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Chapter 755 You don't know anything about the power of Martial Soul!

Chapter 755 You don't know anything about the power of Martial Soul!
This Di Yuan's strength is really not weak, he is already at the sixth level of the Martial Emperor Realm. A strong man in this realm is already a very terrifying existence, and he has mastered the law of the sword. The power can be compared with the martial arts at the top of the king level.

It's a pity that the one in front of him is not an ordinary person, but Lin Xiu!

Lin Xiu stuck the Xuanxian iron epee on the ground, and he punched it in front of him!
Lin Xiu's strength has improved a lot compared to before, and has reached 550 million catties. With this strength, Lin Xiu is not afraid even in the face of the seventh and eighth-level powerhouses of the Martial Emperor Realm!
Even the martial arts rules or those powerful monsters may not be able to withstand his punch!
So facing this sword, Lin Xiu didn't need a weapon, he just needed a punch!
That Di Yuan was blown away, his arm was broken, and what was even more frightening was that the sword in his hand was also broken, the law of the sword had no effect in front of Lin Xiu!
What kind of power is this?
Di Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

The power of this punch far exceeded his imagination. Didn't Lin Xiu just step into the Martial Emperor Realm?How could it possess such terrifying power?

"Is that all your strength is? It really disappoints me!" Lin Xiu said lightly. The Dragon Swallowing Art practiced by Lin Xiu can make his strength several times greater than that of ordinary Martial Emperors. Now the power of his punch is of course terrifying.

But Di Yuan didn't know, neither did Lan Bohu, and the faces of the people present all changed. Lin Xiu is so strong, no wonder he has the guts to challenge the Son!
"Do you regret it?" Lin Xiu looked at Di Yuan with a chill in his eyes.

The Regret Treasure Chest is still short of 20 Regret Points before it can be upgraded to a Diamond Treasure Chest. Lin Xiu believes that the people here will make enough for him.

Di Yuan swallowed, and immediately said loudly: "Lin Xiu, you can't kill me, I am the core ally of the Zhengqi League, if you kill me..."

"Crack!" Lin Xiu lifted his foot and stepped on Di Yuan's foot, and Di Yuan's foot bones were already shattered.

"Ah—" Di Yuan let out a scream, his whole face was as white as paper.

"My young master asks if you regret it!" Lin Xiu showed a ferocious expression on his face.

"I regret it, I regret it!" Di Yuan shouted quickly, he really regretted it, if he didn't want to stand out and deal with Lin Xiu, how could he end up like this?Everything can only be blamed on him being too stupid.

"Ding, I have collected 10 regret points from the Emperor Wu Realm!"

"Ding, I have collected 10 regret points from the Emperor Wu Realm!"

"Ding, I regret that the treasure chest has been promoted successfully, it is currently a diamond treasure chest!"

When Di Yuan says regret, he will collect 10 regret points, and if he regrets in his heart, he will also collect 10 regret points, so he can collect 20 regret points at once.

But does regret work?
A flame appeared on Lin Xiu's palm, and a sneer appeared on his face: "Since you regret it, you can rest in peace!"

"What... what, you can't kill me, you can't..." Before Di Yuan finished speaking, Lin Xiu's flames had already engulfed him.

On Lin Xiu's head, a door appeared, swallowing Di Yuan's martial spirit in front of him.

An earth-level martial soul is obviously not enough. Lin Xiu saw these people in front of him, if he could swallow all their martial souls, then the Gate of Devouring would definitely become the strongest martial soul!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiu said lightly: "You all seem to have scolded me just now, and I am not a person who holds grudges, so let me give you a chance, a chance to fight me fairly!"

This is also called not holding grudges?Everyone wanted to curse when they heard Lin Xiu's words.

But if Lin Xiu wanted to kill them now, he had to ask them and Mr. Lan Chang!
Old Lan Bo was named and titled because of the Lan Bo Tiger Wuhun. His Wuhun can summon endless water power, which is very powerful.

"Lin Xiu, your strength is indeed beyond my expectation, but that's all. I am the elder of Zhengqi League named Lan Bo, do you think you will be my opponent?" Lan Bo sneered road.

"Since you have said so, if I kill you, it will be unreasonable!" Lin Xiu walked forward, and the black door above his head moved with Lin Xiu.

"Since you want to die, don't blame me!" Lan Bo said, only to see him possessing his body again with his martial soul, turning his body into a huge blue tiger, and pounced on Lin Xiu.

"Lao Chang's strength is at the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, Lin Xiu will definitely not be his opponent!"

"That's right, this blue wave tiger is a giant tiger that can cause blue waves. It is also an earth-level soul, but it is very terrifying!"

"Let's see how he's going to die now!"


Seeing this scene at this moment, those members of the Righteousness League gloated on their faces, as if Lin Xiu was doomed now.

Faced with this giant tiger approaching, Lin Xiu shook his head, he showed a sarcasm smile and said: "No matter who you are, but I can be sure of one thing, that is, you don't know anything about the power of Wuhun." !"

"You brat who can only talk big!" Lan Chang's old mouth opened, his eyes were full of disdain, and a monstrous wave rushed towards Lin Xiu.

"Your Highness!" Roaring Sky Dog exclaimed, this elder Lan Chang actually shot with all his strength, without any intention of showing mercy at all, he wanted to kill Lin Xiu directly!

"Master, be careful!" Wangcai knew the strength of this old Lan Bo, this old Lan Bo was different, even it almost died in the hands of Lao Bo.

Their eyes all fell on Lin Xiu. The huge wave had already rushed in front of Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu had no intention of dodging.

Lan Chang felt quite surprised that Lin Xiu didn't dodge or dodge, what was he thinking?Did he think that his attack could not hurt him?
Just as Lan Chang thought so, Lin Xiu smiled, and Lan Chang could tell that Lin Xiu's smile was contempt, disdain, and sarcasm...

The moment this smile appeared, the door above Lin Xiu's head also suddenly opened at this moment.


The huge sea wave has been directly swallowed by this devouring gate, not only the devouring gate, but also the Lanbo Tiger Martial Soul!

"What do you want to do?" Lan Changchang's face changed drastically. He felt that his body and soul were being pulled out continuously. How is this possible?What the hell happened?Why does my soul seem to be ripped out by someone?

Old Lan Lang fell heavily to the ground and never moved again.

(End of this chapter)

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