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Chapter 747 Ultimate Dugu Nine Swords

Chapter 747 Ultimate Dugu Nine Swords
Their martial souls are all tenth-level, or even earth-level martial skills, but now, they are actually afraid!
Even in the face of a heaven-level martial spirit, you won't be afraid!
What kind of martial spirit is Lin Xiu's door?
Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to these people's intentions. No one can stop what he is going to do now!
As soon as the gate of devouring was opened, all the martial souls around here were gathered here, and they were all swallowed by Lin Xiu's gate of devouring.

The people present also saw this scene. Lin Xiu swallowed all the martial souls that rushed out of these corpses. This martial soul was actually devouring other people's martial souls!

The faces of the people around changed drastically, but they didn't dare to say anything!
If other people did this, Heiye would have already killed that person. Devouring other people's martial souls to make one's own martial souls grow, this is something only people from the Momeng would do!
Moreover, doing so would generally have an effect on his own martial soul, but now that Lin Xiu did this, he dared not do it. The reason was simple, because Lin Xiu was too strong!
When a person's strength has exceeded the point where the rules can control, then the rules will be meaningless in his eyes!

The same is true for Lin Xiu now. Even a strong martial artist would not dare to take his fist, let alone other people. Although he saw this dark night, he did not dare to stop it.

After all, the people Lin Xiu killed were not indiscriminate killings. Ye Ye could still know this. If Lin Xiu really killed people indiscriminately, the people here would have already been killed. Lin Xiu has enough strength to kill the people here. Kill them all, but he won't do it.

Now that these people had already died in Lin Xiu's hands, it would be no problem for Lin Xiu to devour their martial souls.

"Ding, 5 martial soul points have been collected!"

"Ding, 10 martial soul points have been collected!"


The martial soul here finally allowed Lin Xiu to collect 960 million martial soul points in his martial soul treasure box, which was only a little short of the last step.

Lin Xiu was a little depressed. If he had known this, he would have killed a few more people. Maybe the martial soul value would be enough to make his Devouring Gate evolve into the number one martial soul in the mainland!
But if you want to kill someone now, Lin Xiu's time for the giant spirit gem is over, and it's probably too late!
Lin Xiu had no choice but to give up this idea. He didn't want to make a move now and be blocked by this night, and finally reveal his secrets, so that people would know that he had the help of foreign objects to have such strength. What should we do?
Lin Xiu offended quite a few people this time, if he let them know that he possessed such unrivaled power with the help of external force, would it be okay?
Although it is a bit regretful, Lin Xiu still has to give up the beautiful idea of ​​beheading several Martial Emperors now!

"I have finished what I have to do, you wait for me here for a while and I will come out!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Heiye frowned, but in the end Heiye agreed.

"Okay!" Heiye didn't say much, he nodded.

Lin Xiu now walked into a room alone, and opened three treasure chests inside.

They are the Martial Skills Treasure Box, the Emperor Wu Experience Dan Treasure Box, and the Seven Emotions Treasure Box.

The Seven Emotions Treasure Chest has collected 1000 million Seven Emotions Values. Starting now, it will also be a diamond treasure chest.

The first is the treasure chest of the seven emotions.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting Lihuo Xiantong!" Lin Xiu received a reminder.

Lihuo Xiantong, this is a special pupil technique, which can see through illusory, see through the energy flow of the opponent's body, and even see through the opponent's weakness!

It turned out to be pupil surgery!

Lin Xiu was very surprised, but his eyes were able to spew out flames, which surprised Lin Xiu.

The second treasure chest is a diamond treasure chest transformed from a martial arts treasure chest.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Dugu Nine Swords!"

The ultimate Dugu Nine Swords, one of the strongest swordsmanship in the mortal realm, as long as the host is strong enough, it can break through all weapon moves!
It turned out to be Dugu Nine Swords?And is it the ultimate Dugu Nine Swords?

No matter what, Lin Xiu knew Dugu Nine Swords. With it, it is estimated that in the Emperor Martial Realm, as long as the opponent is using a weapon, Lin Xiu can break it with one sword!
However, what the Emperor Wu experienced from the treasure chest made Lin Xiu feel quite depressed.

There are only three Martial Emperor Realm experience pills in it, that is to say, Lin Xiu can only upgrade to the fourth level of Martial Emperor Realm by taking this experience pill.

Lin Xiu sighed, packed up the things he got, and then walked out of the room. This house is just a house for common people, and Lin Xiu didn't spend much time.

When he walked out from the inside, there were not many things to deal with outside.

"Lin Xiu, you seem to be a little different from just now!" Heiye said a little puzzled.

"If you think I'm handsome, just say so, don't be embarrassed!" Lin Xiu laughed.

In Heiye's eyes, Lin Xiu was indeed extraordinary, and he seemed to be even stronger than he imagined. No wonder even the leader wanted to see him!

Of course, when it comes to handsome, Lin Xiu is not qualified to say this word in front of Hei Ye!
Lin Xiu was going, so naturally he had to bring Xiao Bailong and the others with him, and the other people here looked at each other when they saw Lin Xiu's back. , I guess I have to worry about it!

Tianque Palace, this is the place located in the very center of the entire Tianque City. The area of ​​​​this Tianque Palace is actually very large, which can be regarded as the size of other cities. In this Tianque City, it can be called a "city within a city"!
Ordinary people would not be able to step into this Tianque Palace at all, but now it is different, with the dark night leading the way, Lin Xiu can pass through unimpeded.

"Lin Xiu, I have already investigated your identity. I am also very clear about what you have done. It is the same compared to the leader, but please be more polite to our leader. After all, this is the territory of the Zhengqi League!" He only heard Hei Ye reminding him.

Hei Ye would say this because Lin Xiu played his cards out of the way. If this person didn't remind him, he wouldn't know what stupid things he would say when he was in front of the leader!

"Deputy leader of the night, don't worry, I am a very measured person, and I am very polite when I say it. I never swear, and I am always kind to others!" Lin Xiu said.

But this sentence, Heiye obviously didn't believe it. Heiye had checked Lin Xiu's affairs before he saw Lin Xiu. This person is shameless, and his words are also very vicious. Not the kind in bold, would this person be kind to others?

Who gave you the face?

The Tianque Palace is indeed very large, and it is divided into halls. Among them, in front of the Hall of Righteous Qi, Hei Ye asked Lin Xiu and others to wait outside, and then went in to communicate.

"Huh? Where did this monster come from? How come I haven't seen it before?" Only a voice was heard.

(End of this chapter)

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