesitate to build a good relationship with Lin Xiu!
"Elder Lin Xiu, look, this is the cultivation tower in our Qingyun Hall. As long as you practice in it, you can improve your cultivation speed a lot!"

"This is the body quenching lake, as long as you soak in it, you can make your body stronger!"

"This is the sword practice field, Elder Lin Xiu, look, that sword mark was left by a master of swordsmanship. It is said that as long as you look at it, you can comprehend the laws of swordsmanship, and even comprehend the power of the sword. !"


Cen Qing introduced the things here to Lin Xiu and the others, but Lin Xiu obviously lacked interest. These things are not what he wants, but it should not be far from the Wuhun treasure box now, and further ahead, it will Yes.

"What is that mountain in front?" Lin Xiu asked.

"That...there is the forbidden area of ​​our Qingyun Hall!" After hearing Lin Xiu's words, Cen Qing showed a trace of fear on her face, and said, "Master has ordered that other disciples are not allowed to approach that mountain, because it A mountain is cursed!"

"Curse?" Xiao Bailong said excitedly when he heard it, "What curse? Is it fun?"

"Xiaobai, curses are not for fun!" Cen Qing said with a wry smile.

"What curse is there?" Fan Fei also asked.

"It is said that people's martial souls will be sucked in there!" Cen Qing was only heard saying.

"Suck in the martial soul?" Lin Xiu's eyes lit up. If so, Lin Xiu could imagine what the use of this martial soul would be!
"Yes, several of our disciples in Qingyun Hall had their martial souls sucked out. Now they don't have martial souls, so they can only cultivate in ordinary ways, but their achievements are limited!" Cen Qing said.

"So that's the case, it's really a sad thing!" After Lin Xiu heard it, he nodded and said, "In this case, let's go there and have a look!"

"What?" When Cen Qing heard this, his eyes blinked, showing a hint of fear, "Where are we... going?"

"It doesn't matter, with me here, no matter what it is, I will get rid of him!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Elder Lin Xiu, do you really want to go there?" Cen Qing asked quickly after hearing this.

"Of course, do you think I'm joking?" Lin Xiu replied with a smile.

"No, that's not what I mean, but I don't know what's there. It's too dangerous for us to go like this. Why don't I inform Master first!" Cen Qing said hastily.

"If you don't win, isn't it just a place to absorb martial souls? There's nothing to be afraid of!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, "Let's go now!"

It is obvious that there is a secret in that place, but there is a treasure chest of martial spirits there. Naturally, Lin Xiu cannot let go of this treasure chest. As long as it is a treasure chest, Lin Xiu believes that he can also get this treasure chest. Lin Xiu will not hand it over.

Although Cen Qing was a little scared, she had no way to refuse after Lin Xiu said so, so she had to take Lin Xiu there, but she secretly informed Di Sheng, after all, this matter was not something she could decide on her own.

 Five updates today, but it may be slower in the future, because after a while, Pikachu is going to explode in all channels. I have already said how many outbreaks, 100 updates, and three updates in a few days. There may be more updates, but not It will be updated five times a day, after all, the manuscript must be saved!
(End of this chapter)

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