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Chapter 720 Disposing of Ge Shu

Chapter 720 Disposing of Ge Shu
Crazy, very crazy, it is not surprising that Lin Xiu is so arrogant, because everyone knows that Lin Xiu is indeed an arrogant person.

This is no different from the character shown by Lin Xiu before.

But for Ge Shu, Lin Xiu was challenging, Chi Guoguo's provocation!
It's just that Lin Xiu's strength did make him qualified for such a provocation, and Ge Shu was shocked and angry at this time, he said: "You are too arrogant, do you think this is your home?"

"No matter where this place is, the crimes you committed are enough for me to kill you!" Lin Xiu said coldly, "Shouting Tiangou!"

"Yes, master!" Xiaotiangou is also quite angry now. For Xiaotiangou, it is the first time that it has suffered a disadvantage. It has never tried to be suppressed by other enemies before, but in Xueyue When he was in the city, he suffered a disadvantage.

This was also Xiao Tiangou's carelessness at that time, the Ghost King's Ghost Mist actually had the effect of suppressing it, coupled with the influence of the Demon Moon, it couldn't even exert [-]% of its strength.

Xiaotiangou has already held back his anger, so now Xiaotiangou already wants to vent.

After the Xiaotian dog responded, he immediately made a move.

Although Ge Shu was angry, he knew that he was not Lin Xiu's opponent, so he ran away immediately.

But how could Xiaotiangou give him a chance?
Xiaotiangou's paw was lifted up, and it slapped in front of him. Ge Shu seemed to be pulled by a force of suction, and in the eyes of others, Ge Shu seemed to have bumped into Xiaotiangou's body by himself. The claws were normal, and this claw directly blasted Ge Shu to the ground.

"Ah—" Ge Shu let out a scream, and a mouthful of blood had already spit out from his mouth.

"That's amazing. Although I've heard that Elder Lin Xiu's subordinates are powerful, I didn't expect them to be so strong!"

"What kind of monster is this black dog?"

"Looking at it, it doesn't mean that it wants to kill Elder Ge Shu?"


Many disciples were taken aback at this moment, because at this moment they discovered that Xiaotiangou hadn't stopped, and Ge Shu's arm had already been smashed to pieces by its claws.

"You... how dare you treat me like this? Lin Xiu, you will definitely die—"

"Damn it, Lin Xiu, you're going too far—"

"No, you can't do this to me! Lin Xiu, please, let me go—"


Ge Shu finally couldn't help begging for mercy, but Lin Xiu didn't mean to let him go, neither did Xiao Tiangou.

He didn't kill Ge Shu directly, but every time the Roaring Dog slammed Ge Shu to death, Ge Shu's hands and feet were all patted into meat paste, even the people present felt the pain after seeing it. There is a little fear in my heart.

"Ge Shu, let me ask you again, have you colluded with people from the Demon League?" Lin Xiu smiled.

"Yes, yes, I did it, Lin Xiu, please, don't torture me anymore, kill me, kill me!" Ge Shu had almost collapsed, Lin Xiu's torture was not at all People can bear it!
The other people in Qingyuntang were quite surprised when they heard this sentence. Did Ge Shu really collude with the members of the Demon League, and then killed tens of thousands of residents of Xueyue City?

If this is the case, this is too much!

Everyone looked at Ge Shu with a hint of contempt.

"Stop!" At this moment, only a figure in the distance flew towards him, and it was Di Sheng.

"Master Di Sheng, I have already solved this matter for you. Ge Shu colluded with the Demon League and wanted to murder me, and even killed tens of thousands of civilians in Xueyue City. It is too much. This is an unforgivable crime, I think he should be killed!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

Di Sheng was a little dumbfounded, these things are all Lin Xiu's one-sided words, but Lin Xiu is not an ordinary person, even Di Sheng did not dare to underestimate him, Di Sheng had to say: "Lin Xiu, I will investigate this matter Clearly, I will definitely give you justice!"

"Since this is the case, I will believe what you said, Hall Master, but Hall Master, I don't have much patience. How long will it take you to prove this?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Just half a day is enough!" Di Sheng thought for a while and said.

"Master, you must save me. All of this is due to Lin Xiu slandering me, and I didn't do anything at all!" Ge Shu shouted hastily.

"Shut up!" Di Sheng didn't look good on Ge Shu.

Although Di Sheng said that he would investigate, he already believed that Ge Shu would definitely be involved in this matter, and maybe it was Ge Shu who really did what was behind it!
"Yunfei, Yunguang, take your disciples to Xueyue City, I want to know what happened in Xueyue City!" Only Di Sheng said.

"Yes, Hall Master!" The two quickly replied.

A group of disciples were immediately teleported to Xueyue City, and Ge Shu's face became even uglier. He knew that this time, he might be doomed.

Sure enough, in less than three hours, a disciple of Qingyun Hall had already returned. The disciple of Qingyun Hall had a bad face, and they immediately told about the matter of Xueyue City.

"The corpses are everywhere, and the whole city is a dead city? What happened to Xueyue City!" Di Sheng asked.

"People from the Devil League came to Xueyue City, and took away the souls and blood of all residents in Xueyue City, and they have already said that it was Ge Shu who revealed my whereabouts to them!" Lin Lin Xiu replied.

"Ge Shu, what's your explanation?" Di Sheng said coldly.

"I..." Ge Shu can still explain anything now, he has already shut up, waiting to die.

"Okay, Ge Shu, since you have nothing to say, don't blame me!" Di Sheng's voice became colder. The tens of millions of residents of Xueyue City were all destroyed by the Demon League.

And all of this, if they chose this location because they want to ambush Lin Xiu, Ge Shu's crime is indeed unforgivable.

"According to what I see, hall master, you are biased in doing this!" Only hearing a voice sounded at this moment, everyone's eyes immediately looked in the direction of the voice.

Everyone immediately saw a middle-aged man appearing not far away, able to stand in the air, he must also be a Martial Emperor powerhouse, and this person's aura is quite strong, one can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary Martial Emperor powerhouse.

"What? Protector Xiong Nian, why are you here?" Di Sheng's face changed when he saw this person appearing. He didn't expect Xiong Nian to appear here. This time, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome!
 Something bad happened today, so there is no update today. I have to save the manuscript recently, and there are only three changes until the omnichannel

(End of this chapter)

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