Chapter 762

Ouyang Tianyu's martial spirit is a heaven-level martial spirit, but in front of Lin Xiu, he was perfectly restrained. Anyone can see that Ouyang Tianyu is now at a disadvantage.

And what's even more surprising is that the current Ouyang Tianyu seems to be bound by Lin Xiu's martial spirit, and he can't even move!
Ouyang Shi had already stood up, his face was a little ugly, Ouyang Tianyu was restrained, how could it be possible?

Heiye's face was also full of shock. Lin Xiu's strength seemed a bit terrifying. A strong man on the fourth level of the Martial Emperor Realm actually beat the titled Martial Emperor?What kind of strength is this?
Anyway, Lin Xiu's current combat power is too heaven-defying!
In the eyes of everyone, Ouyang Tianyu's martial spirit covering his body was gradually disappearing!

What's the matter?

Everyone has never seen this kind of thing before, the martial soul on Ouyang Tianyu seemed to be swallowed up, everyone looked carefully, and only saw the black energy on Ouyang Tianyu being swallowed by the golden door.

Swallow martial soul?

Everyone has already reacted, judging from the current situation, it is true that Ouyang Tianyu's martial soul has been swallowed up, Lin Xiu's martial soul can actually devour other people's martial soul, this Ouyang Tianyu's martial soul?

This is a heaven-level martial soul, but it will be swallowed by Lin Xiu, this is too exaggerated!

"Stop, don't—" Ouyang Tianyu also knew that the situation was very critical now, if he lost his martial soul, his cultivation would be considered useless!
It is impossible for a warrior without a martial soul to maintain his original cultivation!

The hearts of the people around were shocked. They thought that today's Lin Xiu must lose, but now it seems that today's winner is probably Lin Xiu!
"As expected of Master Lin Xiu, he is really powerful. That bastard son is not the master's opponent at all!" Wang Cai said excitedly.

"This Martial Soul is so powerful!" Xiao Tianquan's face was also full of surprise.

"It's too powerful. The young master's original realm was still below mine, but now his strength is beyond my reach!" Fan Fei also said.

Judging from the current situation, Ouyang Tianyu has already lost, let alone Lei Linxiu, even if he wants to keep his martial soul, it is impossible!
"Grandpa, save me!" Ouyang Tianyu was desperate, he immediately called for help, now only his grandfather Ouyang Shi could save him!

No matter who came today, Lin Xiu couldn't stop Lin Xiu from wanting to kill Ouyang Tianyu. Since the two of them were fighting to the death, how could Lin Xiu give him a reason to survive?
The door of devouring opened wide, and the huge devouring power swallowed Ouyang Tianyu's martial soul inside.

Ouyang Tianyu fell to the ground, his face became extremely pale, his martial soul disappeared, and he felt his soul power dissipating. This kind of thing is too terrifying!

For a warrior, there is nothing more frightening than losing his strength. Now Ouyang Tianyu regretted it. If he hadn't challenged Lin Xiu, he would definitely not have ended up in this situation today.

But, there was another emotion playing in his head!
hatred!Boundless hatred!

"Ouyang Tianyu's dislike for you has increased, and it is currently 100! Attention, Ouyang Tianyu has entered a fifth-level rage state towards you!"

Now Ouyang Tianyu hated Lin Xiu to the extreme, and would recklessly attack Lin Xiu!

"Ouyang Tianyu, I won this battle today!" Lin Xiu said, walking towards Ouyang Tianyu.

"You dare to take away my martial spirit! If I kill you, I will definitely kill you!!!" Ouyang Tianyu stared at Lin Xiu with red eyes, and roared hoarsely.

Everyone can see that Ouyang Tianyu is close to crazy now.

Ouyang Tianyu doesn't have the handsome look before, his face is distorted now, looking very scary.

Ouyang Tianyu stared at Lin Xiu, as if he wanted to eat him.

"Ouyang Tianyu, I'm afraid you won't have this chance!" Lin Xiu sneered, "Because I think the same as you!"

"Beast, why don't you stop?" A figure appeared in the air and slapped Lin Xiu.

As if Lin Xiu had eyes behind his back, he suddenly caught Ouyang Tianyu with his palm and blocked it in front of him.

The sneak attacker backed away immediately, and forcibly withdrew the palm.

"What? Old guy, if you don't continue to shoot, I will die first, or your grandson will die first?" Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked by Lin Xiu's boldness. The person who attacked Lin Xiu unexpectedly was Ouyang Shi!

Who is Ouyang Shi?That is a strong Martial Ancestor Realm, surpassing the existence of the title Martial Emperor, and he is the deputy leader of the Zhengqi League, with a very high status. Such a person would surprise Lin Xiu!
This is quite surprising, but what is even more surprising is that the current Lin Xiu was able to react. Not only was he not attacked by surprise, but he was still mocking Ouyang Shi.

Ouyang Shi was also angry at this time, he didn't expect Lin Xiu to use Ouyang Tianyu as a shield.

"Lin Xiu, you dare to attack our Son of Zhengqi League and deprive him of his martial soul, are you guilty?" Ouyang Shi said angrily.

"Crime? This young master and Ouyang Tianyu fought fairly, so what is the crime?" After hearing this, Lin Xiu laughed loudly as if he had heard some funny joke, "You old guy, you are obviously the deputy leader of the Zhengqi League , to sneak attack on me regardless of my identity, I should ask you, do you really want to be ashamed?"

"Lin Xiu, if you don't let me go, grandpa will definitely not let you go!" Ouyang Tianyu immediately said loudly.

Seeing this scene, Hei Ye frowned, and said to Wu Xie next to him, "Leader, do we need to stop this incident? Ouyang Shi's doing this is a bit too much!"

"Wait a minute, this kid is not ordinary!" Wu Xie sighed, Ouyang Tianyu's martial soul has been taken away, I'm afraid he can only be reduced to a useless person in the future, this holy son is probably gone like this.

But now Ouyang Shi is still a member of the Righteous Alliance. If Wu Xie helps Ouyang Shi, he will offend Lin Xiu. In Wu Xie's heart, he still has the idea of ​​​​soliciting Lin Xiu, so now Wu Xie doesn't want to make a move.

Lin Xiu is so calm, he will have no backup, Wu Xie can't believe it!

"You should worry about yourself, my Highness, your character is in my hands!" Lin Xiu grabbed Ouyang Tianyu by the neck and lifted him up.

"Bastard, how dare you!" Ouyang Shi was furious, staring at Lin Xiu and said.

"Old guy, who are you scolding? Look at you, you are shameless. We juniors fight, you, an old guy, suddenly intervene, even if you want to sneak attack, even if you fail the sneak attack, even if the sneak attack fails. Still scolding me ([-] words omitted)..."

Lin Xiu was not polite, he pointed at Ouyang Shi and cursed, but Ouyang Shi couldn't refute at all, this Lin Xiu's words were too fast and too cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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