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Chapter 710 Mutated Martial Soul

Chapter 710 Mutated Martial Soul (3 more)
This mountain is called Soul Devouring Mountain, and in this mountain, it is full of mysterious and weird atmosphere.

Because here, as long as the person who enters it, the martial soul will be swallowed, but the person who has swallowed the martial soul will not die, but the strength will only be greatly reduced.

If a martial artist at the level of Martial Emperor Realm loses his Martial Soul, his strength will probably be similar to that of Martial Venerable Realm. If he loses two great realms at once, no matter who he is, he will go crazy.

Now Lin Xiu and others walked in here, but Cen Qing found that, except for her, no one else was worried at all.

This is not surprising, because except for Cen Qing and Lin Xiu, everyone else has no martial soul.

Needless to say, Xiao Bailong, she is a fairy, can things like Wuhun be eaten?
Wangcai and Xiaotiangou are both monsters with tyrannical bodies, while Fan Fei is a dragon man, who is considered a half-headed monster, and also has no martial soul.

As for Lin Xiu, there are too many martial souls, each of which is a very powerful existence, but Lin Xiu still lacks a heavenly martial soul!
Lin Xiu already has a tenth-level martial soul, and two more earth-level martial souls, but Lin Xiu does not have a heaven-level martial soul. If he meets an opponent with a heaven-level martial soul, Lin Xiu will still suffer.

Regardless of Lin Xiu's current strength and multiple methods, for warriors, the martial soul is the most critical combat power.

Lin Xiu knew this from seeing Moyue, so for him, possessing a heavenly martial soul would make his strength grow a lot.

Although Lin Xiu wanted to get this treasure chest of martial arts, but after they entered this mountain, they never found any strange things appearing here.

"Miss Cen Qing, don't you remember it wrong? We have been walking for so long, why haven't we seen anything that can swallow a martial spirit?" Lin Xiu said with a frown.

"This... I don't know either!" Cen Qing was still a little scared, if her martial soul was swallowed, her strength would drop drastically, how could she not be afraid?

"Your Highness, something is coming!" Xiao Tiangou said suddenly at this time.

Something is coming?
As soon as Lin Xiu raised his head, he saw a bat appearing in the air. The bat was no bigger than the size of a palm, and it was completely black, but its eyes were red. It looked very strange. But it saw Lin Xiu at this moment Xiu and the others rushed over immediately.

"Stop!" Lin Xiu saw it, and immediately shouted, "Do you know who this young master is? Do you dare to attack me?"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be a treasure chest, and got a pretending value of 1000!"

After Lin Xiu received this reminder, his face was a little weird, did he succeed in pretending to be a treasure chest?Can you pretend to be a treasure chest?System, you are too powerful!
The bat stopped as expected, staring at Lin Xiu with its red eyes, and then suddenly pounced on the little white dragon.

At this moment, Xiao Bailong suddenly let out a scream, and then cried: "Don't come and bite me!"

Boom boom boom...

A few water dragons appeared out of nowhere and blasted towards the bat. Although the bat was powerful, it was still thrown away. It seemed a bit incomprehensible. It couldn't feel the martial spirit on the little white dragon. What's the matter?

The little white dragon's attack can't hurt it, but it's impossible for it to absorb the martial soul!
It is also impossible for the other two monsters to have Martial Souls. The only ones left are Lin Xiu and Cen Qing!
"Master, be careful!" Fan Fei said, and he jumped at the bat in front of him.

Fan Fei's fist hit the bat, and it felt as if he had hit a rock, it had no effect at all, and the bat would not be injured at all after being knocked into the air.

"Hiss!" The bat let out a strange cry, and rushed towards Lin Xiu.

"It has been detected that the host has the ability to subdue the treasure chest of the spirit, please use the gate of devouring to subdue the treasure chest of the spirit!" the system prompts.

Nima, this martial soul treasure chest is so difficult to deal with?

Cen Qing's face changed drastically at this moment, she held Lin Xiu's arm tightly, her little face turned pale with fear.

How could she not be afraid of such unknown things?This is something that can swallow her martial soul, if even the martial soul is sucked away, she doesn't know what will happen to her.

Lin Xiu smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, it's just a little bat. I have a way to subdue it!"

"You have a way to subdue him?" Upon hearing this, Cen Qing's face lit up, "Is it true?"

"Fan Fei, get out of the way for this young master, I'm going to start pretending... No, I'm going to start subduing it!" Lin Xiu said loudly.

Cen Qing was actually a little worried, why didn't Di Sheng come now?

The bat would not let go of this opportunity, it had already pounced on Lin Xiu, and there was a strange cry when it flew over.

But at this time, Lin Xiu showed a disdainful smile on his face: "Since you are here to seek death, don't blame me for being rude!"

After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he only saw a black door appear above his head. As soon as the door opened, that black bat was immediately sucked into Lin Xiu's swallowing door.

"Ding, the treasure chest of martial arts has been collected!"

The treasure chest of martial arts can devour the surrounding martial souls. It can only be devoured only if it has no owner. The treasure chest of martial arts has been fused with the gate of devouring. If you swallow a level 1 martial soul, you can get 1 martial soul value, and a level 5 martial soul can get 10 soul points. Point martial soul points, level 4 martial soul can get 50 points of martial soul, level [-] martial soul can get [-] points of martial soul...

An earth-level martial soul can get 10 points of martial soul, a sky-level martial soul can get 50 points of martial soul, and if the Gate of Devouring gets 1000 million points of martial soul, it can directly grow into the world's number one martial soul!

Lin Xiu's heart jumped wildly. It is very troublesome to collect this martial soul treasure chest, and if it is replaced by other people, it is estimated that it will not be able to subdue it. After all, no matter what kind of attack it is, it will not be able to hurt this bat. But now, Lin Xiu has subdued it .

And judging from the situation of this martial soul treasure box, it can collect other martial souls, and then strengthen Lin Xiu's swallowing gate martial soul.

The Gate of Devouring Soul is a powerful martial spirit brought by this body. It was underestimated because it hadn't shown its power before, but now it's different, its martial spirit has grown up.

However, the Gate of Devouring has a level limit, it is impossible to devour it infinitely, even the founding emperors of the Great Qin Kingdom, only allowed the Gate of Devouring to evolve to the level of an earth-level martial spirit!

Now this martial soul treasure box can make the Gate of Devouring become the world's number one martial spirit. Although Lin Xiu doesn't know what this means, he can know that the Gate of Devouring will definitely be stronger in the future!

Lin Xiu could feel that now his door of devouring had begun to become an earth-level martial spirit, and when the door was opened, only a terrifying suction appeared, and all the surrounding trees were sucked in.

 Although I feel a little better today than yesterday, I am still a little tired. Please don't mind my slow writing!

(End of this chapter)

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