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Chapter 746 Someone is here again?

Chapter 746 Someone is here again?
Who is this figure if not Sun Tianhe?

This huge martial soul was smashed to pieces under Lin Xiu's punch, and blood kept spitting out from Sun Tianhe's mouth, it could be seen that he was seriously injured.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


Sun Tianhe would never have imagined that Lin Xiu's punch would be so terrifying. What kind of punch is this?How could it possess such terrifying power?

Sun Tianhe's eyes were full of fear, and he looked at Lin Xiu as if he saw a devil. This young man was not so strong no matter what he looked at, but the punch just now, even if he was the leader of righteousness, probably wasn't as strong. A kind of strength!
Sun Tianhe is an elder of the Zhengqi League, and he has naturally seen the strength of the leader of the Zhengqi League. Although that kind of ability is indeed very terrifying, but smashing his martial soul with one punch can also seriously injure him. This kind of thing, unless it is The lord will do his best, otherwise he won't be able to do it!
But the young man in front of him was able to do it. Could it be that his strength is stronger than the leader?

How can it be!

Sun Tianhe would never believe that such a thing would happen!

At Lin Xiu's age, if he is stronger than the righteous leader, who would believe it?
"Who are you?" Sun Tianhe looked at Lin Xiu and asked.

"My young master is Lin Xiu, what are you still asking?" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"How can you have such a strong strength?" Sun Tianhe said again.

"My young master is born with supernatural power, do you have any objections?" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Natural power?How can there be a natural supernatural power that can even vomit blood when hitting the ninth level of Emperor Wudi Realm?
When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, they couldn't believe it.

Indeed, anyone who would believe Lin Xiu's words would be a fool!

But Lin Xiu didn't explain, and they had nothing to do with Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on these people again. This time, the pretense value was close to 100 million. It is not difficult to exchange the pretense value for a Martial Emperor experience pill box.

And even the value of seven emotions is close to full.

Now there is only regret treasure chest, as long as the regret treasure chest is increased by another 30, it will reach 1000 million!

Lin Xiu glanced at the people around him, and finally landed on Sun Tianhe. He said, "Are you the elder Sun Tianhe of the Zhengqi League?"

"I... I'm what you want to do?" Sun Tianhe looked at Lin Xiu, a little confused. Lin Xiu asked knowingly?
"Do you know that you shot at me just now, but you scared me. If you do this, I ([-] words omitted)... Do you know your mistake? Do you regret it?" Lin Xiu said again.

I know you are wrong, sister!Sorry about your sister!
When Sun Tianhe heard Lin Xiu's words, he wanted to curse!

Lin Xiu's way of deceiving others is indeed useful, but for him, Sun Tianhe, it doesn't have much effect. Sun Tianhe's realm is not low, and his mental power is not weak. It is not so simple to fool him .

But now Lin Xiu stared at him with a pair of eyes, asking him if he regretted it!
Does Sun Tianhe dare to say that he has no regrets?
If Sun Tianhe said he had no regrets now, Lin Xiu would definitely punch him, even if he was an elder of the Zhengqi League, he would probably be killed.

"Lin Xiu, I'm the elder of the Zhengqi League, you..." Before Sun Tianhe finished speaking, Lin Xiu stepped on the ground.

The surrounding area sank immediately, and there was a pit under Lin Xiu's feet. This pit was bottomless, and the surrounding ground had already been shattered. At this time, it was as if a meteorite had fallen again. Sun Tianhe saw this, His face was full of fear.

"My young master asked you if you regretted it, so don't talk about it here!" Lin Xiu said with a ferocious smile on his face.

Do you regret it?Sun Tianhe really wanted to say that he didn't regret it, but when the words got out of his mouth, he had no choice but to say: "I, I regret it! It's my fault, I shouldn't have shot you!"

"Ding, I have collected 10 regret points from the Emperor Wu Realm!"

Lin Xiu nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right. If you ask me, you should answer it properly. What are you doing talking about all this?" Lin Xiu pouted and said.

Sun Tianhe was completely confused, and had no idea what Lin Xiu wanted to do.

Lin Xiu was still thinking about who to get the remaining 20 regret points, when Xiao Tiangou's voice came: "Your Highness, someone is here!"

Is someone here again?
Lin Xiu was a little curious. When he looked up, he saw a figure above the sky. That figure was able to come out of the void. It looked quite special. This person seemed to be a young man, handsome and extraordinary. .

What Lin Xiu can be sure of is that he has never seen this man before, but why did he suddenly appear here?

"Who are you?" Lin Xiu looked at the man and asked.

This man gave Lin Xiu a completely different feeling. Sun Tianhe and Chi Ri were both strong in the Martial Emperor realm, but they didn't give Lin Xiu the pressure of the man in front of him at all. Lin Xiu just watched He can feel one thing at a glance, that is, he is a strong man!
Above the Martial Emperor Realm, this man is Martial Ancestor!
"Lin Xiu, you are very welcome to come to our Tianque City. I am Hei Ye, the deputy leader of the Zhengqi League. Our chief leader wants to invite you to our Tianque Palace!" Only this man said.

Invite Lin Xiu to gather at Tianque Palace?When everyone heard this, they were very surprised. This time, the leader of the alliance invited Lin Xiu to come to Tianzhu Palace. They had already heard what Sun Tianhe had said, but this time even the deputy leader Heiye also came here. It's really unbelievable.

How much face is it for the deputy leader to invite Lin Xiu?
"It seems that someone with some status and politeness has finally come here, not as rude as some people!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

The corner of Sun Tianhe's mouth twitched, but he really couldn't say anything. After all, he was the first to do it, and his skills were not as good as others, so what else could he say?

Sun Tianhe didn't put Lin Xiu in his eyes at all, but he didn't expect that Lin Xiu's strength would be so strong, much stronger than him.

The others breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, Lin Xiu finally left, and would not stay to torture them anymore, otherwise, they would not know how miserable they would be!
There are indeed a lot of people here, Lin Xiu actually thought about killing them all, but thinking that this is Tianque City after all, Lin Xiu still has to go to see the leader, if he kills so many people here, I am afraid that he will meet into some trouble!
So Lin Xiu didn't do anything to get rid of them all, but even so, Lin Xiu couldn't just leave like this.

On Lin Xiu's head, a huge dark door suddenly appeared. At this moment, everyone only felt their hearts tighten. They felt the martial soul in their bodies trembling, as if they were afraid of this door. .

(End of this chapter)

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