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Chapter 727 I am asking you guys, do you regret it?

Chapter 727 I am asking you guys, do you regret it?

1000 tenth-order primordial stones?Just kidding, how can this kind of thing be taken out casually, even if all the tenth-order primordial stones in the entire Zhengqi League are added up, it is estimated that there are not so many tenth-order primordial stones.

What's more, these tenth-order primordial stones are only used to buy wealth, even if it becomes 999, it is not worth the price!When Lin Xiu said this, he was obviously playing tricks on him!
You must not let him go!

"No matter who you are, how dare you talk to me like that? Do you know who I am?" Chen Xiao said.

"I don't need to know who you are, I just know that if you don't have the money to buy it, then get lost!" Lin Xiu sneered.

"Looking for death!" Chen Xiao threw the little white dragon aside, as if throwing garbage, and the little white dragon immediately threw it to the ground beside him.

And only saw a black shadow appear, Xiao Tiangou had blocked the little white dragon with his body.

"I didn't intend to kill people, but since you dare to treat my Xiaobai like this, I guarantee you will regret it!" Lin Xiu's eyes were full of coldness.

"Hahaha... just relying on you, what can you do?" Chen Xiao laughed loudly. His realm is not high, only the third level of the Martial Emperor Realm, but with the Demon Subduing Talisman in his hand, even if he is at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm Even the monsters can't hurt him.

Moreover, the current level of Lin Xiu's realm is not high, only the ninth level of the Martial Alchemy Realm. How could he, Chen Xiao, pay attention to the existence of this level?

"What did I do? You'll know soon!" Hearing Lin Xiu's words, he punched him in front of him.

With Lin Xiu's current strength, he could easily kill opponents at the second level of the Martial Emperor Realm, but if he faced an opponent at the third level of the Martial Emperor Realm, he probably wouldn't be able to kill him with a single punch.

If one punch is not enough, then two punches!

Lin Xiu didn't display any martial skills, but this punch was so powerful that Chen Xiao's face changed drastically. He wanted to teach Lin Xiu a lesson, but now, he discovered that Lin Xiu's punch was so powerful!
Before it came, the wind was already very terrifying, and this punch had already hit Chen Xiao in front of him.

Chen Xiao slammed a sword at Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu didn't seem to notice it, and punched the sword.

Block the sword with your fist!

Only a loud noise was heard, the sword was blown away by this punch, and this punch had already hit Chen Xiao's body, Chen Xiao flew backwards, but Lin Xiu's speed was so fast, he had already In an instant, he came in front of Chen Xiao.

Lin Xiu's palm had already grabbed Chen Xiao's neck, and when he bumped his knee, people around could hear the sound of Chen Xiao's chest breaking.

How can it be so strong?
The people watching around felt incredible, Chen Xiao was already very strong, but now it seems that Lin Xiu was only two moves stronger, and he was able to forcefully defeat Chen Xiao.

" dare to attack me? I'm from the Chen family, a country boy like you, you're looking for death if you attack me!" Chen Xiao was not afraid at all, he was still threatening Lin Xiu .

threaten yourself?

After Lin Xiu heard it, his face showed disdain: "You say that, do you think I dare not kill you?"

"You dare to kill me?" Chen Xiao said coldly.

"In this case, you can see clearly!" Lin Xiu said, stabbing Chen Xiao's chest with the long sword in his hand.

"What... what?" Chen Xiao's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that Lin Xiu would dare to strike. Although this sword didn't pierce his heart, it pierced his lower abdomen. Not far from his death!
" can't do this, you can't kill me!" Chen Xiao regretted it, he really regretted it, this person is simply crazy, he dared to kill him, this is the auction house, and it is the Tianque auction house, It is said that behind this auction house is a deputy leader of the Zhengqi League.

Moreover, there are regulations here, absolutely not to kill people, otherwise, it will be an enemy of the deputy leader!
But now it seems that Lin Xiu doesn't care about this kind of thing at all, he still wants to kill people!
"You guys, do you regret it?" Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the other four people. These four people were with this Chen Xiao, and they had already seen that Chen Xiao is now gone.

Lin Xiu really dared to kill people, and he still killed Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao's status is higher than them and his strength is stronger than them, but he still ended up like this. It is conceivable that if they do the same what will happen!
They must die!

Lin Xiu will never let them go!

Thinking of this, they immediately knelt down and said, "Master, please, we know we are wrong, please don't attack us!"

"Ding, I have collected 10 points of regret from the Martial Emperor Realm!"


The young masters here are all at the Martial Emperor level, which made Lin Xiu's regret value already collected to 50.

The Regret Treasure Chest has also been promoted, and Lin Xiu feels very comfortable. In this way, as long as he collects some regret points from the Martial Emperor Realm experts, the Regret Treasure Chest can also be promoted.

Of course, there are still bargains to take advantage of now!
"My young master is asking you, do you regret it?" Lin Xiu said viciously, and stabbed Chen Xiao's shoulder with his sword again.

"Ah——" Chen Xiao let out a scream, he was very depressed, you asked them, why did you stab me?If you want to stab you, stab them!

"I regret it, we regret it, please let us go, young master!" These people hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Oh, since you all regret it, then the young master will let you go!" Lin Xiu said.

"Thank you, young master, thank you, young master..." When these people heard Lin Xiu's words, they immediately expressed their gratitude.

But at this time, Lin Xiu continued to say: "You guys, abolish your cultivation!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of these people froze. They didn't expect Lin Xiu to be so ruthless that he would let them abolish their cultivation!
If this is the case, aren't they going to become useless people?
"If you don't want to abolish your cultivation, you can die!" Lin Xiu's voice became colder, Xiao Tiangou and Wangcai stared at these people, they dared not listen to Lin Xiu's words.

These four people gritted their teeth and abolished their cultivation...

"Now you are the only one left!" Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the current man, Chen Xiao!

"No, don't kill me—" Chen Xiao's face was full of horror.

"This young master, I don't know if I can let him live for my sake?" A beautiful woman came over, and everyone saw that this was Murong Fen. Although this woman was unruly and willful, it was undeniable Yes, she is indeed a beauty!
But at this time, Lin Xiu only replied with one word: "Get lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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