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Chapter 722 You are getting old!

Chapter 722 You are getting old!

After all, it is a martial soul, not a monster, nor a human body, so it can be easily regenerated.

Martial spirit possession, especially in this huge form, is different from the body of a human deity receiving martial spirit possession. In this hundred-foot body shape, Xiong Nian's body is only shrunk into a part of the giant bear's body, or Either in the head, or in the heart of the giant bear.

Lin Xiu's martial spirit devoured one of its arms, and it would naturally grow back.

However, this consumes a lot of soul power. Once the soul power is exhausted, after stepping into the realm of Emperor Wu, the primordial power in the body will be sublimated, and then it will be able to grow into real soul power. The soul power that comes out can only belong to fake soul power!

The stronger the martial soul, the stronger the soul power will naturally be. Of course, Yuan Li can also be used as soul power, but in terms of quality, it is still inferior to soul power!

Lin Xiu felt that no matter the mental power, origin power or soul power in his body, they are all a kind of pure energy, maybe they can be merged into one!

Of course, Lin Xiu is just thinking about it now. What he has to do now is to get rid of the guy in front of him first. The energy in Lin Xiu's body begins to crazily activate the Devouring Gate, only to see that the Devouring Gate has started to grow. .

This is the first time Lin Xiu has encountered such a powerful opponent. Lin Xiu dare not underestimate the opponent. If he wants to fight, he must fight with all his strength!
The Gate of Devouring rose to a height of hundreds of feet in an instant, and it was no worse than that giant bear.

"Your martial spirit is good, but unfortunately, your strength is too weak, and there is no way to display its true strength!" Xiong Nian sneered, and when its foot stepped on the ground, the terrifying impact immediately smashed the ground All shattered.

However, this impact hit the devouring door, and the opened devouring door seemed to be able to suck everything into it, but this impact was swallowed by it forcefully.

This is too scary!
Xiong Nian still didn't believe it. He only saw that he had raised his bear paws and slapped them in front of him. The two huge bear paws hit his face, and the door of devouring was trembling in an instant.

"Is this martial soul going to disperse? Elder Lin Xiu's realm is still too low!"

"If this is the case, then he will lose!"

"If Elder Lin Xiu is in a few more years, he may already be able to enter the Martial Emperor Realm. If we fight again at that time, we may not necessarily lose!"


The disciples of Qingyun Hall started discussing that although Xiong Nian is the chief guardian of the Zhengqi League, the people here will not buy it. Lin Xiu is the elder of their Qingyun Hall. Speaking of it, there is no benefit at all, and it will even be underestimated.

Seeing that Lin Xiu's Gate of Devouring has become like this, the disciples of Qingyun Hall are also a little worried. It is estimated that Lin Xiu is really going to lose!

"You are still too young, brat, today I will let you know how big the gap is between you and me!" The year of the bear slammed his palm on the gate of devouring, only to hear a loud noise from there .

These loud noises made the eardrums of the surrounding people hurt. This giant bear is indeed powerful, and it can unleash such an attack!

If the Gate of Devouring endures two or three more attacks, it will probably be shattered immediately. With the martial soul gone, Lin Xiu will naturally lose!
"Old guy, don't you know that youth is my greatest asset? You are old!" Lin Xiu's voice came, full of disdain.

you're old?Lin Xiu actually said, Old Bear is old?

Although Xiong Nian is not young, it is normal for such an age to cultivate to such an extent, and for warriors, especially the strong Emperor Wu, with a lifespan of nearly a thousand years, how can they be called old?

What Lin Xiu said made Xiong Nian very angry. He said: "Ignorant child, go to hell!"

"You have lived for so long, and you only have such strength. Since this is the case, I will let you see what is a real genius and what is a real strong!" Lin Xiu sneered and said loudly.

When the people around heard this sentence, they had the feeling that Lin Xiu was yelling "I'm going to pretend!"

The gate of devouring was wide open, and the giant bear's punch did not hit the gate of devouring. Instead, the huge suction pulled the arm of the giant earth bear into it in an instant.

Xiong Nian was anxious. He felt that if his arm was sucked in, his whole body might be sucked in.

This is terrible, this must not happen!
Xiong Nian began to struggle, and everyone could see that the eyes of this giant bear were full of panic, as if he was afraid of something.

"Master, the elder Xiong Nian seems to want to escape, but he can't escape!" Cen Qing said in surprise.

Di Sheng's eyes were also full of horror at this time, he said: "That door, it seems that it is not just an earth-level martial soul, this door is too powerful, it should be a heaven-level martial soul!"

Even Di Sheng couldn't help admiring it. This is a celestial martial soul. It is estimated that in the entire continent, there are no more than a hundred people with a celestial martial soul. Anyone who has a celestial martial soul and survives death can become a A strong side!
The potential and power of the Heavenly Martial Soul is also very terrifying. Now the year of the bear, I am afraid it will be bad luck!

Di Sheng could tell that although Lin Xiu hadn't been able to completely control this heavenly martial spirit, it was already strong enough based on its original power, but to deal with an existence like Xiong Nian, one had to a chance.

Lin Xiu let the Gate of Devouring endure Xiong Nian's attack for so long, now, it's time to get it back!
The door of devouring opened wide, and the huge devouring power gushed out in an instant. Di Sheng was taken aback, and he said anxiously: "Get down!"

The surrounding disciples were also very clever. They immediately fell on the ground, but they still raised their eyes, only to see that the devouring door had already started to suck in the surrounding trees, and even the fallen giant tower had already been sucked in. They Clinging tightly to the ground, they didn't dare to relax a bit, because they could feel a strong suction force appearing.

If they can't hold on tightly, this suction force will probably swallow them all up.

Because even the forest will be swallowed by the Devouring Gate, if they are sucked in, who knows what the consequences will be?
"No, don't—" At this time, everyone saw a figure being rolled up and sucked into the door of devouring. It was the half-dead Ge Shu.

Ge Shu was already on the verge of death, but now he couldn't resist at all and was swallowed in. But, what about the Year of the Bear?
(End of this chapter)

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