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Chapter 763 Martial Ancestor's Strength

Chapter 763 Martial Ancestor's Strength

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's swearing words, they really admired them. Throughout the ages, who can swear without repeating and continue to swear for a quarter of an hour, probably only the young master Lin Xiu in front of him!

Ouyang Shi has no way to quarrel with this professional scolder, but he can do it directly!

"Lin Xiu, if you don't let Tianyu go, I guarantee that you will never leave our righteousness palace alive!" Ouyang Shi looked at Lin Xiudao coldly.

"I don't die, don't lie to me that I don't have enough books. Could it be that if I let him go now, will you let me go?" Lin Xiu curled his lips when he heard it.

As soon as these words came out, Ouyang Shi's expression changed. Indeed, even if Lin Xiu let Ouyang Tianyu go now, with Ouyang Shi's character, it is absolutely impossible to let Lin Xiu go. Lin Xiu took it away, if he let Lin Xiu go like this, wouldn't Ouyang Tianyu become a useless person?

The Ouyang family cannot accept this loss.

However, Ouyang Shi was actually a little puzzled, why did Wu Xie have no intention of doing anything at all, could it be that Wu Xie didn't like Ouyang Tianyu?
Impossible, with Ouyang Tianyu's potential, becoming a Martial Ancestor is almost certain!

Why?Why didn't Wuxie make a move?

Ouyang Shi didn't understand, but now he had nothing to do, because Wu Xie really didn't intend to make a move, even if he wanted to make Wu Xie make a move, it was impossible.

No one can force the leader of the Zhengqi League, Ouyang Shi, of course not!
"Lin Xiu, you let Tianyu go, I promise, you can get out of here alive!" Ouyang Shi shouted immediately.

"No, Grandpa, you must not let him go. He took my martial soul, how can you just let him go like this?" Ouyang Tianyu's eyes were full of madness, and even his face was distorted.

"Don't you know that if you talk less, you can still survive?" Lin Xiu said, throwing Ouyang Tianyu to the ground and stepping on his chest.

There was a sound of fracture, and Ouyang Tianyu spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ouyang Shi's eyes widened, he stared at Lin Xiu, but the big sword in Lin Xiu's hand pointed at Ouyang Tianyu's throat, Ouyang Shi couldn't do anything at all.

"What are you doing?" Ouyang Shi stared at Lin Xiu and said.

"It's nothing, it's just a lesson to a talkative person!" Lin Xiu continued, "You just said that I let him go, and you will let me go. Can I trust you?"

When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, they were stunned. It seems that Lin Xiu will still compromise, but yes, this one is the deputy leader of the Zhengqi League, and he is also a Martial Ancestor level existence. Lin Xiu will compromise with this level of existence. It is also normal.

But it would be too naive for Lin Xiu to do this. Did he really think that Ouyang Shi would let him go?

Lin Xiu said: "In that case, I will let him go!"

I saw Lin Xiu talking, and kicked Ouyang Tianyu away, this kick directly sent Ouyang Tianyu away, Ouyang Shi immediately caught Ouyang Tianyu, but seeing that Ouyang Tianyu was injured so badly, Ouyang Shi angry.

"Grandpa, kill him, kill him!!!" Ouyang Tianyu roared angrily.

"Lin Xiu, you dare to do such a thing to me, Tianyu, and you still want to survive today? Let me tell you, it's a dream!" Ouyang Shi said angrily.

"Oh? When you say that, do you intend to count your words?" Lin Xiu said without any surprise when he heard it.

"What's the matter? No matter who comes today, they can't save you!" Ouyang Shi said as if pointing.

What Ouyang Shi was most worried about was Heiye and Wuxie making a move, but obviously the two of them had no intention of making a move.

The relationship between Heiye and Ouyang Shi is not very good, but he has not intervened in this matter now. After all, Lin Xiu has abolished a holy son. To such a good point.

And if Heiye didn't intervene, it would be much easier for Ouyang Shi to deal with Lin Xiu this time.

But is that really the case?
"If you want to win me over, you need to ask my friends!" Lin Xiu wasn't worried at all. Facing Ouyang Shi's eyes, Lin Xiu just showed a wicked smile.

"Your companion?" Ouyang Shi's face showed doubts.

"Let me test the strength of the deputy leader of the Zhengqi League!" Hearing a voice, everyone turned their eyes to the place where the voice came from.

There was only one person there, an old man coming from the air, already in the realm of Martial Ancestor, and naturally possessed the ability to fly, this warrior was Zhentian Martial Emperor, no, now he is already Zhentian Martial Ancestor, Because of Lin Xiu's method of refining corpses, Martial Emperor Zhentian entered the realm of Martial Ancestor.

The current Zhentian Martial Ancestor is comparable to Ouyang Shi.

Seeing the appearance of this man, Ouyang Shi's face changed drastically. Ouyang Shi would never have thought that Lin Xiu would have a companion of this level, and for Lin Xiu's sake, he would not hesitate to be his enemy!

"Your Excellency, today's incident seems to have nothing to do with you! You don't need to intervene in this matter, otherwise, don't blame me for wanting to fight you to the death!" Ouyang Shi still hopes that Zhentian Martial Ancestor will leave, In this case, I don't need to deal with this level of existence.

But how could Martial Ancestor Zhentian leave?He said: "No need to say more, your opponent is me!"

Your opponent is me!

As soon as this sentence came out, Ouyang Shi didn't know that Martial Ancestor Zhentian was determined to intervene!

In that case, what else is there to say?

"Okay, since this is the case, I will show you your strength!" Ouyang Shi said coldly, a ray of light suddenly appeared on Ouyang Shi's dantian, and in front of everyone, a fiery red sword appeared on Ouyang Shi's dantian .

Among the people present, few people have seen this kind of action, and they were shocked, how did this knife appear?
"Huoyan Shendao, has he decided to make a move yet?" Hei Ye said.

"When you step into the realm of the Martial Ancestor, the Martial Soul will appear at the dantian. At that time, all the soul power will be used to temper the Martial Soul in order to enter the Holy Realm! But at this time, the Martial Soul will also be the strongest. Because as long as you enter the realm of Martial Saint, the effect of Martial Soul will also change into another form!" Wu Xie said lightly.

This seemed to be an explanation. The people around heard Wu Xie's words, as if they felt a new door opened in front of them.

It turns out that above the realm of Emperor Wu, there is a Martial Ancestor, and above the realm of Martial Ancestor, there is also a Martial Saint. There is still such a long way to go in the road of cultivation!
(End of this chapter)

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