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Chapter 756 I want to refine the corpse!

Chapter 756 I want to refine the corpse!

Blue wave old, just died like this?
Everyone couldn't believe that this was true. This is Lan Chang, the titled Emperor Wu, who was killed so easily?

How can this be?

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


"How did this happen? Elder Lan Chang died at his hands?"

"This... I can't believe it's true! It's impossible!"

"But Lan Bo is not moving at all. Is he really dead?"


The eyes of the people around were full of fear, but Lin Xiu didn't mean to let them go: "You seemed to want to deal with me just now, didn't you?"

When these people heard Lin Xiu's words, their faces showed fear. Did Lin Xiu want to attack them?
"Lin Xiu, what do you want to do? We are members of the Zhengqi League!" someone said.

"Of course I know that you are members of the Zhengqi League, but you dare to kill my subordinates. In this case, don't blame me for being rude!" Lin Xiu had a wicked smile on his face, "Give it all to me!" come in!"

As soon as the door of devouring was opened, these people were swallowed one by one, not only their spirits, but also their bodies.

The Gate of Devouring shows no mercy, it has already swallowed them all. Among these people, there are five or six earth-level martial soul owners, which is enough to compare with a sky-level martial soul!

The Gate of Devouring began to evolve, turning into a golden gate, and at this moment, the entire Palace of Righteous Qi shook unexpectedly.

What was shocking was that there were bells ringing in the entire Zhengqi palace.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..."

A series of bells sounded, and the entire Zhengqi Palace was stunned at this moment.

The righteous lord's innocent face changed, he raised his head, his face was full of joy, this is the sound of the Promise Bell!
The Promise Divine Clock is said to be a treasure left by the upper realm. This divine clock is an auxiliary type of treasure, because this treasure is used to detect the presence of powerful talented warriors within the range of Tianque City.

Within Tianque City, as long as a warrior with a powerful talent appears, the Promise Divine Bell will ring, and if the divine bell rings nine times, it means that there is a ninth-level martial soul owner, and if it rings ten times, it is a tenth-level martial soul The owner, if it has twelve voices, is naturally the owner of a heavenly martial soul.

But at this time, the bell didn't stop, it kept ringing, and when it finally stopped, there was a clear number of people, and the bell was 99 times!
The innocent face was full of ecstasy, the bells of the 99 Promise Bells, this is the bell of the overlord of the mainland!

This is an unprecedented thing, only the rumored overlord of the mainland can make the Promise Divine Bell appear 99 times!
But who is it?

Everyone didn't know, and they didn't understand who was able to make this divine clock make such a bell.

Ouyang Tianyu's face changed greatly, he said: "Investigate it for me immediately, and see if the divine clock has been alarmed!"

"Yes!" one of the subordinates said immediately.

Ouyang Tianyu's expression was not good, because he knew that someone was going to threaten him. It's true that he has a heavenly martial soul, and he is also a son, but the other party's talent is obviously stronger. If the Zhengqi League finds out such a person, His position is likely to be replaced!
To Ouyang Tianyu, this was unacceptable.

But who it is, he must find out!

Lin Xiu didn't know all this, he only felt that the bell was really annoying, but now Lin Xiu wanted to know what could be opened in his regret treasure chest.

Lin Xiu put the skull, that is, the treasure chest of regret, in front of him. He only saw a scroll inside the skull.

What is this?Martial arts?Gongfa?
Lin Xiu felt a little puzzled. When he looked at it, he found that there were four large characters written on this scroll: Qingsang Xianjing!
The Qingsang Sutra, this is a medical book written by Hua Tuo, which records Hua Tuo's hard work. What is the Qingsang Immortal Sutra?
When Lin Xiu's palm touched this fairy scripture, he felt that the things recorded in the scroll in front of him had poured into Lin Xiu's mind, and the scroll in front of Lin Xiu turned into a roll of blank paper.

What's the matter?

Lin Xiu seemed to feel that there was an extra memory in his mind, and he possessed both medical skills and alchemy skills, which were completely different from the previous medical skills encyclopedia.

Lin Xiu has a feeling that even ten-star doctors and alchemists are like an idiot in front of him now. The knowledge he possesses is completely incomparable to them.

It's just that the biggest problem is that Lin Xiu can digest too little of this knowledge now. It feels like someone has stuffed all the memories into his mind, and then Lin Xiu digests them bit by bit.

Lin Xiu walked out immediately, and was relieved to see that Lan Bo's body was still there.

"His Royal Highness Lin Xiu, what do you want this corpse for?" Xiao Tiangou asked hastily.

"I want to refine the corpse!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What? Corpse refinement?" Hearing this sentence, Xiaotiangou, Wangcai and Fan Fei were all startled.

Corpse refining, this word sounds too scary!
Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to what they said. He went back to the Youque Hall and took out a Danding, only to see that Lan Bo's body had been thrown into it.

Lin Xiu's strange fire has already been thrown into it. The first thing to do in the way of refining the corpse is to refine the corpse and block all the pores on the corpse.

Lin Xiu has a strange fire, so it is easier to do this.

"Zhentian, do you want to be resurrected?" In Lin Xiu's ring, a ray of light suddenly appeared, and only Lin Xiu's voice could be heard.

"Stinky boy, you put did you say?" Emperor Zhentian Martial just came out, and he immediately woke up after hearing Lin Xiu's words.

"I said, do you want to be resurrected?" Lin Xiu asked again.

"Of course, you can help me revive?" Emperor Zhentian Wu heard ecstasy on his face.

"Of course you can. Now I have refined this corpse for you, but what level you can reach depends only on yourself!" Lin Xiu said.

"Who is this person?" Emperor Zhentian Wu asked hastily.

"Title Martial Emperor, Lan Bo!" Lin Xiu replied.

"What? Titled Emperor Wu? How did he die?" Emperor Zhentian Wu asked hastily.

"I just killed him, so I took his body here. If you don't want it, I'll make him a puppet!" Lin Xiu said again.

"You were able to kill the Titled Martial Emperor? You... are you really sure?" Zhentian Martial Emperor asked immediately.

"Of course, if you don't believe it, forget it!" Lin Xiu said again.

"Okay, I believe you!" Emperor Zhentian Wu replied, Lin Xiu had already thrown the ring into the mouth of the old corpse of Lan Chang.

(End of this chapter)

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