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Chapter 718 Ge Shu, get the hell out of here, Elder Ben!

Chapter 718 Ge Shu, get the hell out of here, Elder Ben!

"Master Di Sheng, what makes you look so worried?" Xiong Nian took a sip of tea before smiling.

Xiong Nian will come here mainly to do business for the Zhengqi League. After passing by here, he stayed here as a guest. If Xiong Nian knows that Lin Xiu is going to kill Ge Shu and Di Sheng doesn't stop him, I'm afraid this will happen. It will be passed back to the Zhengqi League soon.

If this incident is reported back, Di Sheng will probably have even more headaches. No matter what you say about this incident, you can't let Xiong Nian know about it!

When Di Sheng thought so, he quickly said: "It's nothing, it's just some disciples making trouble!"

"Oh? So that's it. It seems that the disciples of Qingyun Hall are really active!" Xiong Nian said with a half-hearted smile.

The relationship between Xiong Nian and Qingyuntang is not very good, because he is closer to another Chishantang. For Qingyuntang, it is just a casual acquaintance. Even secretly, Xiongnian may want to find an excuse to deal with Qingyun Church!

After all, where there are people, there will be benefits. If Qingyun Hall doesn't respect Xiong Nian, how can Xiong Nian, a Dharma protector, get close to Qingyun Hall?
But immediately, another disciple came over, and he whispered: "Master, we can no longer stop Elder Lin Xiu, he has already rushed into the book mountain, and he is about to enter the book tower, what should we do?"

Even Di Sheng couldn't help being surprised by this sentence.

This time Di Sheng had to go, if Di Sheng didn't go, there would be a lot of trouble this time.

If Ge Shu died, even if he wanted to cover it up, he would not be able to cover it up!
"Dharma Protector Xiong Nian, I have something I want to take care of first, I wonder if you can wait for me here, Protector Xiong Nian?" Di Sheng said immediately.

"I don't know what's up with Master Di Sheng, do you need my help?" Xiong Nian smiled.

"No, it's just a trivial matter, but I'm a little anxious, Cen Qing, you can stay and serve the Xiong Nian protector!" Di Sheng said again.

"Yes!" Cen Qing said immediately.

Di Sheng left immediately, but looking at the young Cen Qing, Xiong Nian smiled. Can a young girl stop him?

"Miss Cen Qing, I heard that you are the disciple of Hall Master Di Sheng, right?" Xiong Nian began to follow Cen Qing's words.

From the simplest routine, it can be said that Cen Qing is still too young after all, so he quickly talked about what happened just now, and Cen Qing didn't know how he said it, but he even mentioned the grievances between Lin Xiu and Ge Shu.

"It seems that this Elder Lin Xiu is planning to take action against the deputy hall master Ge Shu!" After Xiong Nian heard it, he immediately said.

"This..." It was too late when Cen Qing realized it.

"In this case, it seems that I have to go out to help, otherwise, I'm afraid that the deputy hall master Ge Shu will be in danger!" Xiong Nian had already stood up, and went out regardless of Cen Qing's persuasion.


Book Mountain, this place was not originally called Book Mountain, but since it was designated as Ge Shu’s residence, it has been called Book Mountain. At the top of this Book Mountain, there is a book tower. According to rumors, it is the place where Ge Shu and his disciples practiced. .

All I saw was a fiery red figure already appearing in front of the book tower.

It was Wangcai and Lin Xiu, but there were hundreds of disciples of Qingyun Hall blocking Lin Xiu.

"Elder Lin Xiu, please calm down, our hall master is coming soon, if you break into Shushan now, it will cause dissatisfaction with Ge Shu's deputy hall master!"

"Elder Lin Xiu, please wait a little longer. Our Hall Master said, Elder Lin Xiu, you must not enter Shushan, otherwise we will all be in trouble!"

"Elder Lin Xiu, just treat it as helping us, please don't move forward!"


The surrounding disciples of Qingyun Hall said quickly.

Just like that, does it work?

Lin Xiu held the Tai'a sword in his hand, and he said calmly: "This elder is going to kill someone today, if anyone of you wants to stop it, then come and see, but don't blame me for speaking first! I will not show mercy when I kill someone!"

"Elder Lin Xiu..."

"I only give you a time to breathe, don't give way, die!"

I only saw that Lin Xiu had already raised the Tai'a sword. If this sword was cut off, everyone who stood in front of him would probably die!
The disciples of Qingyun Hall here are not fools, they will naturally not be so stupid as to use their bodies to protect Ge Shu, there must be something going on between Lin Xiu and Ge Shu, these things are out of their control!

So these disciples will only listen to Di Sheng's words to stop Lin Xiu, but if their lives are threatened, they will naturally give way!

Sure enough, a road appeared in front of Lin Xiu immediately, and Lin Xiu let Wang Cai rush directly to it.

Roaring Sky Dog, Fan Fei and Xiao Bailong have also rushed over, but seeing that Lin Xiu was already in front of the book tower, Lin Xiu looked at the huge tower in front of him that was ten feet high, and he had no intention of going in. I only saw his voice rolling over.

"Ge Shu, get out here, Elder Ben!" Lin Xiu's voice came and echoed around.

"Ge Shu, get the hell out of here, Elder Ben!"

"Ge Shu, get the hell out of here, Elder Ben!"


Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, and they couldn't help being surprised.

The person who dared to ask Ge Shu to get out, probably since they joined Qingyuntang, Lin Xiu was the only one!

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


Lin Xiu's arrival this time, although he didn't come here to pretend to be aggressive, but these pretending values ​​are a surprise.

But Lin Xiu's voice echoed all around, but he didn't see Ge Shu come out!
This surprised the people present. With Ge Shu's violent temper, if other people had spoken like this, he might have already come out!

But now, they didn't see Ge Shu running out of it, as if Lin Xiu wasn't calling him at all!
book tower.

Ge Shu was in his practice room, as if he didn't hear Lin Xiu's words.

However, Ge Shu's disciples have already rushed out, they don't want to hear their master being insulted.

"You are Lin Xiu? Are you insulting our master?" one of the young men said.

"Insulting your master? How can you say that about me? But if you really think this is the case, I won't deny it. That's right, I'm insulting your master!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "What can you do to me? ?”

"..." The faces of the people around are a bit weird, you are too direct, don't you want to save some face for others?
Ge Shu's disciples were furious at this moment, Lin Xiu dared to say such words in front of them.

But Lin Xiu immediately continued, "Fan Fei, teach them a lesson first, and I'll go to that old guy Ge Shu to settle the score now!"

(End of this chapter)

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