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Chapter 776 Lin Xiu actually did this kind of thing on the top of the mountain...

Chapter 776 Lin Xiu actually did this kind of thing on the top of the mountain...

Roaring Sky Dog would come here, and it was also discussed with other people, because they saw He Zhong coming up, they naturally wanted to catch up, and they didn't want He Zhong and the others to hurt Lin Xiu.

But what I didn't expect was that Lin Xiu was waving the branch here. Is this practicing sword?At least one must have a sword!
Now that Lin Xiu is waving the branch, what does it mean?

Everyone's expressions were a little weird, and they didn't understand what Lin Xiu wanted to do.

But it can be seen that Lin Xiu is dancing the branches very seriously.

"I thought he was here to learn the way of swordsmanship, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing on the top of the mountain!" He Zhong pouted.

"Why do you do this kind of thing? Don't you let my Highness learn the way of swordsman here?" Xiao Tianquan said dissatisfied.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I've never heard of someone using tree branches to comprehend the way of swords!" Seeing this, He Zhong felt relieved, and said, "Since this is the case, there is no need for me to stay any longer!"

He Zhong looked here for a while, and then he left.

Xiaotiangou's eyes were also a little puzzled. Looking at Lin Xiu's appearance, he was really dancing a sword here. Is he all right?
Using branches to comprehend the way of swordsmanship, speaking of it, Xiaotiangou has never heard of such a thing.

Isn't Lin Xiu really comprehending the way of the sword?
Xiaotiangou was a little confused, Lin Xiu shouldn't be joking with his own life, right?
Xiaotiangou was bored watching it, and was almost sleepy, so he went back down the mountain.

He Zhong has already gone back to the place where those elders are, and told the above things.

Hearing He Zhong's words, many elders and Dharma protectors immediately burst into laughter: "I thought he was comprehending some kind of kendo, but it turned out that he was studying the branch kendo. I really laughed to death!"

"Who says it's not? Lin Xiu is simply stupid to use branches to comprehend the way of swordsmanship!"

"I'm afraid he's going crazy with fear. No matter what, we must catch him and bring him back. He must be responsible for this matter!"


The people around have started to laugh, and they don't care about Lin Xiu anymore. Anyway, Lin Xiu is like this, it is definitely impossible to comprehend the way of the sword, not even the law of the sword!

One night passed quickly, and this matter also spread throughout the Zhengqi League, because Lin Xiu defeated Ouyang Tianyu before, so this time, the news about Lin Xiu spread quickly, and it passed in one night. There are actually 6 to [-] people gathered here, all surrounding this Wuji Mountain.

Because there is no Promise Clock, the people here can still fly and will not be affected at all. They are all waiting for Lin Xiu to arrive.

Wu Xie has already ordered that no one can go up to the top of the mountain to disturb Lin Xiu, so Lin Xiu still enjoys the rare tranquility.

The people here waited for a long time, and finally saw Lin Xiu coming down from the top of the mountain.

"Lin Xiu, you're finally here. We've been waiting for you for a long time!" Zhou Chi had a sneer on his face, "Have you comprehended your branch swordsmanship?"

"Hahaha..." The people around laughed out loud when they heard it.

"Branch swordsmanship? That's how it is. Did you watch me practice sword?" Lin Xiu's face was a little weird.

"Who peeked at you practicing sword? I just went up to see if you would escape. Who knows if a coward like you will escape?" He Zhong said immediately.

"Escape? In the dictionary of my Son, I never know what escape is. Since I said that I want to try my sword skills here, I have to try my sword here!" Lin Xiu said lightly. He waved his hand and went to Wuxie walked over.

Lin Xiu's arrogant appearance made Zhou Chi and the others a little helpless and angry.

"What are you pretending for? He must be trying to calm down here!" Song Li said immediately.

"Let's see again, he will make a fool of himself later!" He Zhong said.

Lin Xiu had already walked in front of Wuxie and Heiye, Heiye said: "Lin Xiu, if you are not sure, you can tell me, I can help you settle this matter!"

The voice of the night was very low, and he was probably worried that someone might hear it.

"No need, thank you, the deputy leader. Since I have said this, I am sure of it. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke?" Lin Xiu shook his head and said.

"Do you really want to try the sword? Let me tell you again, the divine sword wall is the sword mark drawn by the second leader of the Zhengqi League. His kendo was No. 1 in the mainland at that time. Do you really think your Will the way of the sword be stronger than him?" Wu Xie asked.

"Of course, the leader's swordsmanship was the best in the mainland at that time, but the swordsmanship of this holy son is the best today!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said immediately.

"Since you are so confident, then we won't stop you!" Only Wu Xie said.

"Young master, what weapon do you want to use?" Xiao Tiangou came over and asked.

"Weapon?" Lin Xiu said, with a casual move, only to see a branch had appeared in his hand, "This is enough!"

"What?" This time, Wuxie, Heiye and Xiaotiangou all showed surprise on their faces. Is Lin Xiu going to use this branch as a sword?
How can it be?If it was a joke, they would still believe it, but now, they don't want to believe it anymore!

What can a branch do?
"Okay, I don't want to waste time anymore. Since you want to learn the way of swordsmanship, I will show you what the real way of swordsmanship is!" Lin Xiu said.

"Hahaha...Lin Xiu, don't you mean that you use this branch to show us a real sword?" Zhou Chi laughed.

"Lin Xiu, if you don't even have a sword, you can borrow one from us. What do you want to do with this branch?" Song Li also shook his head and said.

When other people around saw it, their faces were also a little depressed. Lin Xiu didn't come here to make trouble, did he?
I heard that Lin Xiu bet his life that his kendo is stronger than the sword marks on the wall of the divine sword, but now it seems that this is just a joke!

"Who said that branches can't emit sword energy?" Lin Xiu said lightly, only to see the branches in his hand waved forward, as if waving casually, at this moment, everyone only felt their own breath suffocating .

What happened?
Everyone present couldn't believe it was true. Just now, did Lin Xiu use his sword?
No, where did Lin Xiu get the sword?In his hand, there is only one branch!

Everyone could tell that what Lin Xiu was holding was a tree branch. What was that suffocating breath just now?
In the next moment, only an earth-shattering sound was heard, and everyone saw that the Divine Sword Peak in front of them was cut in half by an invisible sword energy.

(End of this chapter)

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