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Chapter 726 As long as 999 can bring it to Zhangjia!

Chapter 726 You can take it home with only 999!

Red Flame Scaled Tiger?If this kind of thing is sent to the Colosseum, it will definitely be good!

A light flashed in Murong Fen's eyes, but she said on her face: "Mr. Chen, why are you so embarrassed? It is said that a gentleman does not take away people's love. That tiger with red flame scales is that young master's pet. If we do this, Will it be bad?"

Murong Fen deliberately showed embarrassment, the other young masters didn't come up to show their courtesy, especially this Mr. Chen immediately said: "Miss San, a monster of this level cannot be controlled by a lowly like him, only Miss San Only a woman like you is qualified to have it!"

"Yes, Miss San, your heart is too kind, you shouldn't sympathize with this person!" Another young master said.

"We'll make him quit!" Another person said.

"Since this is the case, be careful, gentlemen, I think this young man may be a bit extraordinary!" Murong Fen pretended to hesitate before saying.

These few people patted their chests and promised that they would definitely snatch the red flame scale tiger.

Lin Xiu and others just came in here, and he was about to search the surroundings for the whereabouts of this gem box. For Lin Xiu, besides pretending to be aggressive, he was collecting treasure boxes. There are quite a few other useful treasure chests. If these can be opened from the treasure chest, it will be a big profit! .

"Wow, it's so beautiful here, Daddy, look, what's that? It's so beautiful! And it's glowing!"

"Daddy, look, look, there are dolls for sale here, and they are made just like the real ones!"

"Daddy, look, look, why does this monster look like a dragon? Run Wangcai, let's go ahead and have a look!"


Xiao Bailong has never been to this kind of auction house, especially in this Tianque City, but there is a very large auction house, and what is sold here is not only jewelry and medicinal materials bought by ordinary people, but even female slaves. monster.

Xiaobailong rides on top of Wangcai and asks Wangcai to take her to the end. Now in front of Xiaobailong is a descendant of a dragon and other monsters. It can be seen that this monster has Some characteristics of the dragon clan, but in terms of strength, they are still far behind.

But at this time, in front of the little white dragon, a man in white clothes appeared. He smiled and said, "Little girl, do you want this monster? If you want, I can give you ten monsters. Just use it to exchange your pet, what do you think?"

"What? Five monsters?" Little White Dragon blinked her big eyes when she heard it.

"Yes, are you willing?" The man in white continued to laugh.

"No, Wangcai is my friend!" Xiao Bailong immediately shook his head and said.

After Wangcai heard it, his heart warmed up, friend, this word is too far away from it, but after becoming Lin Xiu's subordinate, Lin Xiu treated it very well, it may be a kind of luck to be able to follow Lin Xiu indefinite.

Wangcai already felt that he was breaking through, and he would be able to enter the ninth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm soon!

If it doesn't follow Lin Xiu, it doesn't know when it will break through!
Now Xiaobailong treats it very well and treats it as a friend.

But after hearing these words, the white-clothed man's face turned ferocious, and he said, "If that's the case, there's nothing we can do about it!"

As soon as the man in white stretched out his hand, he had already grabbed Xiao Bailong, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her up.

"What are you doing? Let the little princess go!" Wangcai roared angrily, all the hair on his body was standing on end.

"As expected of the Red Flame Scaled Tiger, it is already so wise!" The white-clothed man showed joy when he saw it, "This is even better, now you fall down on the ground and recognize me as the master, and I will Let her go, otherwise, she will die!"

"What did you say?" Hearing this sentence, Wangcai said angrily.

Lin Xiu subdued Wangcai, but he didn't let him recognize his master, because he didn't need it, the effect of the demon-subduing ring was enough to easily deal with Wangcai, recognize his master?do you need?

So the current Wangcai has not yet recognized the master, but now he gave the man in white a chance.

"What? You don't understand?" The man in white sneered and said, "My name is Chen Xiao. From now on, you belong to me. I will give you to Miss Murong San. This is yours." pleasure!"

"Looking for death!" Wangcai roared angrily, and rushed towards the man in white.

"Stupid!" The white-clothed man flipped his hand, only to see a piece of yellow talisman paper appear, and Wangcai's huge body was thrown flying.

"What?" Wang Cai exclaimed.

"This is the Beast Subduing Talisman requested by the ancestor of our family. As long as it is not a monster on the ninth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm, it can be stopped. It seems that you are not qualified to be my opponent!" Chen Xiao said disdainfully.

"If you do this, if my young master comes, you will die!" Wang Cai said immediately.

"Let me go—let me go—my father will teach you a lesson when he comes, so let me go!" Xiao Bailong also said.

"You said those companions of yours? I'm afraid they are still being taught by our people. If he is sensible, then both he and you will be safe, just send this monster to me! If he is not sensible, then Don't blame us, we will abolish his cultivation and let him know who he is!" Chen Xiao said disdainfully.

"Really? But I might disappoint you!" Only a voice sounded.

What?When Chen Xiao turned his head, he only saw that Lin Xiu had arrived, not only Lin Xiu, but also Xiao Tiangou and Fan Fei, and they dragged five people over.

"Daddy, you're here!" Xiao Bailong said happily when he saw Lin Xiu.

Before, Lin Xiu looked around because he was looking for a treasure chest of gems, and he was a little slower than Wangcai and Xiaobailong.

Unexpectedly, five people would come out to block his way, even saying that they wanted to buy Wangcai.

"You are too poor. You are the ones who said you want to buy Wangcai, and you are the ones who can't afford it now. If you can't afford it, forget it. You still want to take action against me. Will your conscience not hurt if you do this?" Lin Xiu sighed Said in a tone.

"You say we can't afford it? What nonsense are you talking about? If you are willing to sell this monster, it will be much easier. Whatever price you ask, I will give you the primordial stone right now!" Chen Xiao said immediately.

Wangcai's eyes froze, Lin Xiu really wanted to sell it?
"I don't need anything, I just need 1000 tenth-tier primordial stones. Here's a discount for you. You don't need 1000 tenth-tier primordial stones. Now you can take it home with only 999 yuan. How about it, isn't it very cheap!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiao's face darkened.

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(End of this chapter)

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