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Chapter 778 Lin Xiu's Thoughts

Chapter 778 Lin Xiu's Thoughts


At such a time, Zhou Chi is still uttering such nonsense this week.

It took Lin Xiu one night to comprehend the soul of the Sword Dao of a sword demon, but it was only a part of it.

Lin Xiu's blood is not good, but his comprehension is still very good. After comprehending the way of swordsman, he can practice swords like grass and trees in one night!

But if you want to practice without a sword to win with a sword, it will probably take time!
The soul of swordsmanship is in Lin Xiu's body, but it is like eating, but it has not been digested until now.

Obviously, Lin Xiu didn't digest the soul of swordsmanship, but even so, this time's pretense is enough!
The things that can be opened from the amethyst treasure chest, I am afraid this is already considered a very good treasure!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding...shock value +"

I have to say that this time Lin Xiu collected a lot of pretense points.

And Zhou Chi's appearance also surprised Lin Xiu, how much does this person hate himself?

Looking at Zhou Chi's appearance, I can't wait for Lin Xiu to die!

"Elder Zhou Chi, Shengzi Linxiu is a real master of swordsmanship, how can you say that about him?" one of the elders said immediately.

"I won't believe it, Lin Xiu, you must be cheating, how could you realize the Taoism overnight?" Zhou Chi said immediately.

"What's unbelievable? You can't do it, but it doesn't mean I can't do it, because I'm a genius!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"..." Hei Ye.

"..." Shocking.

"..." Wuxie.

Claiming to be a genius, probably only Lin Xiu would do that!
However, Lin Xiu's swordsmanship talent, to say a genius, is not a problem.

"You..." Zhou Chi wanted to say something, but Lin Xiu interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

I only heard Lin Xiu say: "Stop talking nonsense, the bet between you and me should be carried out!"

Many elders looked at each other, they knelt on the ground at the same time, kowtowed to Lin Xiu and said, "His Royal Highness, we were the ones who offended His Highness because of our blind eyes before. I hope His Royal Highness can forgive us!"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, we were wrong before!"

"His Royal Highness, we will definitely respect you in the future!"


These powerhouses also admire the current Lin Xiu very much. Lin Xiu's swordsmanship has grown to such an extent, it is really unexpected for them. It is only one night, and Lin Xiu can comprehend the swordsmanship. This is not true ordinary people can compare.

If in the future, Lin Xiu masters swordsmanship, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find an opponent in the mainland!
How could these elders dare to be disrespectful to Lin Xiu any more, not to mention Lin Xiu in the future, even the current Lin Xiu can easily get rid of them.

These elders are now sincerely convinced by Lin Xiu, so naturally it is impossible to do anything to Lin Xiu.

The surrounding disciples were already shocked by Lin Xiu's sword energy, but now they saw these elders kneeling and kowtowing to Lin Xiu, they were even more shocked.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding...shock value +"

This time Lin Xiu played a big role, even Wu Xie had to admire him.

"Zhou Chi, do you think you won or lost?" Lin Xiu's voice came.

"I...I won't lose!" Zhou Chi's face changed drastically at this time, and he wanted to leave as soon as he turned around.

"It's too late to escape now!" Lin Xiu said lightly, but Lin Xiu didn't make a move.

After all, the sword qi just now had already consumed all the energy in Lin Xiu's body. It is already very good for him to be able to stand here and pretend to be aggressive, let alone chasing and killing Zhou Chi.

I only saw a figure appearing, and Zhou Chi had already been caught. Zhou Chi had no way to compare with that person, and he couldn't even take a single move.

This person is really shaking the sky!
"Since we made this bet, if you want to leave, then you have to keep the bet and save your life!" Lin Xiu's voice came out.

"Ding, collect the data of the strong in front of you, Zhou Chi, Wuhun, Jinshi snake (earth), blood, nothing, kung fu, heavenly snake art, soul skills... comprehensive evaluation, heaven!"

"Ding, I have collected a sky-level talent and got 1000 talent points!"

Zhou Chi's eyes widened, but Zhentian had already punched him out, smashing him into pieces.

"Ding, collect the data of the strong in front of you, Zhentian, Martial Soul, Zhentian God Ape (Earth), Bloodline, None, Kung Fu, Emperor Ape Art, Soul Skill...Comprehensive evaluation, king level!"

"Ding, I have collected a sky-level talent and got 10000 talent points!"

What a terrifying punch!
The people around felt the chills in their backs, this is an elder, he will kill if he says so!

This holy son seems really domineering!

Lin Xiu saw that Zhou Chi was dead, and the other elders no longer dared to have any opinions on him.

Lin Xiucai said: "Leader, I think today's incident should come to an end! Although I accidentally destroyed this divine sword wall, I just wanted to test the sword. Jianfeng should be able to make up for the loss of the Zhengqi League, right?"

"Lin Xiu, your swordsmanship is really rare in the world. Of course, this Broken Sword Peak can compare to the original Divine Sword Wall!" Wu Xie replied.

This time, no one can doubt Lin Xiu's swordsmanship anymore. With the current Linxiu's swordsmanship, I am afraid that there are not many people in the whole continent who can compare with him!

But what surprised Lin Xiu was that he had already seen all the information and data of the two people in front of him when they performed their martial arts. This is also the benefit that the Promise Divine Clock also brought to Lin Xiu.

In this way, Lin Xiu can collect some people's information here!
Lin Xiu thought for a while, and then said: "Leader, I have just become a holy son, and I have not made any good contributions to the Zhengqi League. How about this? I will open a lecture hall here to guide everyone, not just those Kendo, even people in other fields, I can also guide it!"

Lin Xiu now has this divine clock, but he can't just ask people to demonstrate martial arts in front of him, right?It is too inefficient to ask someone to play a set of martial arts casually for oneself to see, and it will be regarded as a fool.

It's better to ask someone to come to the door by yourself.

Lin Xiu believes that with his current reputation, someone will come soon. With his talent box, Lin Xiu can easily point out the opponent's weaknesses, and even point them out!
" really have a way to guide other people?" Wu Xie was a little surprised, if Lin Xiu could really do it, then this would be a good thing!
"Yes! Leader, I have such confidence!" Lin Xiu nodded.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll publicize this matter for you!" Only Wu Xie said.

 Sorry, I forgot to update because I fell asleep in front of the computer when I wrote the article yesterday, and today is also the day of omnichannel

(End of this chapter)

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