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Chapter 775 Sword Demon's Way of the Sword

Chapter 775 Sword Demon's Way of the Sword

Although these elders didn't believe how strong Lin Xiu's swordsmanship was, they didn't want to gamble with Lin Xiu. If they lost, they would kowtow to admit their mistakes. If they lost, Lin Xiu would commit suicide.

"Okay, this matter is settled like this!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Wait, I'm not convinced!" One of the elders immediately shouted.

"The Roaring Dog!" Lin Xiu called softly, and the Roaring Dog immediately understood, only to see that the Roaring Dog jumped out and slapped the elder with one paw. The strength of the roaring sky dog ​​is still far behind!

The Xiaotian dog slapped his chest towards his chest, the elder couldn't dodge in time, he was hit by the claw, and he flew backwards.

The elder's blood spurted out immediately, and he couldn't believe that the strength of this vicious dog was so terrifying.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Chi shouted immediately.

"What am I doing? Do you know that you have offended me, the Son of the League? You have slandered the Son of the League. According to our alliance rules, you must at least abolish your cultivation. There are a lot of Sons of the League, but you just want to Kowtow to admit your mistake, how dare you refuse to accept it? If this is the case, then you have to do it now?"

Lin Xiu's words were half a threat, but they made some sense. If Lin Xiu was really the Holy Son, they had slandered Lin Xiu. This crime is not a small one. If they are really investigated, even if their cultivation base is abolished, it is not unreasonable. possible!
"Okay, we are willing to bet with you!" After hearing this, the elders looked at each other and finally made up their minds. Since Lin Xiu forced them, they had no choice but to bet now!

Lin Xiu naturally ignored their thoughts, and he went directly to the top of the Wuji Mountain, where he comprehended the sword demon's soul of swordsmanship.

"System, you didn't lie to me, did you? Is this sword spirit really stronger than the second righteous leader? I can't afford to lose face!" Lin Xiu said hastily.

"Don't worry, the host, the sword demon's soul of swordsmanship is stronger than all sword cultivators in this world. As long as you can comprehend even a fraction of his swordsmanship, you will already be able to surpass the sword intent on the divine sword wall!" system way.

Lin Xiu also heard the guarantee from the system, so he made this big gamble. Now that he has decided to gamble, Lin Xiu also needs to do his best. On Lin Xiu's head, there seem to be mysterious sword lights appearing.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiu closed his eyes. He is now concentrating on comprehending the soul of this sword way. Lin Xiu has already skipped the law of the sword and reached the state of "entering the Tao".

This realm is naturally very difficult, but now Lin Xiu has the soul of the Sword Demon, and he seems to have a guide. Others walk to "enter the Tao", but Lin Xiu is like a rocket. The gap can be imagined .

"Leader, what do you think this Lin Xiu is thinking? He doesn't really want to challenge the sword intent of the second-generation leader, does he?" Hei Ye smiled wryly, "The second-generation leader is a master of swordsmanship. When leaving this sword mark, I have already touched the realm of 'Entering the Tao'!"

"It stands to reason that this is indeed impossible. We have seen Lin Xiu make a move before. Apart from relying on the weapon in his hand, he relied on his martial soul. Regarding the way of the sword, he didn't even understand the law of the sword. Arrived!" Wu Xie shook her head and said.

"Entering the Tao is the real threshold of cultivation. It is said that as long as you succeed in entering the Tao, you will have the opportunity to become a martial saint, and even break through the void!" Heiye said yearningly.

"If you want to become a Martial Saint, I'm afraid you and I are hopeless, because we have already lost the best chance. If it were him, we would have a chance!" Wu Xie said suddenly.

"Leader, you don't plan to pursue everything here?" Heiye asked with a surprised face after hearing this.

Wu Xie, who was wearing a green hat, shook his head and said: "The divine clock will disappear, there must be a reason for it, and if Lin Xiu really has the ability to 'enter the Tao' this time, it proves that his talent is exceptional, what else should I pursue?" ?”

"But the other elders might be dissatisfied with this!" Heiye said again.

"What about dissatisfaction? Our Zhengqi League, if someone can join the Holy Academy, it will be more important to our Zhengqi League. I originally planned to let Ouyang Tianyu participate, but now, I can only let him try. Tried it!" Wu Xie said.

"But this matter is too early for him!" Heiye said.

"It's not too far away, there's only half a year left!" Wu Xie said lightly.

On the other side, Zhou Chi and other elders were also waiting.

"Elder Zhou Chi, that Lin Xiu is too arrogant, should we just watch him like this?" said one of the elders.

"What if he really understands the way of the sword? We have to kowtow to him to admit our mistake?" Another elder said.

"Elder Song Li, Elder He Zhong, what are you worried about? Don't you think that kid can really comprehend the way of swords overnight? Just kidding, even the second-term leader of the genius of swords comprehends 'introduction' from the law of the sword, It will take ten years, so what is he?" Zhou Chi said disdainfully.

"Although he said so, I'm afraid he has some skills, otherwise he wouldn't dare to say such a thing!" Only Elder Song Li said.

"We might as well send someone over there to have a look, what if he steals it?" Zhou Chi suggested, although he said it so disdainfully, he was still a little worried in his heart. .

Although it was said that they were afraid that Lin Xiu would escape, everyone present knew that they were also a little worried. They didn't know what Lin Xiu was doing, and they were worried that Lin Xiu had really understood the way of swordsmanship!

If Lin Xiu really understood the way of swordsmanship, not only Zhou Chi would die, but they would suffer too!

Want them to kowtow to Lin Xiu to admit their mistakes?They can't accept it, so it's still useful to send someone over to have a look at it at this time.

"Elder He Zhong, I'm counting on you this time!" Only Elder Song Li said.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll go see if he will escape!" He Zhong said immediately.

After He Zhong sneaked up to the top of the mountain, he only saw a giant black dog following him from the other side.

"What are you doing?" He Zhong looked at it and asked quickly.

"If you dare to attack my Highness, I will tear you apart!" said Xiaotiangou.

Thinking of Xiao Tiangou's methods, He Zhong immediately said: "I just went to see if he would escape!"

"Hmph, my Highness will run away?" Xiao Tiangou asked in disbelief.

The two had already reached the top of the mountain, only to see that Lin Xiu did not meditate and dance the sword, but used a branch to swing there. What is Lin Xiu doing?Everyone showed surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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