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Chapter 723 You are so old, why don't you wear clothes?

Chapter 723 You are so old, why don't you wear clothes?

Everyone saw that the huge bear's arms had been sucked into the swallowing door, and if it continued like this, its entire body would be swallowed.

Is the Year of the Bear really going to lose?

For Di Sheng, Nian Xiong is indeed a trouble, even if he wants to ignore it, it is impossible. Now that Lin Xiu has taken action against Nian Xiong, no matter whether he solves Nian Xiong or not, it will be a big trouble.

But maybe it would be better to kill it!
The idea in Di Sheng's mind just flashed by. If he really wanted to kill Xiong Nian, even he didn't have the ability to become an existence of this level. No one has the ability at all.

Except for the existence of Xiao Zhuanfeng's level, otherwise, it would be impossible for a strong man of the same level, even one or two small realms, to kill the opponent!

It's just that the power of the Devouring Gate is surprising. If even this giant earth bear can inhale it, Lin Xiu will be able to complete the feat of directly erasing the seventh level of the Martial Alchemy Realm from the ninth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm. It's not that there are no newcomers, and it should be something that has never been done before.

Just when everyone thought that Xiong Nian was going to be killed by Lin Xiu, they saw a figure flying out of the giant bear's head, who else could it be if it wasn't Xiong Nian?
It's just that everyone saw that Xiong Nian's body was naked at this time, and his clothes, as well as the martial spirit, were directly swallowed by the swallowing gate.

"Ding, collect a prefecture-level martial soul, and get 10 martial soul points!"

The door of devouring was closed. It was a good meal, and Lin Xiu was also very satisfied, but when he saw the appearance of the year of the bear, his face became strange: "You are so old, why don't you wear clothes?"

After the people present heard Lin Xiu's words, the corners of their mouths twitched, couldn't they?What is Lin Xiu talking about?Even asked why people don't wear clothes?
When the martial soul possessed his body just now, even his clothes were attached, and Xiong Nian was in a hurry to escape, so he didn't care so much.

At this time, Xiong Nian's complexion was already dark, he stared at Lin Xiu, his eyes were about to burst into flames, but there was nothing he could do, Lin Xiu was too arrogant, this man dared to do such a thing Something to do!
You must not let him go easily, absolutely not, his martial spirit was taken away!
Martial soul is the foundation of a warrior. Once it is taken away, it means that his strength will decline in the future, and he may even become a useless person. How can he not take revenge for this revenge!
"Lin Xiu, I will definitely kill you, I will!" Xiong Nian said loudly, everyone could hear how angry he was.

"Ding, I have collected 1200 points of hatred from the Year of the Bear!"

"Kill me? I'm waiting here, come and kill me!" Lin Xiu yelled, the smile on his face was even more sinister, but does the Year of the Bear dare to do it now?Of course not!

"Lin Xiu, wait for me!" Xiong Nian already felt that something was wrong, and as soon as he turned around, he was about to run away.

Lin Xiu didn't catch up. The current Xiong Nian doesn't have a martial soul. Even if he doesn't die, he is just a useless person. In order to chase him, he still has to run a long way. Lin Xiu doesn't bother to do such a thing.

"If you like to go wild, you will win. Why are you making so many excuses?" Lin Xiu pouted.

Like fruit punch?Who would like Guoben?Everyone looked at Lin Xiu, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

But when they looked at the door of devouring again, their expressions changed again. It has to be said that this door of devouring is already very terrifying in the eyes of these people.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


Even the Protector of Xiong Nian is not Lin Xiu's opponent. It can be seen how strong Lin Xiu is.

"Elder Lin Xiu, I didn't expect your strength to improve again. It's really surprising!" Di Sheng didn't mention Ge Shu at all. What kind of thing is Ge Shu?Now that he is dead, who would think for him and avenge him?
To offend Lin Xiu for Ge Shu?As long as Di Sheng is not a fool, he will not do this kind of thing.

"It's true that the strength has improved a little, but I didn't expect that this bear protector would be so weak. I only used [-]% of my strength, and he couldn't resist. It seems that it is really very difficult to find an opponent. Difficult!" Lin Xiu sighed, with his hands behind his back, looking like a lonely master.

This appearance really made people feel speechless, but seeing Lin Xiu's appearance, Di Sheng and others were quite helpless, and those elders could only flatter them.

"Yes, yes, Elder Lin Xiu, you are right. I have already known that Elder Lin Xiu has extraordinary talent and must not be an ordinary person!"

"Elder Lin Xiu, the power of your martial soul is also rare in the world. Our hall master said that your martial soul is a heavenly martial soul!"

"In the future, Elder Lin Xiu's growth may be even higher. It is our honor to know Elder Lin Xiu!"


When everyone said this, Lin Xiu didn't feel embarrassed at all, but enjoyed it very much. Just kidding, as a king, this level of flattery needs to blush?
Lin Xiu came back this time not only to kill Ge Shu, but also to tell Di Sheng Xueyue City. Of course, Ge Shu died like this, which was beyond Lin Xiu's expectation. Lin Xiu wanted to Ask him about the Momeng again.

"Elder Lin Xiu, you must be careful in the future, Xiong Nian is a villain, this kind of person will definitely take revenge!" Di Sheng reminded.

"Revenge? If he dares to take revenge, it won't be as simple as Guoben next time!" Lin Xiu sneered, not caring at all.

Xiong Nian and Lin Xiu didn't have much grievance at first, but he took care of things that shouldn't be taken care of, and wanted to teach Lin Xiu a lesson. It would be kind for Lin Xiu to let him live. If he dared to treat Lin Xiu again If Xiu makes a move, Lin Xiu will not let him go!
Xiong Nian flew away directly, and he fell outside a city, only to feel that his realm began to regress. He used to be a martial artist at the seventh level of the Martial Emperor Realm. Now that he has no martial soul, his strength will decline. Even Xiong Nian didn't expect that his own realm had already fallen to the fifth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, and soon, he might fall to the first level of the Martial Emperor Realm, or even the Martial Alchemy Realm.

Xiong Nian's heart is full of grief and anger at this time, this kind of grief and anger is as huge as a mountain, if Lin Xiu is not killed, how can his hatred be eliminated?

In Xiong Nian's hand, a token appeared, and Yuanli was injected into it, and a voice came out of the token immediately.

"Second brother, what happened?" The voice was thick and magnetic, it should be a middle-aged man.

"Brother, my martial spirit has been taken away, you must avenge me!" Xiong Nian said loudly.

 Starting today, I have to save 20 words of manuscripts, so I will temporarily update 3!
(End of this chapter)

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