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Chapter 719 Evidence, unnecessary!

Chapter 719 Evidence, unnecessary! (2 more)
"Yes, master!" Fan Fei said immediately after hearing this.

The strength of these Ge Shu's disciples is not considered weak, and the strongest is only at the first level of the Martial Alchemy Realm. To Fan Fei, there is no threat at all.

And these people were obviously bewitched by Ge Shu. Lin Xiu didn't want to kill more people. However, teaching them a lesson is a lesson. Of course, it's better to let his own dog legs take action for this kind of thing .

Fan Fei's attack is not light, and it's okay to be seriously injured and unconscious. As long as he doesn't kill anyone, Lin Xiu won't mind. After all, these people can be regarded as Lin Xiu's enemies!
And Lin Xiu was already standing in front of the book tower, he said indifferently: "Old Dog Ge Shu, if you don't let me get out again, don't blame me for being rude!"

The sword in Lin Xiu's hand has been replaced by the Xuanxian Iron Epee. With the power of this sword, Lin Xiu is not afraid that Ge Shu will not come out.

Ge Shu was too tolerant, even if Lin Xiu scolded him like this, he had no intention of coming out.

On the contrary, Ge Shu's disciples have all been knocked down to the ground now, they have no strength to fight against Fan Fei at all!
Seeing this scene, the other disciples of Qingyun Hall also thought in their hearts that this Ge Shu was too much, seeing their own disciples come to die, but still not coming out, is such a person worthy of being a master?

Lin Xiu held the Xuanxian iron epee in his hand, with a sneer on his face, he slashed down at the giant tower in front of him.

In the next moment, the huge tower of more than ten feet was cut open from the middle by Lin Xiu, divided into two halves, and fell to both sides.

Many disciples of Qingyun Hall showed shock. This tower was split into two halves by Lin Xiu's sword?is this real?
If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe that Lin Xiu did it alone, because it was too shocking!

It is said that this tower is made of special materials, even if it is the fifth floor of Emperor Wudi Realm, it cannot be easily destroyed, but now, Lin Xiu has destroyed it with a single sword. This does not mean that Lin Xiu's strength is still there. Above the fifth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm?

"Ding...shock value +"


"Ding...Pretentious value +"


Inside the collapsed giant tower, a figure flew out, only to hear a voice: "Lin Xiu, you are too much!"

This person was Ge Shu. It seemed that what Lin Xiu had done finally made him unable to bear it!

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on Ge Shu, only seeing Ge Shu's face full of anger now, he stared at Lin Xiu and said, "Lin Xiu, why did you break into my book mountain and hurt my disciple?"

"Why did I break into your book mountain? Don't you have any idea?" Lin Xiu replied with a sneer.

Ge Shu was startled and angry, his eyes flickered and he said, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Others didn't understand why Lin Xiu did this, why he wanted to go to Shushan, and there seemed to be some serious hatred between Ge Shu and Ge Shu.

Didn't Di Sheng take care of the previous matter?Logically speaking, now Lin Xiu and Ge Shu should have no grudges!
But now Lin Xiu is coming to trouble Ge Shu again, so what happened?
"Since you want me to tell you clearly, I'll tell you, Ge Shu, you hooked up with the Demon League and wanted to murder me!" Lin Xiu said coldly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How did I hook up with the Demon League? What evidence do you have!" Ge Shu retorted loudly upon hearing this.

When everyone heard this, they were shocked. There is such a thing?If this is true, Ge Shu really deserves to die!
"The members of the Demon League ambushed in Xueyue City, and they did not hesitate to slaughter tens of thousands of civilians, and they wanted to kill me!" Lin Xiu said again.

"You are talking nonsense, what evidence do you have? I am here to cultivate, and I have never colluded with the members of the Demon League!" Ge Shu's face turned red, as if he had been greatly insulted.

Those Qingyuntang disciples were even more surprised when they heard it. With Lin Xiu's life, they didn't bother to lie, and it was impossible for them to use this kind of thing as a joke. Didn't that mean that all the residents of Xueyue City died in the city? In the hands of the Momeng?
If this is the case, this is too terrible. The Momeng has no humanity. Everyone is deeply impressed by this kind of thing. It is not unheard of to massacre an entire city and use it to sacrifice Wuhun. I didn't expect it to happen now appearing again!

The people of the Demon League are indeed quite powerful, and their methods are cruel, but it is indeed scary to do such a thing.

"Lin Xiu, you keep saying that I collude with people from the Devil League to ambush you, but I want to ask, how did you escape?" Ge Shu's face showed extreme anger, "If the elite of the Devil League To ambush you, can you come back here without any injuries?"

"Why not? I'm not afraid to tell you that they came to ambush me, but they just overestimated their capabilities!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said with a sneer, "I will kill as many people as they come!"

"What do you mean? Could it be that Elder Lin Xiu has already killed those members of the Demon League?"

"No way? Those members of the Demon League should be very strong. How did Elder Lin Xiu do it?"

"If that's the case, didn't Elder Lin Xiu still hide his strength when he fought with us before?"


The complexions of many Qingyuntang disciples changed slightly at this time.

"Lin Xiu, your joke is not funny at all. The Sister Moon of the Demon League is going to attack you, and you can still wipe them out. Do you think we will believe this kind of thing? Do you really think so? Are we stupid?" Ge Shu said sarcastically, "I think you are the one who really hooked up with the Demon League!"

"No way? The Saintess of the Magic League also made a move?"

"I heard that the holy lady of the Devil's League is a reincarnated person in the Devil's League, she is so powerful!"

"That's the next leader of the Demon League. Elder Lin Xiu really killed her too?"

"How did I hear other questions coming, Elder Ge Shu, how did you know that the Saint Aunt of the Demon League made a move against Elder Lin Xiu? Elder Lin Xiu didn't seem to say anything!"

When the last person spoke, everyone's eyes fell on him, and at the same time, there was a look of surprise, yes, Ge Shu, how did you know?
Lin Xiu showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Ge Shu, how did you know that Mo Yue was also there?"

"I... I'm just guessing. I found out that the holy lady of the Demon League has a grudge against you, so she will definitely attack you!" Ge Shu rolled his eyes and immediately retorted.

Ge Shu just exposed himself because he was out of breath just now, he immediately said: "You have no evidence to prove that I collude with people from the Demon League, if you attack me, you will kill the seniors in the same class!"

"I really don't have any evidence!" Lin Xiu looked at Ge Shu and said calmly.

"In this case, you..."

"However, I, Lin Xiu, have acted all my life, why do I need to explain to you? Evidence is unnecessary!"

 I have something to do today, the rest will be updated later
(End of this chapter)

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