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Chapter 777 You guys don't know anything about kendo!

Chapter 777 You guys don't know anything about kendo!
The power of this sword was able to cut the Shenjian Peak in half, and everyone looked at the position of the Shenjian Peak now, and only saw that at the position where it was cut in half, everyone seemed to see a sword The giant sword volleyed and fell from the sky.

Among the people present, most of them were not sword cultivators, but now they felt that the mountain in front of them seemed to be caused by a peerless sword cultivator.

Just seeing this gap, they already had a feeling that this was a sword mark made by a peerless sword repairer!

If the sword marks made by the former leader of the second-generation Righteousness Alliance belonged to Xiaohe, now Lin Xiu's sword is a boundless sea!
Even a layman can easily see the gap between the two.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding...shock value +"


"This... what is this? Impossible, I don't believe it!" Zhou Chi's face was full of disbelief.

"Is this really caused by the branches?" Song Li also felt that he was going crazy.

"It's too powerful, this kind of swordsmanship, he is already proficient in the realm of 'enlightenment'!" Hei Ye also said.


The people present were all amazed, they had never seen this kind of power of swordsmanship before, even the previous Divine Sword Wall did not have this kind of sword power!

"Lin Xiu, is what you said before true? Did you really spend one night comprehending the way of swordsmanship?" Only an innocent voice could be heard.

When the other people around heard Wu Xie's words, their faces changed drastically, did they spend a whole night comprehending the way of swordsmanship?He's not joking, is he?

"Master, you should also know that I didn't even comprehend the law of the sword before, but after this night's epiphany, I have comprehended it, and now my swordsmanship belongs to the realm of 'enlightenment'!" Lin Xiu calmly replied.

That's right, if you pretend to be aggressive, you should pretend to be big. What's the point of pretending to be sexy?
"I do know your original swordsmanship, but I didn't expect that overnight, you would be able to comprehend the swordsmanship, and you could even comprehend the state of 'entering the Tao'!" Wu Xie said with a smile.

"Elder He Zhong, you weren't dazzled before, were you? Did he really dance that branch before?" Song Li said immediately.

"I'm definitely not mistaken, haven't you seen it? He didn't use the sword at all just now, but just attacked with that branch!" He Zhong also retorted immediately.

"No, I don't believe it. How can you use that branch to show the way of the sword? You can comprehend the way of the sword with the branch? I absolutely don't believe that the branch in your hand will definitely be a treasure!" Zhou Chi said like Crazy, he pointed at Lin Xiu and said angrily, "You are cheating!"

"Cheating?" Hearing these words, Lin Xiu showed disdain on his face, "Since you say my branch is a treasure, then you should see clearly what it is!"

As Lin Xiu said, he threw the branch towards Zhou Chi.

Zhou Chi took it immediately, but as soon as his hand touched the branch, the branch broke in two.

Zhou Chi was dumbfounded!
Song Li was also dumbfounded!

He Zhong was even more dumbfounded!

What about the treasure?

Where did this treasure come from?
Everyone couldn't believe it, this is not a treasure at all, it is obviously an ordinary branch, it will break if you break it!
How could such a branch burst out with such a powerful sword energy?

Everyone's eyes were full of inconceivable color.

"You guys don't know anything about the way of the sword!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

We don't know anything about kendo?If Lin Xiu had said this before, no one would have believed it, but it is different now.

What Lin Xiu said was true. After all, Lin Xiu's comprehension in the way of swordsmanship was much stronger than theirs. This sword energy alone was already so terrifying. Even the sword marks here before, They can't compare with Lin Xiu's sword at all.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Xiu's sword energy is emitted from tree branches!

If Lin Xiu got a good sword, how strong would he be?

"Son of Lin Xiu, I wonder if I can ask you about kendo. Why are you able to use branches instead of swords? How strong is your kendo?" One of the elders of the Righteousness League has a very strong attitude towards Lin Xiu. Respectful.

This elder is a sword cultivator, so he naturally respects those who are strong in the way of the sword.

"Since you have already asked this question, then the Holy Son will explain to you, do you know what a sword is?" Lin Xiu asked back.

"Sword, of course, is a weapon. It can be used to kill or injure others. The sharpness of the sword can injure the enemy as well as oneself. The sword is also the most powerful weapon..." the elder immediately began to speak.

Lin Xiu just shook his head when he heard it, and said, "What you said is just a superficial sword!"

"The sword on the surface?" The elder was stunned when he heard it.

"I once heard of a senior who used the heavy sword first. The heavy sword had no front, and the skill was useless. Then he used the heavy sword to be invincible in the world. This is the way of the sword!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"What? The epee is invincible in the world?" The elder's face changed when he heard it.

"Following that, he no longer needed to use the heavy sword, because he was not attached to things, and discovered that plants, trees, bamboo and rocks could all be swords!"

Plants and trees can be used as swords. In this realm, they are actually stronger than heavy swords?

"And in the end, he has entered the realm of no sword, he no longer needs a sword, but every gesture of his hand can be a sword! This is the great achievement of swordsmanship!"

The realm without swords!

When everyone heard these words, they were quite shocked. The real state of swordsmanship is actually the state of no sword!
No wonder Lin Xiu can use branches as swords. With his strength, he doesn't need to use swords at all, because Lin Xiu has already reached the point where grass and trees are swords!
Many people immediately knelt down: "His Royal Highness, I never thought that your understanding of swords would be so profound!"

"His Royal Highness Lin Xiu, I really admire you so much!"

"His Royal Highness, I hope you can guide us in cultivation!"

"My swordsmanship, if I have the guidance of His Royal Highness, I will definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds!"

"Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your guidance!"


Many people are grateful to Lin Xiu. After all, Lin Xiu's few words just now made them feel enlightened.

You can know how rare these few words of Lin Xiu are!

Only at this time, there was another person shouting angrily: "Impossible, I don't believe it, this is absolutely impossible!"

Lin Xiu knew who this person was without looking. This person was Zhou Chi!
"You must be cheating, you must be!" Zhou Chi pointed at Lin Xiu and said angrily.

Up to this time, Zhou Chi still didn't admit that Lin Xiu had won him!
(End of this chapter)

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